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What's the best purchase you've ever made and why?


New Member
Excluding paying for education or university (be it yours or someone else's), or making a charitable donation (as greatly admirable as both those are), what so far are the very best 1 or 2 purchases you've ever made and please elaborate on why you think so for anything named.


a cd from the band of one of my best friends. It gave me one of the only cd's I actually still listen from the cd itself. It gave him profit, hope and mostly, someone behind his back saying, "whatever happens, I'll still be here".

Eventually he sold about 3 or so.. I was very proud to be one of them. So now it's a collectors item :D

Give me some time for the 2nd one ;)


Well-Known Member
I purchased parts to build a 16mm film camera online. A Bolex, even a used one will cost a few grand complete, but I was able to get a camera body for $250, a motor for $150, two 400' magazines for $200 together, a reflex lens for $280, a battery for $140 and a cord adapted for the battery for $75 (a new battery from Bolex would have cost me $700 alone). I have been using it for over a year and its a great camera! Total cost $1,200 !! What a steal. Thanks eBay!!!:angel2:


Well-Known Member
A pair of Nine West shoes that emptied my bank account out however they are the most comfortablist pair i have ever owned and I will keep them forever, and wear them as often as i can.
Sorry it isnt something interesting but I am a true woman and shoes are my life:D

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
My dogs. I would never have supported buying dogs instead of getting them from a rescue, and I still don't, but it was what I needed at the time, after losing my last Maltese unexpectedly.


The Devil's Advocate
Probably buying 100 shares of Apple stock when it was $17 a share. It has since split twice, which means I now have 400 shares at over $180 a share.

But in general, I agree with UnTheist, most of what I buy other than food is unnecessary.


Storm Animal
Two audio production products, both bought 8 years ago, both American-made, both running 24/7 for 8 years, both 100% flawless: my Mackie 1202-VLZ mixer and my LynxONE sound card. Every other component in my little studio has come and gone.


A close tie:

1) My 1994 Ford Ranger... I've put 100k miles on it since I bought it used in 1997. It has broke down about three times, and outlasted four of my wife's cars (a Jeep Grand Cherokee, a Dodge Neon, a BMW 328i, and a Volkswagon). Heck, since 1997, everyone in my family has gone through about four cars. But my truck keeps running strong.

And the Dixie Chicks have never been heard in that ****** truck.

2) My Martin D-15 and HD-28 (guitars). I play one of these every day, and play the D-15 sorta professionally. Great sounds.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
My socket set.

When I got my first full-time job out of school, the first "big" purchase I made was a proper set of tools. It's not a crazy-thousands-of-dollars-professional-mechanic's-set-of-everything, but it has just about everything for any work I'd do on a car or around the house myself.

It's paid for itself many times over, both in savings of mechanics' fees and also by enabling me to learn more about how mechanical things really work (i.e. by taking them apart when they break and swearing at them until they work again). :)

Our piano would also be right up there on the list if it had been a purchase and not a gift.


Done here.
1. Our house.
2. The warranty on our house.
3. Having old family pictures reprinted and sending them to interested relatives.


Let's go racing boys !
My best purchase was the tickets to the Nascar race at Talladega. Go there every year. My happiest moments are listening to those cars as they pass by. WOW :)


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
1. The plane ticket to New York City. I had already been accepted to the school I wanted to go to there back in 1995-96, but it was up in the air as to whether or not I'd actually be able to go with the cost of living so high as compared to the midwest. But, I went for it, and I'm so glad I did - living there taught me autonomy, mental toughness, and an appreciation for so many cultures, people, art, and especially FOOD. :D

2. Our dog. I bought our Jack Russell Terrier while my husband was serving overseas in 2004 because I needed a cuddle-buddy. At first, Steve blew his top when he found out how much I spent on a pure bred terrier, and I assured him that he'd love this dog if not after seeing the puppy pictures, then after he came home (and that's precisely what happened, too).

3. Our brand new car. This just happened this past weekend. A new Kia Spectra (much better gas mileage and better emissions than our old beat up used car that we'd had for years and years), and we were able to negotiate the price down from $20,000 to $13,000. :cool:


Depends Upon My Mood..
Our house..

I was 19 and my husband 21...

My mother insited we buy a house and not rent an apartment..To my husbands family it seemed absurd..They predicted we wouldnt make it 6 months..(the 800.00 a month house payment in the late 80's we were terrified..we could have rented a nice apartment for half that)....

21 years later...we have never been late..and the property has more than doubled in value..We can sell it for a very nice chunk of profit and buy a "bigger home"..Or we can keep nestling in here and own it in our early 50's(we refinanced once)...sounds boring and materialistic..but there is something secure in knowing you have a roof..




Well-Known Member
My house because the property value only goes up and always will because the government keeps it within realistic margins and after purchasing a house (in Thailand) there is no tax ever on property or otherwise. I paid at the time (about 3 years ago) $25,000 US dollars for a new 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom rather nice "luxury home" as classified by Thai realtor's in a developing village which is now worth $75,000 US dollars as the village is finished. Thus I have a home tax free for life and no rent or bank payment ever due it's mine 100% free and clear so I will never be in the street.

The Seeker

Once upon a time....
My first house. I bought it under market value from a friend, then sold it for more than double what I paid for it a few years later.