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Most Over-Rated Bands


Tu Stultus Es
I predict a lot of mouth smacking and brick throwing in this thread.

:slap: ...me


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Wow. The fact that you put U2 in the same category as Britney is beyond me. This might be the first time in three years I've disagreed with the mighty Paul. :eek:
Don't take it too hard, dear lady. I have grown less fond of U2 over the years do to their lack of range. If I hear a "new" song by them, it only takes a few seconds to click that I am listening to U2.

The only two that fervently come to mind at the moment are:

Nickelback and Celine Dion. Of course this question boils down to personal preference but I can't stand those two artists.
I agree with Nickelback, I'm apologize as a Canadian for inflicting them on the world, but Celine Dion is a marvel. Her duet with Barbara Striesand is fantastic.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Smartass. I abhor Coldplay and I can just manage to stand U2, but no one is more overrated to me than Led Zep and Pink Floyd.
I dunno Circle_One, but after 37 years I still think that Echoes from Pink Floyd's "Meddle", the entire second side, is probably one of the most brilliant rock songs ever written.

Frankly, I hated Led Zeppelin, especially their vocalist, Robert Plant before I saw them live in 1973. That turned my head around and their tunes have been tatoo'd on my DNA ever since. I have never seen a band that played at their pace (or volume) since. Hearing Kashmir live in 1975 was almost a religious experience as the music literally spiralled around the area.
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I tend to agree with Buttercup, Nickelback and Celine Dion are two things that would make me turn the radio off in a hurry. Also to include in those would be Rush and Supertramp would also be on my list. Some might not like this, but I'm getting really sick of Metallica. I bought on of their CD's and it seemed like every single song on there had the same background music with just different lyrics. Found it got boring after some time. But that's just my opinion.
Anyways, I can tell you guys of one band that was highly under-rated.....Savatage. Here's one of my favorite songs of theirs...

YouTube - Savatage - All That I Bleed (live in Japan)


Premium Member
I have to agree with Kiss being overrated, I don't like them at all. But the Beatles? Led Zepplin? Pink Floyd? None of these are overrated, in my book. I don't even like Zepplin very much- Robert Plant's voice grates on my nerves when he screams (I am not sure he can do it anymore, he didn't on his songs with Alison Krauss). Stairway to Heaven is considered the greatest rock song by a lot of people.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Some might not like this, but I'm getting really sick of Metallica. I bought on of their CD's and it seemed like every single song on there had the same background music with just different lyrics. Found it got boring after some time. But that's just my opinion.

I'm going to have to agree with on Metallica, actually.

I have to agree with Kiss being overrated, I don't like them at all.
I agree.
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Veteran Member
The Rolling Stones -Revolutionary for their time. Have to remember to look at older bands in context.
The Sex Pistols - As above
AC/DC - As above
The Beatles - Are you serious? They reinvented song-writing
Sonic Youth - AGREE
Bob Dylan - Great lyricist. Let down by songwriting.

Limp Bizkit
Emerson Lake and Palmer
Cream (Although I love them :()
Rage Against the Machine (Also love them...)


Glass half Panda'd
I just thought of another band I personally think is overrated....Radiohead. God, the whining and droning on and on drives me up the friggin wall if I'm forced to listen for even two minutes. :D

I fully expect Buttons* to pelt me with concrete bricks now.
Actually I agree, his voice is .... it gets old fast. No one can deny that they were truly unique when they came out though, and that their styles have contibuted to the way music is now. It also sparked the Indie movement :D

They may be overrated in the same way that EVERY alternative band is overrated. But they have something on all of the new bands - they were first. So while they seem like whining *****es now, they were some of the first whining *****es. For that, we solute them, and listen to them once every few months. ;)
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Premium Member
I've always loved Dylan songs sung by other people:
Mr. Tambourine Man- The Byrds
The Mighty Quinn- Manfred Mann
It Ain't Me, Babe- The Turtles
If Not For You- George Harrison
Blowing In the Wind- Stevie Wonder and Peter, Paul, and Mary


Who cares? Music isn't important. I like to listen to music, but i sure don't waste time wondering about other people's taste. If a band that i don't like gets popular, that's cool, i don't have to listen to them.

In all actuality, i tend not to care about groups anyway. I like maybe one or two songs per band and stop caring from there. I'm pretty picky.

Just saying, don't be hatin'! Lol, why hate other people's success just cause you don't like them personally. You will find many people who will be in love with them, even while you despise them.

Heck, you all have bands you think are overrated, but you don't even necesarilly agree on a lot of them.


People like different music for different reasons.

But by what scale do people "rate" them?

Music is a very large language,
and very few non jazz musicians
really know much of the spectrum of the language at all.
How many of today's band musicians can free jam?
Can improvise with power.... or sensitivity?
Can play out beyond their own caricature of Self?
I dunno? :shrug:

But a good song is a good song
if it connects with you....
if you connect with it...
and that's all that really matters.:rainbow1:

If a band makes lots of "hits" with you
there is obviously something about their sound and energy
their personal "style"
that grabbs YOU the right way.

Don't really know why it has to become a "rating" thing though.
So much of it is simply connectivity, and personal taste.
Mostly has little to do with REAL rating of musical versetillity, ability, knowledge....
in general.
(which are "things" I could tangibly "rate" musicians on... if I had any desire to.)

Very few musicians can fluently "stylize" out beyond their own personal genre.
So if you don't really connect personally to their sound or message....
sure their stuff is gunna get old...repetitive..... predictable... sooner than later.
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Also, there's nothing wrong with liking/connecting to a couple songs
by a band or a singer (whatever) that you would otherwise consider
an "embarassment"... a "bore".... an "over-ratement".

So what? You like the song? Like it.
Life's too short. :p ya know?

It's not like they have cooties.

Well except miley circus. she has cooties. :D
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Guardian of Asgaard
Some might not like this, but I'm getting really sick of Metallica. I bought on of their CD's and it seemed like every single song on there had the same background music with just different lyrics. Found it got boring after some time. But that's just my opinion.http://tr.youtube.com/watch?v=On1QYgA6Zmc

BLASPHEMY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Nah its ok, perhaps you bought St. Anger, then i'd agree with you.

Metallica are heavy metals finest.

Tool is terribly over-rated, everyone thinks Maynard has a good voice, but he whines and their guitars sound like theyre being played with a dying cat.

Ramones - never got why they were popular, they're boring at best. This goes for all those bands, The Clash, Sex Pistols etc.

Rage - not a fan of rap metal with pretty standard guitar lines, get a real vocalist.

Avenged Sevenfold - awful awful cover of walk by pantera, they should be shot for it

Green Day - Their music progressively gets worse, they're part of the reason why i don't listen to the radio

All Hip Hop and R&B and Rap- nothing special in any of it, i especially love when they rip off their tunes as well, that just adds insult to injury.


Done here.
Nickelback and Celine Dion. Of course this question boils down to personal preference but I can't stand those two artists.
Here I politely refrained from dissing U2, and then you go and blaspheme Nickelback. I love Nickelback. They may not be great art, but they're fun and not nearly as pretentious as ... well, you know. :p

The Beatles - Are you serious? They reinvented song-writing
Lennon and McCartney were great songwriters. It was the performance of the songs that left so much to be desired.

I don't agree with KISS, not because they were a great band, but because I didn't know they were that highly rated anyway, at least among people old enough to vote.

I think the most overrated band of all time may be Genesis. I especially hate Phil Collins.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I think the most overrated band of all time may be Genesis. I especially hate Phil Collins.
Yes, I agree, the Phil Collins incarnation of Genesis is syncopated drivel. However, the Peter Gabriel incarnation of Genesis was mindblowingly awesome. When Peter led the band, Phil was just the drummer.

The time I saw them way, way back I remember commenting after the concert, "The drummer was pretty cool!" That was well before Genesis without Peter Gabriel had a hit. Curiously the only other time I thought Phil rocked was when he was the drummer on Robert Plants solo tour. He was great because he didn't say or sing a word.

Ok, I'll add Metallica to the vastly over-rated category also... ditto Nirvana.
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