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Creation and Evolution Compatible...Questions


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Where are your evidences for the Creator or the Designer?

Wait...you have none. Yes, this is old.
The elegance and the functional (specified) complexity of the designs, themselves! Please, provide us with an observation and experiment that reveals highly complex information originating and arranging itself, without an intelligent source behind it?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The elegance and the functional (specified) complexity of the designs, themselves! Please, provide us with an observation and experiment that reveals highly complex information originating and arranging itself, without an intelligent source behind it?

You need to quit using bogus undefined terms. Creationists can never defined "design" just as they can never define "kinds". While you are at it you need to define "information" as well. I am pretty sure that you are relying upon equivocation fallacies.


The Lost One
The elegance and the functional (specified) complexity of the designs, themselves!

Sorry, but you are just projecting your belief to nature, and you are using circular reasoning.

For your claim to be true, you have provide to evidences, not your personal belief. And that evidences would have to be evidences of God, Creator or Designer.

You do understand the concept of "verifiable" evidences don't you?

If you say, you have hypothesis, as example, and you were Scientist A (theist). And in your 10 experiments, it successfully back up your claim, then you sent your hypothesis to independent scientists, say Scientist B (atheist) and Scientist C (Jedi).

When Scientist B performed 4 experiments, and Scientist C performed 20 separate experiments, and all test results, also back up your hypothesis.

What this example shows, is that your hypothesis has been verified 34 experiments, so you have 34 evidences. The evidences are not based your personal belief in God, Scientist B belief in no God and Scientist C's belief in the Force. Meaning theism, atheism and Jedism are irrelevant.

But you have no evidences for the existence of Creator or Designer, because you cannot test God, you cannot detect (or observe), you cannot measure God and you cannot quantify God.

God himself is untestable. Meaning God is unfalsifiable and you cannot possibly perform experiment on God.

The purpose of Scientific Method is to test the formulated hypothesis.

So a hypothesis that is untestable, is not even a hypothesis; what it is untestable and baseless claim.

Intelligent Design is pseudoscience because the claims of the Designer are untestable.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Where are your evidences for the Creator or the Designer?

It is in the genetic code that you think nobody wrote.

It is in the complexity of integrated design which you think is an endless series of fortunate flukes.

Someone has swallowed a fairy tale with regard to this subject and I don't think its believers in ID....

Wait...you have none.

I have as much as you do...which I have maintained all along.

Where is the substantiated evidence that macro-evolution is even possible, let alone probable? :shrug:

If someone mentions "speciation" again I will just scream!!

I am still waiting.......


The Lost One
It is in the genetic code that you think nobody wrote.

It is in the complexity of integrated design which you think is an endless series of fortunate flukes.

Someone has swallowed a fairy tale with regard to this subject and I don't think its believers in ID....

I have as much as you do...which I have maintained all along.

Where is the substantiated evidence that macro-evolution is even possible, let alone probable? :shrug:

If someone mentions "speciation" again I will just scream!!

I am still waiting.......
You are the one to talk.

The only fairy tale I see, is coming from you and your belief in some invisible being who can do everything, and yet leave no evidences of himself behind. That's fairytale.

Fairy tale is believing in the global Flood as narrated in the bible, and yet there are no evidences to support such Flood.

Fairy tale is believing a serpent or a donkey can talk.

Fairy tale is believing in Jesus walking on water, cure leprosy or blindness with a touch or words.

Fairy tale is believing in Satan, demons, possession and exorcism.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
You are the one to talk.

The only fairy tale I see, is coming from you and your belief in some invisible being who can do everything, and yet leave no evidences of himself behind. That's fairytale.

Fairy tale is believing in the global Flood as narrated in the bible, and yet there are no evidences to support such Flood.

Fairy tale is believing a serpent or a donkey can talk.

Fairy tale is believing in Jesus walking on water, cure leprosy or blindness with a touch or words.

Fairy tale is believing in Satan, demons, possession and exorcism.

I guess we will have to wait and see....won't we?

I am still waiting for you to post your evidence as to why we should believe that evolution ever took place outside of adaptation. Just more excuses......why? Can't you find anything that doesn't involve unsubstantiated suggestions?

Weigh up what happens if I'm right......compared to what happens if you are?

All the best with that.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I guess we will have to wait and see....won't we?

I am still waiting for you to post your evidence as to why we should believe that evolution ever took place outside of adaptation. Just more excuses......why? Can't you find anything that doesn't involve unsubstantiated suggestions?

Weigh up what happens if I'm right......compared to what happens if you are?

All the best with that.
The problem remains that you do not understand the concept of evidence and appear to be afraid to learn. You demand evidence but can't see it when it is presented to you


Well-Known Member
The elegance and the functional (specified) complexity of the designs, themselves! Please, provide us with an observation and experiment that reveals highly complex information originating and arranging itself, without an intelligent source behind it?
Hockeycowboy, suppose you could see yourself from the outside and wind time backwards so that you could look at yourself getting younger and younger, and then do the same with your parents and their parents and just follow your ancestry back in time. Do you believe that at some point in time you would actually see a god creating humans and animals? When exactly and how exactly? And what is the origins of this god?


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Hockeycowboy, suppose you could see yourself from the outside and wind time backwards so that you could look at yourself getting younger and younger, and then do the same with your parents and their parents and just follow your ancestry back in time. Do you believe that at some point in time you would actually see a god creating humans and animals? When exactly and how exactly? And what is the origins of this god?

Not to preempt my brother's reply but yes...I can see mankind going all the way back to creation. Why not?

God does not tell us exactly when or how he produced the universe, the earth and its creatures....but then neither does evolution with anything they can substantiate.

No one knows the origins of the Creator I guess because he has always existed as an immortal Being. Immortals have no origins....no beginnings and no end. He is not measurable or quantifiable by mere human means. We do not have the wherewithals to begin to comprehend what he is.....he is the Creator of matter. He is the "something" that created everything from "nothing".

Like the wind or magnetism, we can only measure what they do.

Raise your eyes heavenward on a clear night and see what he has done.


Together - Yosemite by Jeff Moreau stars, sky and pines.

Or the Northern Lights....


Photographer Ronn Murray captures the dancing swirls of the Aurora Borealis

It's absolutely awe inspiring.... :)


Veteran Member
Stop the argumenta ad hominem attacks. That’s not debating, it’s only debasing.
How should I reply when someone doesn't understand a simple English language phrase like "overwhelming evidence"?

very great in amount.

1.the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Should I pretend I don't know the meaning of "argumenta ad hominem"?


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Jose Fly

Fisker of men
The protests are getting old people.....where is the evidence?
And the carnival barker goads and taunts the crowd again........"Come one, there has to be one of you out there who isn't afraid to put the ball in the clown's mouth! It's easy!!"



Well-Known Member
Raise your eyes heavenward on a clear night and see what he has done.


Together - Yosemite by Jeff Moreau stars, sky and pines.

It's absolutely awe inspiring.... :)
Raise your eyes upward on a stormy night and see what Thor the Thundergod can do...



Not to mention what Poseidon can do...



It's absolutely awe inspiring...


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
And the carnival barker goads and taunts the crowd again........"Come one, there has to be one of you out there who isn't afraid to put the ball in the clown's mouth! It's easy!!"


Is it a taunt or a challenge?
Funny how the science buffs here can't provide anything but ridicule. It's a sure sign that they have nothing to show for all the derision. No ammo huh? This is all you have?

Where is your evidence Fly? The fact that "speciation" is the only thing anyone has provided to substantiate a "belief" that goes way beyond adaptation, is evidence in itself apparently.

There is no substantive evidence for what you "believe". If there was you would have provided it by now just to shut me up. o_O

Here's the challenge again......provide "substantive evidence" that single celled organisms (we don't even have to mention abiogenesis) morphed themselves into all the various life forms that we see on earth, both past and present.

Show us how microscopic life transformed itself by accidental mutations into creatures the size of buildings......? You all believe it, so show us how it happened and what real evidence you base it on.

If there are "mountains" of this "evidence" and claims of it being "overwhelming"......let's see it. But there can't be a reliance on "belief" or "faith" and no "suggestion", "assumption", or "conjecture". Show us that you don't have a belief system, just like we do.....:)

How hard can it be?


Well-Known Member
If there are "mountains" of this "evidence" and claims of it being "overwhelming"......let's see it. But there can't be a reliance on "belief" or "faith" and no "suggestion", "assumption", or "conjecture". Show us that you don't have a belief system, just like we do.....:)

How hard can it be?
Biologists "assume" that life evolved because no theists have been able to provide convincing evidence for the existence of their particular god(s) or that this (these) particular god(s) created anything, and Raëlians haven't been able to provide convincing evidence that life on earth was created by extraterrestrials. Until you do, or until somebody comes up with convincing evidence for any other explanation, the only logical and rational approach is to assume that life evolved. Of course it's possible that all organisms on the planet were individually designed and created by some god or by some extraterrestrials, but until you have provided convincing evidence for this evolution is the default natural explanation. Your approach is as silly as claiming that people who believe in thundergods and those who believe thunder has a natural explanation both rely on "belief" or "faith".


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Biologists "assume" that life evolved because no theists have been able to provide convincing evidence for the existence of their particular god(s) or that this (these) particular god(s) created anything, and Raëlians haven't been able to provide convincing evidence that life on earth was created by extraterrestrials. Until you do, or until somebody comes up with convincing evidence for any other explanation, the only logical and rational approach is to assume that life evolved.

What if the Creator is evaluating your skepticism and waiting for a spark of spirituality? Will he ever see one or will you fall into the category of the "physical man" who cannot discern "spiritual" things?

This passage describes the divide between the two types of people in this world....

"13 These things we also speak, not with words taught by human wisdom, but with those taught by the spirit, as we explain spiritual matters with spiritual words.
14 But a physical man does not accept the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know them, because they are examined spiritually. 15 However, the spiritual man examines all things, but he himself is not examined by any man. 16 For “who has come to know the mind of Jehovah, so that he may instruct him?” But we do have the mind of Christ."
(1 Corinthians 2:13-15)

Of course it's possible that all organisms on the planet were individually designed and created by some god or by some extraterrestrials, but until you have provided convincing evidence for this evolution is the default natural explanation. Your approach is as silly as claiming that people who believe in thundergods and those who believe thunder has a natural explanation both rely on "belief" or "faith".

Will this do? Or do you just see accidents of nature?

There are only two "gods" according to the Bible...the real one and the pretender who goes by various names depending upon which culture you were born in to. If you don't want "gods" in your life, then he has atheism. He caters to every whim of the human race.....anything that gets attention away from the true God who allows us all to choose our position.


Veteran Member
There are only two "gods" according to the Bible...the real one and the pretender.

All together now...
My god is better than your god...............................My god's better than yours.

My god's better and he chases atheists.................My god's better than yours.