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America and the hate politics cause


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I think you have drastically misinterpreted the topic of this thread, and more specifically misread my post.

Either that you you just don't understand the difference between "work" and "play".

You are talking about work. And yes, you need to be able to work with all kinds of people, people with different points of view. You need to treat these people civilly, professionally and work together to achieve your goals.

However this thread was about who you choose to be friends with. And my post that you are replying to specifically states "who you choose to spend time with socially". Do you understand the difference?
From the OP : 33% of respondents said they would "definitely not" or "probably not" be open to being friends with someone who voted for the opposing party's presidential nominee

Not open to it. You don't need to see that as problematic, and you're welcome to your opinion. I don't share it.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
From the OP : 33% of respondents said they would "definitely not" or "probably not" be open to being friends with someone who voted for the opposing party's presidential nominee

Not open to it. You don't need to see that as problematic, and you're welcome to your opinion. I don't share it.
I am not sure we are even talking about the same topic.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I am not sure we are even talking about the same topic.
Fair enough. I think the division in American society is problematic. You think people should be judged based on the party they support.

To a degree I agree with you at a high level. I wouldn't be friends with someone supporting the Nazi party, as a stupidly simplistic example. The difference might just be in how we view the boundaries around the group known as 'Republican voters'

It's fine. We don't need to agree.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes, the OP is about friends. So why are you on about work (post 77) ? :shrug:
Not 'work' but 'work with'.
I'm friends with all sorts of deluded folks...even religious people...ahem.
I judge them based on how they treat people. We vary GREATLY on other things. Funnily, there are lots of lefties I find hard to handle from a friendship point of view.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Not 'work' but 'work with'.
I'm friends with all sorts of deluded folks...even religious people...ahem.
I judge them based on how they treat people. We vary GREATLY on other things.

If someone votes for a candidate specifically because that voter supports certain policies that would harm other groups—such as by denying them one or more of their basic rights—would that count as mistreating people or not? For example, would it be problematic for a pro-choice woman who wanted to have an abortion to stop being friends with someone who voted for Trump specifically because they wanted to advance an abortion ban?

Does it make a major difference whether someone treats others poorly themselves or specifically and knowingly votes for a candidate because they want someone else to treat others poorly on their behalf?

To clarify, my position is that cutting someone off solely based on their vote would depend on many other variables such as that person's general attitude toward others, their intentions with the vote, the information they had at the time of voting, their attitude toward discussion, their openness to hearing or reading different views, etc. So if I were asked, "Would you be friends with a Trump voter?" My answer would be, "This is too contextual and reliant on variables for a uniform answer to suffice."

My own friend group includes people with all sorts of different views, including fundamentalists who believe that apostates (so people like me, from their perspective) should be killed—and it has sometimes been especially interesting to see the contrast between their beliefs and their valuing of their friendship with me (since some of them know I fall into the "apostate" category per their beliefs), as well as their reasoning for being open to the friendship. I recognize this as a choice I have made for myself, though, and I generally wouldn't blame someone else if they chose not to befriend people who thought they should be killed or locked up just for their beliefs or for being themselves without harming others.

Funnily, there are lots of lefties I find hard to handle from a friendship point of view.

Same here. This was especially pronounced when I joined Discord servers that were exclusively meant for people with similar religious beliefs to mine. After a lot of drama, conflict, animosity, and gossip among some members, many members realized that merely sharing beliefs with someone else is not sufficient grounds for a friendship. Factors like maturity, non-judgmentalism, compatibility (without necessitating agreement or similarity) in personality, attitude, interests, etc., were simply absent when certain people interacted with others, and the whole idea that everyone on the server would get along well merely on the basis of similar beliefs and experiences appeared much weaker than it initially seemed to be.

Some people's beliefs prove to be a barrier to friendship, though, such as when I know they could endanger my safety or otherwise mistreat me if they found out about my beliefs. In such cases, it's less about any need for us to have similar beliefs and more about a necessity that there be no dealbreaking beliefs, such as ones that could inspire endangering someone else's safety based on their views.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Brit here who married a man so politely opposite to me that he leaned to the right at his ankles...how friendly is that.

Anyway, i trained him out of his abhorrent behaviour...


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I just hate most politicians. When I think about it, which isn't often. And then "hate" is such a strong word. "Dislike" is a better description of what I feel, maybe "distaste."


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Are you sure it is all about being conservative or liberal?

I am sure it's more about Trump voters against anti-Trumpers...

If Trump quit politics, the 90% of all this divisiveness would fade away.... ;)
Well, we don't have long to wait, how old is he now, 78 or 79?
Political polarization at its best. Nothing to be proud of.

A third of young voters said they wouldn't want to be friends with someone who voted for a different presidential candidate: poll​

"-The US has increasingly become politically polarized in recent decades.
-A third of respondents in a recent poll said they can't even be friends with rival party supporters.
-A similar poll in 2016 found that 7% of voters reported friendships ending because of the election.

The poll, conducted between February 3 and 14 by The Generation Lab and Axios to 1,073 young adults, revealed that 33% of respondents said they would "definitely not" or "probably not" be open to being friends with someone who voted for the opposing party's presidential nominee (selecting Republican former President Donald Trump or Democratic current President Joe Biden, specifically).

Monday's survey comes around seven years after a Monmouth University poll found that 7% of voters said they ended friendships over the vitriolic race between Trump and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Those friendships ended, the poll found, as 70% of respondents said the presidential campaign "brought out the worse in people."

There was a bi-partisan agreement made back in 1996 to destroy this nation by reaching back 500 years in history.

We are still living with the effects today.

We Never Know

No Slack
The wealthy elites that own and control everything want us all at each other's throats so we won't wake up and turn on them. And amazingly, we apparently like hating and blaming each other so much that it works. And has been working for many decades.
"They wealthy elites that control everything want us all at each other's throats so we won't wake up and turn on them"

So do the politicians. Oh wait, they are part of the wealthy elites lol


Veteran Member
"They wealthy elites that control everything want us all at each other's throats so we won't wake up and turn on them"

So do the politicians. Oh wait, they are part of the wealthy elites lol
The politicians are just their paid toadies. Blaming the toadies and ignoring the oligarchs that own them is exactly what those oligarchs want you to do.


Well-Known Member
Political polarization at its best. Nothing to be proud of.

A third of young voters said they wouldn't want to be friends with someone who voted for a different presidential candidate: poll​

"-The US has increasingly become politically polarized in recent decades.
-A third of respondents in a recent poll said they can't even be friends with rival party supporters.
-A similar poll in 2016 found that 7% of voters reported friendships ending because of the election.

The poll, conducted between February 3 and 14 by The Generation Lab and Axios to 1,073 young adults, revealed that 33% of respondents said they would "definitely not" or "probably not" be open to being friends with someone who voted for the opposing party's presidential nominee (selecting Republican former President Donald Trump or Democratic current President Joe Biden, specifically).

Monday's survey comes around seven years after a Monmouth University poll found that 7% of voters said they ended friendships over the vitriolic race between Trump and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Those friendships ended, the poll found, as 70% of respondents said the presidential campaign "brought out the worse in people."

This has to do with the Democrat Party, which is the party of hate and two faced division. The Democrats usually have nothing positive to run on, so they fixate on mudslinging, negativity and doom and gloom. They would prefer a rigged court drama with Trump, than to discuss issues. They pit people against each other by polarizing people into groups; divide and conquer strategy. They defined all men as bad, and all women as good; opposites to skim the women voter. The men become the perpetual target of the Lefty crap, unless you are a lefty man and then dual standards apply. If your on team hypocrite you get a pass in terms of all their scams.

Democrats are better at the games of politics; fake news, but are not very skilled in practical matters. They depend on an increasing number of impractical young people they try to groom in public schools; dependents. They even pitted children against their parents, to push forward a transgender division scheme, as well as pitted unborn babies against adult women. The DNC reminds me of a gossip at a party, trying to start fights between people, while acting as the confident of both. The two fight and the gossip moves on.

This pathological behavior became worst when Donald Trump entered the race for President in 2016. During the primaries, the two faced Democrats supported the long shot Trump, because he was seen as the spoiler, doing damage to the more likely Republican nominees. Trump was used as a tool for division within the Republican Party. This was partially effective, even in the long term.

Once Trump did the impossible and won the Republican nomination, the other face of the two faced Democrats, appeared. Now it was full time mud slinging, lies and gossip through their fake new propaganda machine and criminal intel division; Russian Collusion scam. Trump was running on positive messaging, that first required getting rid of the messes, the moron DNC had created; open border immigration, economy killing regulation, Arab war making machine, and swamp corruption. Since the DNC cannot run on anything good, they did what they do best, which is political gaming with a criminal edge, while blaming everyone else.

Luckily, the DNC is now imploding under its own rules of gossip engagement. It is still pitting people against one another, but now this is now happening internally; immigrants versus citizen minorities, Jews versus Arabs, rich verse poor Democrats, lawful versus criminal Democrats. Trump is picking up votes in this DNC internal division.

In my experience the Liberals are the most intolerant. They have smaller brains and can only process half the data at a time. If you add more than half, they melt down. The DNC is more than glad to give them only half the data, and the rest gossip, to make them loyal.
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We Never Know

No Slack
The politicians are just their paid toadies. Blaming the toadies and ignoring the oligarchs that own them is exactly what those oligarchs want you to do.
Blaming and ignoring? My post...

"So do the politicians. Oh wait, they are part of the wealthy elites lol"

"So do" meaning they also want it
"Part of" meaning they are among the group