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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


New Member
Hell is a definite real and eternal place, Just because we as humans cant comprehend the idea of eternal suffering doesn't mean it isn't a just punishment. The loving God that your talking about is also the God that will send a sinner to eternal damnation. God is love because He gave His only son to die for us. "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" Romans 5:8. We as humans brought sin into the world and fully deserve hell. But because God loves us He sent His only son to be mocked, spit upon, and killed in the worst fashion so egotistical and sinful humans could go to heaven. Imagine your own child being beat, mocked, and hung on a cross for a group of undeserving people to be saved. Wouldn't you expect everybody to follow you if you just saved them from eternal damnation. And wouldn't you want punishment for those who after you sacrificed your own child to say "no I don't need that, thanks but no thanks". If God were to just save us all than thered be no need for faith or righteous living. Man would eventually just bring sin back into the world again. God gave us the option for all to living in paradise but man lost that privilege. Hell is a deserving place and if you want to avoid it I suggest following Him.
Hell is a definite real and eternal place.

Really? can I find it on a map?

And wouldn't you want punishment for those who after you sacrificed your own child to say "no I don't need that, thanks but no thanks".

Punishment for what? Being human? Also, what exactly did God sacrifice? He brought his son back from the dead right? So what's the sacrifice? Jesus suffered and died horribly but so have millions of others. What makes Jesus's suffering and death so special?

Man would eventually just bring sin back into the world again.

If God hates sin so much and Man is the source of this sin why not just get rid of us? Would that not be the most efficient and humane way of dealing with the problem? I fail to see what is accomplished through eternal torture. Wait, I take that back. The threat of going to Hell would be effective for helping fill seats in churchs and collection plates.

Hell is a deserving place and if you want to avoid it I suggest following Him.

I have yet to see, hear, or experience anything to make me believe Hell exists. Any God, being or person that would create a place like Hell is someone I want nothing to do with.


Well-Known Member
So what you're basically doing, is trying to prove that Jesus is not God. Why? This can't be proved. Or if you think the contrary, please do, try to explain why Jesus was not God. .

I personally don't think it possible for me to explain to a christian why Jesus is not God, because of their mindSET. But I will explain why I believe Jesus is not God. If I may start with the ignored words of God himself in Isaiah 45:5;" I am the Lord, and there is NO OTHER; besides me there is no God." And Jesus was sitting beside God when he said this. Now this is clear enough to me, God himself claiming to be the only God, even stateing that there is no other God beside him, and Jesus is ALWAYS beside God, on his right side.

Rather than debate christians or allow them to interpit scriptures for me, I can simply read for myself. The word states that God cannot die, Jesus died once, so he cannot be God.



Well-Known Member
How is the concept of hell sick?

Because it teachs that Gods answer to sin is eternal punishment, instead of eternal forgiveness through Christ. It teachs that Jesus couldnot save unrepentant sinners, it teachs that God, the master of mercy, would co-exist with the misery and curse of hell forever.

The concept of hell shows how sick christianity is, making the doctrine of eternal torture its main message to humanity. It teachs that Gods mentality is obey him, or suffer forever, which is a sick mentality, and God is nothing of the sort.

Its sick to tell anyone to obey you, or be placed in a pain amphlifier for all of eternity. Its sick to be a person of Love, but yet be willing to hurt people , without end, just because they do not know you.

Its sick, to not be able to reconize how sick the concept of hell really is.



Well-Known Member
Does that bother you mickiel?

It bothers me that the pure Light that God is, is tainted by misconceptions of what hell is. It bothers me that human understanding can elevate concepts of punishments and torture, but fail to elevate concepts of grace and forgiveness. We lift of the doctrines of torture, and for some reasons, cannot lift up the concepts of sinners to repentance, and God not leaving unbelievers behind in some lake of Fire.

We lick our chops in anticipation of God roasting evil people, and don't seem to believe that he holds the power to change them, no matter what their will is.

What really bothers me is the righteous believers in God, are really the ones who seem to think that Jesus came for the righteous, when he clearly stated himself that he came for the unbelievers, the evil, the sinners.



New Member
Really? can I find it on a map?

Punishment for what? Being human? Also, what exactly did God sacrifice? He brought his son back from the dead right? So what's the sacrifice? Jesus suffered and died horribly but so have millions of others. What makes Jesus's suffering and death so special?

:yes:yes exactly, being human is our downfall. we're not perfect like Him. Being human is being sinful. Adam and Eve had the opportunity to live in a sinless world but we as humans are corrupt so yes being human is our sin. And God's sacrifice was for God did lower himself to human standards and suffer. He brought His son back to conquer death so we could live with Him. Just cause He came back from the dead doesn't mean He didn't suffer. His sacrifice was to live among unworthy finite humans and have them treat Him as the lowest of the low. Jesus' suffering and death is so special because He saved egotistical humans like you and me.

If God hates sin so much and Man is the source of this sin why not just get rid of us? Would that not be the most efficient and humane way of dealing with the problem? I fail to see what is accomplished through eternal torture. Wait, I take that back. The threat of going to Hell would be effective for helping fill seats in churchs and collection plates.

because He loves us. why would you destroy something that you love so much that you would let your own child die for them? wouldn't you rather give them the chance to be with you forever.

I have yet to see, hear, or experience anything to make me believe Hell exists. Any God, being or person that would create a place like Hell is someone I want nothing to do with.

Christianity is based on faith and God's love not his wrath
Being Human is our downfall? Are you serious? Lets look at this for a sec. God created humans, every aspect about humanity was created by God (how we think and reason and make decisions for example) even our flaws. Yet, God is punishing us for being flawed? Hmmm, God made us as flawed creations and then punishes us for being flawed. If disobeying God was wrong that does not negate the fact that decision was made with the gray matter God gave them in the first place. Adam and Eve could not be anymore then what God created them to be. He created them to be sinners. But wait, God hates sinners. Why would God create something he hates? The belief system outlined by the Bible is illogical and lacks reason.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Being Human is our downfall? Are you serious? Lets look at this for a sec. God created humans, every aspect about humanity was created by God (how we think and reason and make decisions for example) even our flaws. Yet, God is punishing us for being flawed? Hmmm, God made us as flawed creations and then punishes us for being flawed. If disobeying God was wrong that does not negate the fact that decision was made with the gray matter God gave them in the first place. Adam and Eve could not be anymore then what God created them to be. He created them to be sinners. But wait, God hates sinners. Why would God create something he hates? The belief system outlined by the Bible is illogical and lacks reason.

Hmmm...well let's just toss in some crap about not putting faith in your own understanding...blah, blah, blah...god works in mysterious ways...etc, etc...Okay, that's taken care of!
Jesus' suffering and death is so special because He saved egotistical humans like you and me.

God doesn't have to hurt us if he doesn't want to. So why is Jesus even neccesary? Did he really have to sacrifice himself to himself so he could grant himself an excuse to spare us his wrath? What is his wrath again? That's right, eternal torture in Hell. Yea, what a nice guy. I'm sure all the people in Hell will be feeling the love.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
God doesn't have to hurt us if he doesn't want to. So why is Jesus even neccesary? Did he really have to sacrifice himself to himself so he could grant himself an excuse to spare us his wrath? What is his wrath again? That's right, eternal torture in Hell. Yea, what a nice guy. I'm sure all the people in Hell will be feeling the love.
Let's see if I understand. You wish to spend your life rejecting God and want Him to accept you?
Because you seem to have a problem with His decision on how to deal with those who reject Him all of their lives.

There is nothing to proof God exists or does not exist. I am inclined to believe that the God described in the Christian Bible does not exist. Frankly, the belief system outlined in the Bible is insane. According to you he is only concerned with us acknowledging his existence. As long as we do that we can commit atrocities with reckless abandon like the atrocities he commits on us. The God described in the Christian Bible is an insane, saddistic tyrant.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
There is nothing to proof God exists or does not exist. I am inclined to believe that the God described in the Christian Bible does not exist. Frankly, the belief system outlined in the Bible is insane. According to you he is only concerned with us acknowledging his existence. As long as we do that we can commit atrocities with reckless abandon like the atrocities he commits on us. The God described in the Christian Bible is an insane, saddistic tyrant.
I can see why you feel this way, your theology is quite messed up.
Punishment for what? Being human? Also, what exactly did God sacrifice? He brought his son back from the dead right? So what's the sacrifice? Jesus suffered and died horribly but so have millions of others. What makes Jesus's suffering and death so special?

Jesus' suffering and death is so special because A) He was perfect, he never did anything wrong. Who do you know that was perfect? If someone perfect died for you when you absolutely hated them and they (seemingly) had no reason to do so, wouldn't you gain a little bit of respect for them? and B) Because He was God's son, a part of God Himself, in fact, that crossed the greatest gap in existence, that of the infinite to the finite, to save beings that He desperately loved but who rejected Him. You ask why He gave us the choice of sin. It is because He did not want us to love him robotically, because there was no other choice. Do you want to marry someone who can't do anything but love you? That is not love, that is slavery, and that is why Christ's death was so important, to show that God does love us, and to let us know why we should love Him in return.


New Member
God doesn't have to hurt us if he doesn't want to. So why is Jesus even neccesary? Did he really have to sacrifice himself to himself so he could grant himself an excuse to spare us his wrath? What is his wrath again? That's right, eternal torture in Hell. Yea, what a nice guy. I'm sure all the people in Hell will be feeling the love.

Jesus is necessary to save you and me from eternal damnation. God sacrificing His son is the only reason any of us have a chance at eternity with Him which none of us deserve. You seem to have a self-deserving mindset that we as humans should just automatically have certain things. We as humans deserve hell and hell only but by the Grace of God we do not have to suffer through that because of HIS ultimate sacrifice and His sacrifice only. He sacrificed His son UNdeservingly for US. And through that all He asks is for us to accept that in return for eternal glory. "For the wages of sin is wrath but the gift of God is eternal life".