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Was Jesus a sexual being?

Saint Frankenstein

Wanderer From Afar
Premium Member
These are simple facts in Hebrew tradition. If he was any kind of Rabbi he had an obligation to marry, and yes by the testimonies of the Gospels Jesus had brothers and sisters,
He wasn't a rabbi in the Pharisee tradition. There's no evidence He was married. If He was, I'm sure they would've mentioned it because I'm sure it was odd to many that He wasn't married.

Jesus might have had adopted brothers and sisters through Joseph but I don't believe Mary had other children. It's a matter of doctrine that Mary was ever-virgin (except to Protestants).


Well-Known Member
First of all, he was free from sin - sexuality produces sin

That depends what assumption you've made. It is said (scientifically) that humans have genes from Neanderthals. Our today's sexuality may not be the same sexuality of Adam. You may have assumed too fast if you meant to say that Jesus is with the same sexuality as today's average humans.


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
I dunno. I've asked people if God/Jesus came down to them today and said They were gay, would the person stop worshiping Them, and they said yes.
No writer's block today, I see:D. Very creative. I never thought about asking people such a question. BUT once I was sitting next to Sai Baba, who allegedly knows all your thoughts, I did think "how he would look without clothes". When I had that thought I felt a bit embarrassed, and looked at Sai Baba, but He looked the other way, pretending He did not catch my thought; of course I knew better (He always went easy on me, the first few years)


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
I dunno. I've asked people if God/Jesus came down to them today and said They were gay, would the person stop worshiping Them, and they said yes.
What a question though. God = gay + Jesus = gay. You belittle both, I was taught to never put God/Jesus/Human left of the equation sign:D


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
I dunno. I've asked people if God/Jesus came down to them today and said They were gay, would the person stop worshiping Them, and they said yes.
Quite something if "God/Jesus came down on them today". I don't understand those Christians. Jesus came down on them, and then God Himself. I mean you would think they had some more interesting questions to ask them, then whether or not they are gay or not. Chance of a lifetime, to unravel all the mysteries of life, and they dismiss both of them, just because of being gay. And maybe God/Jesus were just reflecting their dirty minds when saying "we are gay", just to test them, because the Bible tells us that God loves to test us.


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
You went back to what you said posts ago. It is already been addressed.


Sometimes you need to keep some Atheists on a short leash, because they love to pin you down with whatever, whenever they can I have seen.


Jesus in me
Earlier today I was thinking to myself: Does God have a sexual orientation?

My first thoughts: I don’t think he does as he is incorporeal

He is only a “he” by convention. Forget it and move on.

However - what if we accept Jesus is God? Did (indeed, “does”) Jesus have a sexual orientation?

He’d have had to, even if his orientation was “asexual”

I think he was asexual in the sense that he was not a sexual being - with urges, desires, drives

First of all, he was free from sin - sexuality produces sin

Secondly, there is no evidence he was married (which was the only legit way of being sexual in that time and place)

Also, there is no evidence he ever had sexual/romantic feelings towards anyone

So no, I don’t think Jesus was a sexual being

Indeed I think if he was a sexual being that would have seriously undermined his ministry

I think he went to the cross as a virgin and was never in love or in a relationship

I believe that is erroneous. As you said sex is fine in marriage of a male and female.

I believe He is quite capable of creating that for himself and my guess we will be like that when we change into our new bodies.


Jesus in me
I think it's likely. We have nothing written about him in his teenage years and 20s.

I believe that is externalizing our own experience as something God has to experience. As far as I can see it serves no purpose. However I believe it was Peter who said that He was tempted in all the things..


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Earlier today I was thinking to myself: Does God have a sexual orientation?

My first thoughts: I don’t think he does as he is incorporeal

He is only a “he” by convention. Forget it and move on.

However - what if we accept Jesus is God? Did (indeed, “does”) Jesus have a sexual orientation?
For those who accept the Trinity this would be a non-issue. For those who feel that Jesus is God it would be perhaps unthinkable. You got to remember people aren't logic bots. We have that which is thinkable and that which is unthinkable, and that is the basis of logic for us. If its unthinkable then its not logical to us. Formal logic comes from philosophical roots and usually assumes things cannot be both true and false -- because it is unthinkable to most people. Its not unthinkable to everyone. Some people can accept things can be both true and not or that they can be more complex than they appear.

He’d have had to, even if his orientation was “asexual”

I think he was asexual in the sense that he was not a sexual being - with urges, desires, drives

First of all, he was free from sin - sexuality produces sin

Secondly, there is no evidence he was married (which was the only legit way of being sexual in that time and place)
First you'd have to assume a historical man Jesus, so right there you lose some of the few people who might even consider the possibility. All you're left with would be people who pursue a historical man, and few details about this man are provided. We are told he has a family that argues with him and thinks he's gone crazy, and that family does not include a wife in its list. We're told there is a disciple Jesus loves, but we're not told whom -- expressly not told. In other words we are not permitted to know whom. He keeps it a secret as do the other disciples.

Also, there is no evidence he ever had sexual/romantic feelings towards anyone

So no, I don’t think Jesus was a sexual being

Indeed I think if he was a sexual being that would have seriously undermined his ministry

I think he went to the cross as a virgin and was never in love or in a relationship
Assuming a historical man you encounter a problem with your argument. As a Jewish man who believes in the Torah, he must necessarily feel the incumbent duty to reproduce offspring. Now...you can argue that he believes the equivalent can be performed by adopting, but you can't say that he has no offspring. In fact it is highly likely that a historical man Jesus would be married off early, probably not long after he can read and write. It would not even be up to him. It would probably be arranged, and he'd be made responsible for a wife.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I think it's likely. We have nothing written about him in his teenage years and 20s.
That is correct... and actually from 13 years to 30.

The reason is really quite simple in that he fulfilled every point of the Law. Honoring your mother and your father is a key component of the Law.

"Both sons and daughters must honor mothers and fathers by providing them with food and drink, clothing and covering them, and providing for their mobility. Children show reverence by not standing or sitting in a parent’s place, contradicting his/her words, or opposing a parent in a dispute."


In addition to that responsibility, at the age of 30 he was already recognized as one who could deliver scripture. It is understandable that he would have to go through classes and grow in wisdom and knowledge to receive this honor and to be able to be asked to do so.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Earlier today I was thinking to myself: Does God have a sexual orientation?

My first thoughts: I don’t think he does as he is incorporeal

He is only a “he” by convention. Forget it and move on.

However - what if we accept Jesus is God? Did (indeed, “does”) Jesus have a sexual orientation?

He’d have had to, even if his orientation was “asexual”

I think he was asexual in the sense that he was not a sexual being - with urges, desires, drives

First of all, he was free from sin - sexuality produces sin

Secondly, there is no evidence he was married (which was the only legit way of being sexual in that time and place)

Also, there is no evidence he ever had sexual/romantic feelings towards anyone

So no, I don’t think Jesus was a sexual being

Indeed I think if he was a sexual being that would have seriously undermined his ministry

I think he went to the cross as a virgin and was never in love or in a relationship
Jesus was very much a man, imo, therefore was most likely subject to the same desires as most any other man would have. Having some desires is not a problem or a sign of weakness, but what we may do or not do with our desires may pose problems.


Well-Known Member
He wasn't a rabbi in the Pharisee tradition. There's no evidence He was married. If He was, I'm sure they would've mentioned it because I'm sure it was odd to many that He wasn't married.

Jesus might have had adopted brothers and sisters through Joseph but I don't believe Mary had other children. It's a matter of doctrine that Mary was ever-virgin (except to Protestants).
Are you talking about the historical figure or the mythical/spiritual Son of God?

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
I do not believe that God created humans as sexual beings. I believe we are spiritual beings who can choose to have sex if we want children or for other reasons.

I do not believe humans are mere animals so they were not designed to have sex like animals do. God is calling us to struggle against our animal nature and to become who we truly are: not sexual beings, but spiritual beings who are in control of the physical side of our nature and who can thus find true happiness living in conformity with God’s will.

The purpose for which we were created is not to have sex; it is to know and love God. There will come a time in everyone's life when they cannot have sex anymore or they grow out of the need for it. Then when we die there will be no bodies for sex in the spiritual world.

But we are sexual creatures and to deny it is to deny your very nature. We are mere animals through and through and the greatest mistake is to not recognize this simple fact. You and I would not be here if we were not sexual creatures of this earth. We are emotional creatures driven by emotions and sensual sensations. We have a rational aspect but it helps to modify our affective relationship to our world. Spiritual beings are sensory beings and sexuality is also an aspect of spiritual experience. Our rational brain only helps to support our physical side of our nature.
We were not created to have sex, we evolved as sexual organisms which led to our existence. Sexuality is an aspect of the spiritual world.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
Earlier today I was thinking to myself: Does God have a sexual orientation?

My first thoughts: I don’t think he does as he is incorporeal

He is only a “he” by convention. Forget it and move on.

However - what if we accept Jesus is God? Did (indeed, “does”) Jesus have a sexual orientation?

He’d have had to, even if his orientation was “asexual”

I think he was asexual in the sense that he was not a sexual being - with urges, desires, drives

First of all, he was free from sin - sexuality produces sin

Secondly, there is no evidence he was married (which was the only legit way of being sexual in that time and place)

Also, there is no evidence he ever had sexual/romantic feelings towards anyone

So no, I don’t think Jesus was a sexual being

Indeed I think if he was a sexual being that would have seriously undermined his ministry

I think he went to the cross as a virgin and was never in love or in a relationship

Sexuality does not produce sin. Sins are a purely religious concept.


Be your own guru
Why is lust a sin? If there was no lust, there would be no babies.
Is that true? Sex is a pleasant thing. It is perfectly normal and essential in married life at one stage. One of the four things that a man should do (Purusharthas - earn, have sex, live righteously and think of God). Would I feel lustful in eating ice cream?