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Well-Known Member
I am posting in the political area because I don't understand why China is being blamed for Coronavirus? Hear me out: are we blaming China because it came from a market interventionalist economy (Communist government ) so we blame China's government for not being involved in health and safety ?

What if this outbreak came from a free market economy ? What if it came from South Korea, Japan or India ? Would we not blame them because they're free market ?

Like with Ebola in Congo, Uganda,etc. , what did we do to those countries' governments if anything at all ?


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
I don't understand why China is being blamed for Coronavirus?
For starters, they knew about it and kept it under wraps. Further, they silenced professionals for trying to warn others of the danger. Meanwhile, they continued to allow international travel and trade. I see no issue with holding them accountable.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I am posting in the political area because I don't understand why China is being blamed for Coronavirus? Hear me out: are we blaming China because it came from a market interventionalist economy (Communist government ) so we blame China's government for not being involved in health and safety ?

What if this outbreak came from a free market economy ? What if it came from South Korea, Japan or India ? Would we not blame them because they're free market ?

Like with Ebola in Congo, Uganda,etc. , what did we do to those countries' governments if anything at all ?
I think the problem is that they withheld the information instead of being open and transparent. I don't think there would be any blame had they done that. (For that matter, any county)

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I am posting in the political area because I don't understand why China is being blamed for Coronavirus? Hear me out: are we blaming China because it came from a market interventionalist economy (Communist government ) so we blame China's government for not being involved in health and safety ?

What if this outbreak came from a free market economy ? What if it came from South Korea, Japan or India ? Would we not blame them because they're free market ?

Like with Ebola in Congo, Uganda,etc. , what did we do to those countries' governments if anything at all ?

Laws of nature? For lack of better words. It makes no sense to blame viruses, illnesses, etc on people and groups of people. They exist. Unless it's man-made, it is what it is.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I think the problem is that they withheld the information instead of being open and transparent. I don't think there would be any blame had they done that. (For that matter, any county)

Did they know it would spread outside their vicinity in order for it to be important to tell others about it?

King Phenomenon

Well-Known Member
I am posting in the political area because I don't understand why China is being blamed for Coronavirus? Hear me out: are we blaming China because it came from a market interventionalist economy (Communist government ) so we blame China's government for not being involved in health and safety ?

What if this outbreak came from a free market economy ? What if it came from South Korea, Japan or India ? Would we not blame them because they're free market ?

Like with Ebola in Congo, Uganda,etc. , what did we do to those countries' governments if anything at all ?
Could've came from anywhere for any reason


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I am posting in the political area because I don't understand why China is being blamed for Coronavirus? Hear me out: are we blaming China because it came from a market interventionalist economy (Communist government ) so we blame China's government for not being involved in health and safety ?

What if this outbreak came from a free market economy ? What if it came from South Korea, Japan or India ? Would we not blame them because they're free market ?

Like with Ebola in Congo, Uganda,etc. , what did we do to those countries' governments if anything at all ?
Hey, I can empathize. I'm by no means a genius and probably would also have done the same thing.

I think that Beijing is a lot like my state of Mississippi. We think of ourselves as tough, resistant to viruses. We think "Oh its just another cold virus isn't it?" Then it turns out that there are factors we haven't considered. The leaders are caught with their slacks pulled down when the fire alarm goes off.

Now...if Beijing were run by geniuses I think they should have foreseen the problems. I expect a lot from geniuses.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I am posting in the political area because I don't understand why China is being blamed for Coronavirus? Hear me out: are we blaming China because it came from a market interventionalist economy (Communist government ) so we blame China's government for not being involved in health and safety ?

What if this outbreak came from a free market economy ? What if it came from South Korea, Japan or India ? Would we not blame them because they're free market ?

Like with Ebola in Congo, Uganda,etc. , what did we do to those countries' governments if anything at all ?

More fundamentally, I blame leaders of all stripes who promote fuzzy-headed thinking for their own short term gains. As one example, many leading religions promote variations along the lines of "go forth and multiply". A huge problem in the world today is population explosion, and that makes things like covid more likely and more dangerous.


Well-Known Member
I am posting in the political area because I don't understand why China is being blamed for Coronavirus? Hear me out: are we blaming China because it came from a market interventionalist economy (Communist government ) so we blame China's government for not being involved in health and safety ?

What if this outbreak came from a free market economy ? What if it came from South Korea, Japan or India ? Would we not blame them because they're free market ?

Like with Ebola in Congo, Uganda,etc. , what did we do to those countries' governments if anything at all ?

It's rather childish to blame the country where a disease originated for the existence of the disease. The Spanish Flu (which experts are almost certain did NOT originate in Spain) would be more accurately called the United States Flue, since the US is one of the four most likely places where it originated.

Rational Agnostic

Well-Known Member
It's rather childish to blame the country where a disease originated for the existence of the disease. The Spanish Flu (which experts are almost certain did NOT originate in Spain) would be more accurately called the United States Flue, since the US is one of the four most likely places where it originated.

Well, there's a decent amount of evidence that China covered up the fact that a pandemic was beginning there for months. There were satellite images of hospitals in China apparently overwhelmed as early as last fall. So, I say they deserve the blame.


yawn <ignore> yawn
It's rather childish to blame the country where a disease originated for the existence of the disease. The Spanish Flu (which experts are almost certain did NOT originate in Spain) would be more accurately called the United States Flue, since the US is one of the four most likely places where it originated.
If I understand correctly, it's been traced back even more precisely now.
A military base in Kansas was processing zillions of USA military personnel. The infection there got spread around the USA soldiers being shipped off to Europe on transport ships. Where we gave it to everyone.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Did they know it would spread outside their vicinity in order for it to be important to tell others about it?
They saw first hamd before the rest of the world how deadly it is and that it spreads like a dry cornfield on fire. They lied and withheld information and alllwed it to spread globally far easier than it should have.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I am posting in the political area because I don't understand why China is being blamed for Coronavirus? Hear me out: are we blaming China because it came from a market interventionalist economy (Communist government ) so we blame China's government for not being involved in health and safety ?

What if this outbreak came from a free market economy ? What if it came from South Korea, Japan or India ? Would we not blame them because they're free market ?

Like with Ebola in Congo, Uganda,etc. , what did we do to those countries' governments if anything at all ?

I'm struggling to understand your point here.
Correctly identifying the source of the outbreak is important in order to potentially better prevent future outbreaks.
Identifying both contributing and mitigating measures taken by various governments will also help.

Assuming the only purpose of such investigations is punitive would be incorrect, imho.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
They saw first hamd before the rest of the world how deadly it is and that it spreads like a dry cornfield on fire. They lied and withheld information and alllwed it to spread globally far easier than it should have.

I severely doubt that. I guess china is to blame for everything in recent history, though. Poor timing and management.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
You can doubt it all you want, those are the facts. China knew, and, of course, China lied.

If you like. I'd need to look up all sides of the stories. I get irritated when I hear so many media views and so many "facts" when I'm not a expert to vilidate it. Better to be skeptical and be aware of things than not when it comes to "facts," data, opinions, and politics. Doubt is pretty justifiable and doesn't make claims of fact or fiction so it's not a bad thing to be skeptic. We should be.