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World wide marches against Mordor on the Potomac

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
Their protest were peaceful and they went to class the next day. You lefties tried to stop the inauguration.

You're hilarious. Tried to stop the inauguration? Sure, pal.

Some cried like little babies and needed a puppy to pet and were so up[set they couldn't go to their classes.

A lot of those people 'crying like babies' are going to face attacks on every right they, their parents and grandparents have fought to gain for decades. The deck is so stacked against them they may not win. They're upset because privileged, affluent white people in suits who have little to no understanding of what life is like for most Americans will be doling out laws from on high inflicting their own fairytale morality on everyone. These people are frightened, they're terrified for the future; for their children and for themselves. But please, do keep telling us the better side won while lambasting & mocking them for daring to express their feelings.
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The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
Can we really stop this winners-and-losers narrative? So many Americans see their society as being one in which you support one of two sports teams - the Republicans or the Democrats, the right and the left. This is a sad development.

Totally. I don't understand how Republicans honestly expect people to 'unite behind the President for the good of the country' while they're continually mocking & taunting everyone who voted the other way. Seriously, how stupid do you have to be to believe this is helping?
Totally. I don't understand how Republicans honestly expect people to 'unite behind the President for the good of the country' while they're continually mocking & taunting everyone who voted the other way. Seriously, how stupid do you have to be to believe this is helping?


"And from day 1, Republicans took defeat squarely on the chin and united behind Obama for the good of the country. Period."

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Can we really stop this winners-and-losers narrative? So many Americans see their society as being one in which you support one of two sports teams - the Republicans or the Democrats, the right and the left. This is a sad development.
President Obama held out a hand to the Republicans and they metaphorically spit in his face. They are not interested in governing but trampling on people. One does not reason with orcs, one defeats them.


Premium Member
President Obama held out a hand to the Republicans and they metaphorically spit in his face. They are not interested in governing but trampling on people. One does not reason with orcs, one defeats them.

Who are the orcs, in this analogy?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
President Obama held out a hand to the Republicans and they metaphorically spit in his face.
It sounds like extremely hurt feelings are causing exaggerated perception.
But you get credit for saying "metaphorically" instead of "literally".
They are not interested in governing but trampling on people. One does not reason with orcs, one defeats them.
Orcs are people too....people who suffered thru Obamacare.


Forum Relic
Premium Member
They didn't riot in the streets and try to stop the inauguration. They didn't cry like little babies. They atteneded class the next day and didn't need a puppy to pet.
If you really believe that the right weren't being a bunch of big cry babies and throwing a tantrum all 8 years of Obama's presidency, you're just being willfully dishonest, plain and simple.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
None of them were arrested, the students attended classes the next day and none of them needed a puppy to pet.
Aye, it is a difference that so many universities are handling Trump's win like grief counselling.
Is this emotional weakness or a delusion that it really is Saruman vs Gandalf.


Premium Member
Can we really stop this winners-and-losers narrative? So many Americans see their society as being one in which you support one of two sports teams - the Republicans or the Democrats, the right and the left. This is a sad development.
I'm with you, I feel like partisan talk just chooses to ignore the similarities and harp and on the couple disagreements in opinion. The two parties have more in common than they like to let on.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Aye, it is a difference that so many universities are handling Trump's win like grief counselling.
Is this emotional weakness or a delusion that it really is Saruman vs Gandalf.
It really is that stark and not universities but millions who were in the streets the other day.

They are trying to take away my health care and Social Security (and the benefits my friends are almost ready to receive), destroy any sense of ethics, balloon the deficit and so forth.

This is a fight for the soul of America.

Donny has already committed impeachable offenses and has said that he's above the law and so can ignore it. He's signed an executive order that will throw health care into chaos causing the deaths of tens of thousands.

There are millions of people who have organized overnight who will not be stopped. We have Democrats in the Senate who will filibuster and delay everything the thugs come up with - they sowed the wind and the whirlwind has formed.


Well-Known Member
Aye, it is a difference that so many universities are handling Trump's win like grief counselling.
Is this emotional weakness or a delusion that it really is Saruman vs Gandalf.

Right and the professors enabled them to do it by cancelling classes. We all need to learn to lose, because in this life, it is a common event. College needs to prepare the students for the real world, where they will not have tenure.


If you can read this, you are as lucky as I am.
We have Democrats in the Senate who will filibuster and delay everything the thugs come up with - they sowed the wind and the whirlwind has formed.

Can I temper this statement just a bit? If those across the aisle come up with legislation that the liberal position agrees with, Dems will be happy to work with them. There are several positions that Trump has that are surprisingly not in line with conservatism or the positions of the majority congress.

But yes, in the end, we want to help the American people and safeguard the rights and civil liberties for all Americans.

Where we need to fight, we will. Based on the rally this weekend and Trump's bizarre Orwellian media attacks/facts, the political will to oppose what we disagree about will get and stay stronger!
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