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Arabic - The Mother of All Languages


Well-Known Member
Found this diagram about Languages

This sits very comfortably with me as written languages go....for *western* read *Inglis*,travelling language of the barbarian abroad,Latin was based upon this(exactly),Latin being Inglis in a better structure,perhaps.Maybe once the Arabs & Greek stopped thinking all we could say was *varvarvarvvar* or *barbarbarbarbaer*,because of the way we spoke.

This chart is great.

ie not only did the Roman invent NOTHING,Latin is based on Inglis,not the other way around..nothing in the Inglis spoken language is taken from Latin spoken,it is vice versa....Latin did only bring more form & regularity to the Inglis written language,until Inglis evolved(was butchered) into modern English 300 years ago.

Dark age myth deserves a thread of it's own,any suggestions where?lulz......The cool *barbarian* struggle against the nasty romans being far more interesting.

I am grateful good Sumaritan.

Phonecians had bases all over the Med,Europe & middle east....Venice was a former capital(called Phonecia/Venetia)....

It is true that the mighty Roman Eagle is indebted to the Freemasons,as all of the mightiest empires on earth have been.


Well-Known Member
Its not a diagram of the Spoken Language, it a diagram of the development of the alphabet or writting

Yep it does indeed say alphabet...my mistake. As regards to the Phoenicians, my mother's maiden name is Cornish and said to be derived from Phoenician tin traders.

(Edited to add...where would cuneiform figure?)
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Jihad Against Terrorism
I doubt in the history of RF has the statement in the OP never been defended subsequently.

So enough is enough.

Time to play the game.

[Tariq resubmerges to return with evidence]
[Tariq knows he has already said this before]

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
This sits very comfortably with me as written languages go....for *western* read *Inglis*,travelling language of the barbarian abroad,Latin was based upon this(exactly),Latin being Inglis in a better structure,perhaps.Maybe once the Arabs & Greek stopped thinking all we could say was *varvarvarvvar* or *barbarbarbarbaer*,because of the way we spoke.

This chart is great.

ie not only did the Roman invent NOTHING,Latin is based on Inglis,not the other way around..nothing in the Inglis spoken language is taken from Latin spoken,it is vice versa....Latin did only bring more form & regularity to the Inglis written language,until Inglis evolved(was butchered) into modern English 300 years ago.

Dark age myth deserves a thread of it's own,any suggestions where?lulz......The cool *barbarian* struggle against the nasty romans being far more interesting.

I am grateful good Sumaritan.

Phonecians had bases all over the Med,Europe & middle east....Venice was a former capital(called Phonecia/Venetia)....

It is true that the mighty Roman Eagle is indebted to the Freemasons,as all of the mightiest empires on earth have been.

I know I should just stay away, but what are you talking about here? For one thing, where do you get the idea that the Romans invented nothing? Why is that even relevant to the chart provided? Where do you get your misconceptions about Inglis? What makes you think Latin is based on it, and where do you get the idea that it then turned into English later?


Well-Known Member
Inglis has been the Royal Language of the Scots since there were ever Scots,ie Scots tribe formed after invasion by the Celtic Brigantes,from Brigante in Spain/Port of Gael/Gaul(Portugal),Heber son of Mil changing his name to Heber Scut(spell how you say it)...

Scot meaning to be of mixed ethneccisity,swarthy or dark skinned even.

Nothing in English is taken from Latin,French,Greek or anything,it is all Inglis,always has been & always will be...

Just rubbish labels by a lazy 2nd rate effort by Samuel Johnston,the only thing which can be said in his favour is that he had a limited remit.

Where do you want me to start?You are very brave.....


I doubt in the history of RF has the statement in the OP never been defended subsequently.

So enough is enough.

Time to play the game.

[Tariq resubmerges to return with evidence]
[Tariq knows he has already said this before]
It happens often when people make claims they cannot in any way support.


Well-Known Member
Yep it does indeed say alphabet...my mistake. As regards to the Phoenicians, my mother's maiden name is Cornish and said to be derived from Phoenician tin traders.

(Edited to add...where would cuneiform figure?)

I always feel sorry for the Cornish who were virtually annhiliated when the 7 seperate warring kingdoms were pulled together to form England.

Cuneform is maybe better than alphabet,pronounced any way you could or would....seperate languages were formed for better trade.In the 12th century the Scots Court changed it's Royal language from Inglis to Latin(King Malcy Big Heid) so as to get better trade prices,ie all the people with money spoke latin,so the best prices were obtained from them.Scotland still has a very full & fine latin,some Papish was over to examine it last year from VC.


Well-Known Member
John Barbour,14th century National Scots Bard spoke Inglis,aka Mither tongue Scots or the Royal language of the Scots.

Sir Geoffrey Chaucer(spit) spoke *saxon for those Norman's with no latin*(his own words along those lines)

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Nothing in English is taken from Latin,French,Greek or anything,it is all Inglis,always has been & always will be...

Is this a joke? I mean, you are kidding, right?

Where do you want me to start?You are very brave.....

You're right, I was very brave. After this post, though, I don't think I want to hear any more, or else my head just might explode. :thud:


Well-Known Member
Is this a joke? I mean, you are kidding, right?

You're right, I was very brave. After this post, though, I don't think I want to hear any more, or else my head just might explode. :thud:

I am not *kidding*.Do you know what Kid has always meant,& causes the English linguists to use bad english?

What is the Kid?


Well-Known Member
English evolved from Inglis 300 years ago.......England only became a Kingdom under Edward 1st who pulled the 7 warring lesser Celtic Kingdoms together.Prior to this the Brythonics & Brigante Celt tribes were enslaved & ruled over by Romans,Saxon(invited.lulz),Angles(Viking)Swedish Vikings(Danelaw),Normans (Viking again).......

The Scots Nation was formed in the 10th century,Ulster Scots having moved to be Strathclyde Scots,the area of the Strathclyde Scot rule extended down the West coast to border with the Mercians(Liverpool).The fledgling Nation of Scotland having defeated Viking at the Battle of Largs in the 11th century,the hugely successful Canmore Line having ruled Scotland,the current queen tracing her lineage through this line.The Royal language of the Scots has always been Inglis,the local Picts & the Scots Gaels(travelling with the Scots) spoke Gaelic.

Inglis language evolved naturally from all over the world,starting in Africa,India/arabia,among Celtic Mercenaries & everyone else travelling the world for commerce,trade or just to bask in the wealth & splendour of the greatest nations on earth at the time.

Latin is merely an alphabet based upon spoken Inglis,it is not an ancient language like Arabic or Inglis or Phonecian or whatever the label.


Well-Known Member
English is a West Germanic Language that developed in England.

All Germanic Tribes are Celtic,their language is Celtic based too.As is French,Spanish,Norse, & Inglis.

Gaelic(Q) is closer to *true* Phonecian,The (q)Gaels having evolved from Phoenius Pharsah(Fenius Farsah),Crete Division,as mercenaries.
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Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
English evolved from Inglis 300 years ago.......England only became a Kingdom under Edward 1st who pulled the 7 warring lesser Celtic Kingdoms together.Prior to this the Brythonics & Brigante Celt tribes were enslaved & ruled over by Romans,Saxon(invited.lulz),Angles(Viking)Swedish Vikings(Danelaw),Normans (Viking again).......

The Scots Nation was formed in the 10th century,Ulster Scots having moved to be Strathclyde Scots,the area of the Strathclyde Scot rule extended down the West coast to border with the Mercians(Liverpool).The fledgling Nation of Scotland having defeated Viking at the Battle of Largs in the 11th century,the hugely successful Canmore Line having ruled Scotland,the current queen tracing her lineage through this line.The Royal language of the Scots has always been Inglis,the local Picts & the Scots Gaels(travelling with the Scots) spoke Gaelic.

Inglis language evolved naturally from all over the world,starting in Africa,India/arabia,among Celtic Mercenaries & everyone else travelling the world for commerce,trade or just to bask in the wealth & splendour of the greatest nations on earth at the time.

Latin is merely an alphabet based upon spoken Inglis,it is not an ancient language like Arabic or Inglis or Phonecian or whatever the label.

So, what you're saying is that Inglis is just another word for language, to you. The way you're using it is like it's a universal language, of which there, of course, is no such thing. Language started a long time ago with grunts and sounds. It evolved over millenia into many different lanuages. There has not been a single, universal language in the past 5,000 year at least. Inglis is used to describe a certain language, or dialect. It is no different than French, Latin, Greek or any other language. English came from German and Latin roots, not Inglis. Inglis evolved along with English, but did not beget English or any other language, other than possibly Scots.


Active Member
French and Spanish are Latin Based Languages not Celtic or German based

The English Alphabet is based on the latin Alphabet not the other way round

English has been written using the Latin Alphabet since around the ninth century. (Before that, Old English had been written using Anglo-Saxon
Anglo-Saxon runes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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English evolved from Inglis 300 years ago.......England only became a Kingdom under Edward 1st who pulled the 7 warring lesser Celtic Kingdoms together.Prior to this the Brythonics & Brigante Celt tribes were enslaved & ruled over by Romans,Saxon(invited.lulz),Angles(Viking)Swedish Vikings(Danelaw),Normans (Viking again).......

The Scots Nation was formed in the 10th century,Ulster Scots having moved to be Strathclyde Scots,the area of the Strathclyde Scot rule extended down the West coast to border with the Mercians(Liverpool).The fledgling Nation of Scotland having defeated Viking at the Battle of Largs in the 11th century,the hugely successful Canmore Line having ruled Scotland,the current queen tracing her lineage through this line.The Royal language of the Scots has always been Inglis,the local Picts & the Scots Gaels(travelling with the Scots) spoke Gaelic.

Inglis language evolved naturally from all over the world,starting in Africa,India/arabia,among Celtic Mercenaries & everyone else travelling the world for commerce,trade or just to bask in the wealth & splendour of the greatest nations on earth at the time.

Latin is merely an alphabet based upon spoken Inglis,it is not an ancient language like Arabic or Inglis or Phonecian or whatever the label.

King Malcy Big Heid? longshanks ?Ha Ha,hinka cumfae cashore canfeh? Ahl hityi oar hied 'caw taughtie. Ha ha Yer aff yer heid?



The Lost One
Darkwater said:
English evolved from Inglis 300 years ago.......England only became a Kingdom under Edward 1st who pulled the 7 warring lesser Celtic Kingdoms together.Prior to this the Brythonics & Brigante Celt tribes were enslaved & ruled over by Romans,Saxon(invited.lulz),Angles(Viking)Swedish Vikings(Danelaw),Normans (Viking again).......
You got some part of your history in regarding to Britain, especially Scotland is correct, but not about Inglis and the English languages.

As mball1297 pointed out to you, English is derived from Germanic language, and they had adopted the Latin alphabets into their writing system.

English didn't derived from Inglis. It is the other around. Inglis is derived largely from Middle English. Inglis is not even a Celtic language, which you seemed to be hinting at. Inglis was displacing Scottish Gaelic, because of the large number of English migrating north. The result is that Inglis is largely English, with a bit of Gaelic.

herusha said:
French and Spanish are Latin Based Languages not Celtic or German based

The English Alphabet is based on the latin Alphabet not the other way round

English has been written using the Latin Alphabet since around the ninth century. (Before that, Old English had been written using Anglo-Saxon
Anglo-Saxon runes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Actually, the Anglo-Saxon runes is based on Elder runes used by the older Germanic tribes, and these earlier runes had come from Latin or Greek alphabets, originally.


Well-Known Member
So, what you're saying is that Inglis is just another word for language, to you. The way you're using it is like it's a universal language, of which there, of course, is no such thing. Language started a long time ago with grunts and sounds. It evolved over millenia into many different lanuages. There has not been a single, universal language in the past 5,000 year at least. Inglis is used to describe a certain language, or dialect. It is no different than French, Latin, Greek or any other language. English came from German and Latin roots, not Inglis. Inglis evolved along with English, but did not beget English or any other language, other than possibly Scots.

The arabian's book describes the origin of all languages far more eloquently than most folk I have read,you can be a grunter should it so please you.

No-one has bothered to ask why the Vatican sent an emissary to study the particularly fine latin used by the Royal Court of Scotland in Century 12th during the reign of King Malcy (Big Heid).

The reason he changed the Royal Language was that the church had all the money,so for better trade prices at home & abroad everyone spoke Latin.I am not talking your average grunter,I am talking Royal Houses.

Inglis was spoken by the who had attached themselves by marriage to an Egyptian Royal House.
I had originally thought Inglis was based on Viking/Gaelic,until the Arabian Key language was uncovered.

Not Universal obviously,just European & Mediterranean.

Scotland was a Kingdom 300 years before the English Crown,our enlightenment came away before Englands so much so it was never dark & Englands "period of Enlightenment coincided with the Scots court moving to London with the Stewarts,or more accurately from the period it looked like the Tudor dynasty would die with Elizabeth 1st.

You received your Laws(Oracle of English Law,a guy called Coke),Bard Shakespeare and amny other luminaries,including Sir Francis Bacon during this period.

I can only speculate on how widely spoken Inglis was in Egypt & for how long,not a written language although deliniated in picures,perhaps.

Try me & prove me.

Longshanks annhiliated the Cornish,decimated the Welsh & did not do Scotland any favours either.....not exactly a luminary.Geoffrey Chaucer does not impress me(with a hey nonny nonny,hoh nonny nonny)
