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Search results for query: "Micah 4:3"

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  1. U

    How do you detect "design"?

    'I'd like to join you after Armageddon (war to end all wars - Psalm 46:9; Micah 4:3-4) in enjoying a glass of Laphroaig scotch Where would it be a good place to meet for that drink ?
  2. U

    new age beliefs thats wrong

    I can agree that Heaven is a permanent place of peace and love as in Christian Scripture Because Heaven is a permanent place of peace and love is why we ask for God's will (His purpose) to be done here on Earth as it is done in Heaven In Heaven there is: No crime, No violence, No pollution, No...
  3. U

    If God Created Man...

    I read nothing sick about the created paradisical Garden of Eden. If Adam stepped on a bug then Adam did know what death is - Gen. 2:17 Satan not only challenged Job (Job 2:4-5) but includes all of us. 'Touch our flesh....' - 'loose physical health' and we would Not serve God under adverse...
  4. U

    One God or many gods

    In the Bible God is Not only God but The Creator - Revelation 4:11 From Heaven God sends forth His spirit - Psalm 104:30 God's spirit is His Power, His strength, His abundant dynamic energy - Isaiah 40:26 All of us come from fallen-father Adam. None of us can stop sinning thus we all die. We...
  5. U

    Jesus Failed Right?

    Yes, asking God for truth and guidance is best, and best as found in God's Word/ Scripture. To me Jesus knew what the future holds because Jesus said the meek will inherit the Earth - Matt.5:5; Psalms 37:9-11; 22:26 That future will start with the coming 'final signal', so to speak as found at...
  6. YoursTrue

    By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...

    I imagine. That was quite a privilege you had. My family came from Poland, those that did not escape were killed, some did manage to get to Israel and we visited them there. Of course the ones that came to America escaped before the Holocaust. My mother would always tell me about the pogroms...
  7. U

    How can this world be a better world?

    Some people look at a picture of the sun and see a sun setting whereas others see the same picture and see the sun rising. The ' sun rising ' is the beginning times, showing the end of destruction, war and divide. - Isaiah 2:4; Micah 4:3-4 The sun rising when people will beat their swords...
  8. U

    The Future of Humanity on Earth

    Yes, I agree that the planet will bounce back but ' before ' we end up destroying ourselves. There will be divine involvement into mankind's affairs. The war to end all wars aka Armageddon is the final war because God will bring an end to war - Psalm 46:9 The people left standing are the...
  9. Trailblazer

    How do Baha’is see atheists?

    I do not think he missed the mark. Nobody can accommodate all the different Bible translations. Since you haven't read Thief in the Night for a while, here is the chapter on the Micah prophecies. 4. The amazing Micah In one small Book of the Old Testament, I found a series of successive...
  10. T

    UN Vote for Peace

    Maybe it is worth considering that it is all in the hands of Christ. After all, Jesus has not been around for over 2000 years. Regards Tony
  11. U

    UN Vote for Peace

    To me the ' sit down at the table ' will be because of backing to strengthen the United Nations. The powers in charge will be saying, " Peace and Security...." but that Rosy saying could lead people down that Primrose Path. - 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 Then imagine what we can then achieve with the...
  12. U

    The Second Coming?

    Seems to me that people have been saying that for a thousand years plus. That does Not make the Bible as wrong just the calculations or guesses as wrong. First: Matthew 24:14 would have to be completed on an international global scale as now being done today. Then: the powers in charge will be...
  13. U

    Nothing Has Changed...

    Starting with Cain in Genesis we can see increase in global troubles by man just as Jesus said at Matthew 24:6-7 Lawlessness is a reason why we are all invited to pray to God asking for Jesus to come ! Come and rid the Earth of wickedness - Isaiah 11:3-4; Revelation 19:14-15; Micah 4:3-4
  14. U

    Yet another mass shooting...

    Genuine followers of Jesus put down the sword (carnal weapons) as Jesus said at Matthew 26:52, Revelation 13:10 Christian weapons are not carnal weapons - 2 Corinthians 10:4 Christian armor is spiritual and Not literal - Ephesians 6:11-17 Weapons will be turned into farm implements as found at...
  15. U

    Fewer Americans see Bible as literal

    I'm wondering what in particular sounds great to you__________________ End of war - Psalms 46:9; Micah 4:3-4; Isaiah 2:4 End of violence - Psalms 72:14 End of sickness - Isaiah 33:24 End of pollution - Revelation 11:18 B End of natural disasters - Mark 4:39;6:51 End of insecurity - Ezekiel 34:25...
  16. Balthazzar

    Last Days (End Times?)

    So, this world is both a paradise and a place of torment? I will agree. The tormentors and the tormented - the refiners and those being refined. Clay to stone - political structures, which you deemed to be iron unstable, much like clay in process. Both can and are in process - people and...
  17. U

    Last Days (End Times?)

    What is the gospel good news but what we read at Daniel 2:44-45. That political statue shows the rise and fall of world powers since Babylon being the head of gold. The feet mixed of iron (political) and clay (humanity) is showing the stable can not be mixed with the un-stable. In other words...
  18. David Davidovich

    Why Would Noah's Flood Have Been the Best Way for God to Cleanse the Earth?

    Well, not until you get into an apocalyptic religion. Because after that, it's all about fearing when the end of the world comes and making sure that you follow all of your religion's rules. I'm not sure what you meant by that one. That sure does sound like a threat to me. Yes. Peace on...
  19. Subduction Zone

    Why Would Noah's Flood Have Been the Best Way for God to Cleanse the Earth?

    Well that is apocalyptic too. But the Noah's Ark myth is actually even more apocalyptic. Let's forget about Revelation, that book can be interpreted in many many different ways. That should disqualify it from even being called "scripture". But there were enough fans of crazy when they...
  20. U

    Why Would Noah's Flood Have Been the Best Way for God to Cleanse the Earth?

    To me, apocalyptic-religious beliefs are based on the 'good news' found in Revelation - please see Revelation 22:2. We are all invited to pray the invitation to God for Jesus to come ! - Rev. 22:20. Wicked/violent people being fear ( who leaves doors unlocked and feel safe ) We all have the...