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chip on the shoulder. just a BSing thread

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Maybe its just me but from what I read many carry two chips on their shoulder. One being politics and the other being religion.

Its like mixing pure sodium with water.
Not me, but I've always wondered where that hump on my back came from. :oops:


Veteran Member
I'm not so sure of that. I agree that politics shouldn't be personal, but the way so many people can become quite passionate, angry, zealous, and even fanatical about it, it appears to hit pretty close to home with many.
Strong personal feelings are one thing. A grudge or grievance is something else.


Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure of that. I agree that politics shouldn't be personal, but the way so many people can become quite passionate, angry, zealous, and even fanatical about it, it appears to hit pretty close to home with many.

I have to agree with that 100% as with any family gathering, in our family politics is off the table for discussion as the emotions take over.


हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
Maybe its just me but from what I read many carry two chips on their shoulder. One being politics and the other being religion.

Its like mixing pure sodium with water.

Ok, you're making me feel attacked here. Yes, I frequently start threads where I express my strong feelings about politics in Madagascar. Yes, I write a lot of posts to share my grievances about followers of the Jain religion. But, you know something, none of it is a 'chip on my shoulder' because chips are not made from mixing pure sodium with water. I'm just a perfectly rational person who knows what's right for everybody, that is all. :tongueout:

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Maybe its just me but from what I read many carry two chips on their shoulder. One being politics and the other being religion.

I can't argue with that, except perhaps with your use of the chip phrase as discussed elsewhere. But yes, these are two passions of many people, both places where there are zero-sum confrontations, that is, where a win for one side is understood as a loss for the other.

Papas fritas

Just a week ago, the wife and I ordered a meal (we live in Mexico) and were asked if we preferred ensalada (salad) or papas fritas. That has always meant french fries in the past, but the meal came with potato chips. I just ran "potato chips" through the translator, and got papas fritas as well. I guess I never learned the name for potato chips in Spanish. Now, I don't know how to request either, since they are called the same thing.

I hope they're chili lime flavored..

Since I'm on the subject, I bet you'd like Mexico. Also this week, while shopping, the only crunchy Cheetos they had were chili lime, and so were the Fritos. I don't recall seeing these options in the States. My American palate prefers the original flavor in both cases. If I recall, you don't live in the States, but I don't recall you saying where you do live. Hopefully, if you eat such foods, you have access to these flavors. It's the same with salted, shelled peanuts:



Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
Those aren’t chips. These are chips…

View attachment 66840

I'm fine being corrected if you'll give me that batch... :D

Sure. A grudge or grievance implies a perceived personal slight of some kind. There are people here who have had a bad personal experience with religion and may consequently bear a grudge. But politics? Generally that is not personal.

People sure take it personally around here. In the US, its pretty common to end friendships over political differences. :confused:

Strong personal feelings are one thing. A grudge or grievance is something else.

Perhaps grudge doesn't fit here, but there are some folks that if they found you voted for someone that they feel is 'against' them(in some way, shape, or form) perceive that as a personal attack. Grievance might fit.

Since I'm on the subject, I bet you'd like Mexico. Also this week, while shopping, the only crunchy Cheetos they had were chili lime, and so were the Fritos. I don't recall seeing these options in the States. My American palate prefers the original flavor in both cases. If I recall, you don't live in the States, but I don't recall you saying where you do live. Hopefully, if you eat such foods, you have access to these flavors. It's the same with salted, shelled peanuts:

View attachment 66847 View attachment 66848

Sadly, I am in the states(Iowa, specifically). I probably would like Mexico. We had a friend who offered to take us back with him when he goes, but he ended up selling the house he had down there and staying here.

I'll take a look out for those peanuts; they look delicious. Fortunately, we do have several Mexican grocers in my city, so I have pretty good access to Mexican products. I tend to bypass the chip isle when I'm there, though, as I'm rushing to the fridge to get a piece of tres leches cake...

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
RF needs cheese dispensers. The calming
effect works on all races & genders.
Yeah. And me, I already out white most white people by default being a ginger, but when it comes to cheese I surpass even albino white as I achieve titanium white.:D