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"The Right is way worse than the Left!!!"


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Don't get me wrong, the Right is garbage, but they've always been the way they are. I've been done with them since childhood. The Left used to at least try and help people, try to be reasonable, try to be balanced. It's become literally nothing more than a vile reflection of the Right.

For instance, I'm so sick of hearing about January 6th. First of all, the founders literally wanted us to tear them out of office if/when they went bad, the only problem with the Trumpers is they did it for a dumb reason to support an absolute fool. [Worth noting that left propaganda is so bad people assume if you aren't a D you support Trump.] But my real problem? These are the same people who cheered at the murder of police officers, torching of entire neighborhoods, occupations of major cities, and wanted to let a pedophile with a gun publicly execute a kid because he made an extremely, objectively stupid decision at 17. So it's kind of hilarious to hear these worries about "inciting violence" or "domestic terrorism" from "mostly peaceful" rioting murderers and looters.

Republicans don't care about children, everyone knows this. Imagine being a young, democratic social worker and seeing people, coworkers, and democratic politicians give their all for children at the border, when they can't be bothered to care about the 5 abusive foster homes in their own neighborhood (probably because they weren't told to). Both are bad, but they don't give a damn because caring about one group of kids is worth far more political social credit. Our hearts go to Urkraine, but who cares about the numerous other genocides, war crimes, unjust wars, etc. that the party hasn't told us to care about? Everyone still went to Qatar. Just like the Republicans and their special pleading hypocrisy.

We all know Republicans don't care about workers rights, they'd have us work 100 hour weeks with no PTO for minimum wage and no benefits. So what about the Left? Do they care about employees or political posturing? The answer is clear when you look at the fact that even Bernie is arguing for rail workers to have 7 PTO days. That's laughably low, and what about the rest of us? He and his peers, again, just push the topic of the day for votes, just like caring about border but not foster kids.

What about guns? The Left wants guns gone more than anything, same as the right wants to be able to go to Wal-Mart and buy a grenade launcher for home defense. Blatant reflections of each other, but neither gives a darn about the real problem: mental health. Because being pro/anti gun gets the votes. The Right probably thinks mental illness is demons or something, which gets them votes, whereas the Left now actively encourages mental illness as something chic and individuating, which gets them votes. Because they care ABOUT THE VOTES, not about you or me. Just take any mass shooting - literally neither side cares about what might have driven a person to do that, or bullying, or parenting, or the already mentioned mental health. Only "keep/take guns". "Guns are the cause." Do mentally healthy people commit mass murder?

Remember the days when the Right used to try and cancel people under accusations that were guilty until proven innocent? Like Marilyn Manson? But who actually successfully canceled Manson under accusations that were guilty until proven innocent? The same people who cancel everyone these days, the Left. Remember "believe all women" followed by the Depp trial, after he was canceled under accusations that were guilty until proven innocent?

How about abortion? It's my body my choice, unless of course we're talking about politicized topics. Tell me when I can work (if I'm even defined as essential enough), tell me I'm defined by my skin color or the acts of my ancestors (original sin, really?), try to stop my income because of what a doctor recommends me? You're going to treat people like second class citizens in the hospital simply because they caught a specific illness with a high survival rate? But only the Republicans are tyrants, of course, only they are fascist and authoritarian, you aren't mirror images of each other.

And you know something? Never once at work have I had a conservative try to shove their religion down my throat. I was even outted at one job ignorantly as a "satanist" and the conservatives just joked with me about it. The Ledt will not. shut. up at work. About how they have their position cause of gender or race while telling the rest of their demographic how they need to be saved by a company, about how they're triple jabbed and still masking even though they have Covid, about how they're part of an anti capitalist rebellion as they work OT in their favorite brand name shirt, about how their votes "won't be counted" cause of their color in our purple gone blue state. SHUT UP ABOUT YOUR RELIGION AT WORK.

Remember when they freaked out at Republicans killing an effigy of Obama (messed up) then loved a mock decapitation of Trump? Remember the Republicans screaming to Democrats that they need to respect the president, and the democrats just laughing? And who now thinks we need to respect the office itself irrelevant of the person while the other side hypocritically mocks? Who mocked Trump falling on stairs and now can't handle it when people laugh at Biden? I explicitly remember an incident where how Trump took a drink of water was analyzed.

Both parties are exactly. The. Same. Thing. Because American politics is all one party: the Anti-Citizen, keep ourselves rich, and stay in power party. Democrats, Republicans, tomatoe tomatoe. They are the same thing.

The Kilted Heathen

Crow FreyjasmaðR
I'm so sick of hearing about January 6th.
Cry me a river? There is a stark difference from preventing and ousting tyranny (which, by the way, is not a legal right) and commiting treason in a temper tantrum (treason tantrum?) because your side didn't win in an actual democratic election.

These are the same people who cheered at the murder of police officers,
Prove it en masse.

torching of entire neighborhoods,
Literally proven to not be "the left".

occupations of major cities,
Like Charlottesville?

and wanted to let a pedophile with a gun publicly execute a kid because he made an extremely, objectively stupid decision at 17.
What in the actual hell are you on about here? Source needed, badly.

The Left wants guns gone more than anything,
Tell me you don't actually listen to any Leftist or Liberal agendas without telling me.

Regulations. It's about regulations and restrictions, not absolute removal. The left is also acutely aware and proactive of the contribution of mental health to gun violence; that was the whole point to "defund the police"; redistribute those excess funds towards agencies better equipped to handle mental health crisis. It was never about abolishing the police, but to stop treating them like a Paramilitary Solve-It-All.

the Left now actively encourages mental illness as something chic and individuating,
Absolute twaddle-speak.

Never once at work have I had a conservative try to shove their religion down my throat.
Lucky you. Take a look at literally any Conservative legislature, and this time actually look.

The Ledt will not. shut. up at work. About how they have their position cause of gender or race while telling the rest of their demographic how they need to be saved by a company, about how they're triple jabbed and still masking even though they have Covid, about how they're part of an anti capitalist rebellion as they work OT in their favorite brand name shirt, about how their votes "won't be counted" cause of their color in our purple gone blue state. SHUT UP ABOUT YOUR RELIGION AT WORK.
None of that is religion, but color me so skeptical It'd be just easier to say you're lying.

Remember the Republicans screaming to Democrats that they need to respect the president, and the democrats just laughing?
Right, and you know why? Because I sat by for eight years listening to my mother call Obama everything under the sun. From "The Idiot In Charge" to racial slurs. It's soooo chic to slam the Democrat president and blame literally everything on him, but god**** had we better bow down and kiss the Republican presidents *** because He's The President and if we don't it's treason.

Meanwhile the actual left does not worship Biden. Sure, we laugh at Conservatives for their "Let's Go Brandon" merch, but we've got the full chest to actually say "**** Biden" when he does not live up to his promises - which, to be clear, we fully expected.

Both parties are exactly. The. Same. Thing.
There's nothing worse than a fence-rider. No, both parties are not the exact same thing. Apathy toward their constituents does not equate them, and Democrats are far more likely to introduce legislature that actually helps people, Republicans included. Republicans consistently and demonstrably run on a platform of contrarianism, throwing their own voters under the bus to "Own the Libs".

Get real, because you're contributing to the problem.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Both parties are exactly. The. Same. Thing. Because American politics is all one party: the Anti-Citizen, keep ourselves rich, and stay in power party. Democrats, Republicans, tomatoe tomatoe. They are the same thing.

If you're speaking of political parties, then I would say they both are right-wing, the Democrats would be moderate-right, while the Republicans are further to the right - although some are more extreme than others. The reason the right is considered worse is because the far-right is getting too brazen and dangerous.

I don't think that's the same as the difference between right and left.

There has always been a great deal of overlap between the two parties, so there are many things that they might still agree upon. Both seem to embrace the surface level trappings of politics, such as expressing loyalty to the flag, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, supporting the troops, freedom, democracy. Whether or not they actually practice it in the real world may be a completely different matter, but they all say that they support these things.

On matters of foreign policy, both parties have essentially supported the same worldview and national security perceptions, though the Republicans might be slightly more militaristic and aggressive in terms of the policies they advocate - but the Democrats are a close second.

Economic policies have been largely the same, with both sides favoring the neo-liberal capitalist status quo. Neither party shows any willingness to rock the boat in this area, The general direction of the US political culture has been an escalation and refinement of the traditional "screw the poor" and "screw the workers" mentality since the Reagan era. Both parties have jumped on that bandwagon, but that doesn't mean they're the same. But it's understandable that people might see them as "the same" in the sense that they've been equally screwed regardless of which party has been in power.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
The Left used to at least try and help people, try to be reasonable, try to be balanced.
Your idea of reasonable and balanced will vastly differ from mine. It is definitely not 'in the middle between any two given points.' The correct number of Nazi between zero and two is not one Nazi. It's zero Nazi.
First of all, the founders literally wanted us to tear them out of office if/when they went bad
And then swiftly and violently ended the Whisky rebellion when people were sure the government had become corrupt for taxing their products. With George Washington himself ending whomever wouldn't give up their guns. The founders were politicians, and were anything from perfect. Best not deify them.

But anyway I agree with you that revolution is sometimes necessary. This wasn't. It was a stupid show of force backed by conspiracy theories and massive misinformation campaigns. And that should be troubling to anyone.
These are the same people who cheered at the murder of police officers, torching of entire neighborhoods, occupations of major cities
Is this where I'm told again that Portland burned to the ground again? There were more fires started from PDX police gas canisters (which once were deployed for throwing paper airplanes made out of resignation letters at police.)

I'm not interested in murdering police. That's more The Punisher's thing, whose logo is ironically worn by so many protect the bluers. What I am interested is deconstructing the massively overpaid, undertrained police culture in the US, as well as for profit prisons and anyone who thinks it's better to send police to an Autistic meltdown.
What about guns? The Left wants guns gone more than anything
No we don't. I want guns to at least be as well regulated as cars. And I actually voted against the recent gun control measure in Oregon, not because I don't think having a delay grace period won't save thousands of lives from suicide, but because putting gun appeal control in the hands of police is dangerous for stigmatized minorities.
whereas the Left now actively encourages mental illness as something chic and individuating
Speaking of, mentally ill people are so stigmatized that they're by orders of magnitude more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators of violence. The US is deplorable in its treatment of mental health, which allows for a much higher instance of poverty, substance abuse and early death.
Do mentally healthy people commit mass murder?
Yes, all the time. That's the scary thing about murderers. We want to write them off as having altered brain chemistry or carrying some diagnosable condition. Most of them don't. And scapegoating mental illness as a danger certainly won't help those that do have a diagnosible illness get treatment. They just get more isolated.
And you know something? Never once at work have I had a conservative try to shove their religion down my throat.
I'm going to stop here, but just as a reminder, the world exists outside your limited experience. We have active theolocratic ballot measures pushed and succeeded especially in the past five years. And a great number of people have not only been experiencing proselyzation but active violence for being on a different religion.


Veteran Member
Don't get me wrong, the Right is garbage, but they've always been the way they are. I've been done with them since childhood. The Left used to at least try and help people, try to be reasonable, try to be balanced. It's become literally nothing more than a vile reflection of the Right.
So you aren't Vaying attention to what democrats are working for?

For instance, I'm so sick of hearing about January 6th.
Congress took about 2 years investigating the Watergate scandal and it led to new laws that would prevent a president from being able to use the office to obstruct justice. Nixon pushed his authority into criminal acts. Trump has used his office in new ways that are illegal, and the congress is investigating to see what can be done to prevent the same thing from a president in the future. No one is forcing you to pay attention to their work. It's called oversight.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Don't get me wrong, the Right is garbage, but they've always been the way they are. I've been done with them since childhood. The Left used to at least try and help people, try to be reasonable, try to be balanced. It's become literally nothing more than a vile reflection of the Right.

For instance, I'm so sick of hearing about January 6th. First of all, the founders literally wanted us to tear them out of office if/when they went bad, the only problem with the Trumpers is they did it for a dumb reason to support an absolute fool. [Worth noting that left propaganda is so bad people assume if you aren't a D you support Trump.] But my real problem? These are the same people who cheered at the murder of police officers, torching of entire neighborhoods, occupations of major cities, and wanted to let a pedophile with a gun publicly execute a kid because he made an extremely, objectively stupid decision at 17. So it's kind of hilarious to hear these worries about "inciting violence" or "domestic terrorism" from "mostly peaceful" rioting murderers and looters.

Republicans don't care about children, everyone knows this. Imagine being a young, democratic social worker and seeing people, coworkers, and democratic politicians give their all for children at the border, when they can't be bothered to care about the 5 abusive foster homes in their own neighborhood (probably because they weren't told to). Both are bad, but they don't give a damn because caring about one group of kids is worth far more political social credit. Our hearts go to Urkraine, but who cares about the numerous other genocides, war crimes, unjust wars, etc. that the party hasn't told us to care about? Everyone still went to Qatar. Just like the Republicans and their special pleading hypocrisy.

We all know Republicans don't care about workers rights, they'd have us work 100 hour weeks with no PTO for minimum wage and no benefits. So what about the Left? Do they care about employees or political posturing? The answer is clear when you look at the fact that even Bernie is arguing for rail workers to have 7 PTO days. That's laughably low, and what about the rest of us? He and his peers, again, just push the topic of the day for votes, just like caring about border but not foster kids.

What about guns? The Left wants guns gone more than anything, same as the right wants to be able to go to Wal-Mart and buy a grenade launcher for home defense. Blatant reflections of each other, but neither gives a darn about the real problem: mental health. Because being pro/anti gun gets the votes. The Right probably thinks mental illness is demons or something, which gets them votes, whereas the Left now actively encourages mental illness as something chic and individuating, which gets them votes. Because they care ABOUT THE VOTES, not about you or me. Just take any mass shooting - literally neither side cares about what might have driven a person to do that, or bullying, or parenting, or the already mentioned mental health. Only "keep/take guns". "Guns are the cause." Do mentally healthy people commit mass murder?

Remember the days when the Right used to try and cancel people under accusations that were guilty until proven innocent? Like Marilyn Manson? But who actually successfully canceled Manson under accusations that were guilty until proven innocent? The same people who cancel everyone these days, the Left. Remember "believe all women" followed by the Depp trial, after he was canceled under accusations that were guilty until proven innocent?

How about abortion? It's my body my choice, unless of course we're talking about politicized topics. Tell me when I can work (if I'm even defined as essential enough), tell me I'm defined by my skin color or the acts of my ancestors (original sin, really?), try to stop my income because of what a doctor recommends me? You're going to treat people like second class citizens in the hospital simply because they caught a specific illness with a high survival rate? But only the Republicans are tyrants, of course, only they are fascist and authoritarian, you aren't mirror images of each other.

And you know something? Never once at work have I had a conservative try to shove their religion down my throat. I was even outted at one job ignorantly as a "satanist" and the conservatives just joked with me about it. The Ledt will not. shut. up at work. About how they have their position cause of gender or race while telling the rest of their demographic how they need to be saved by a company, about how they're triple jabbed and still masking even though they have Covid, about how they're part of an anti capitalist rebellion as they work OT in their favorite brand name shirt, about how their votes "won't be counted" cause of their color in our purple gone blue state. SHUT UP ABOUT YOUR RELIGION AT WORK.

Remember when they freaked out at Republicans killing an effigy of Obama (messed up) then loved a mock decapitation of Trump? Remember the Republicans screaming to Democrats that they need to respect the president, and the democrats just laughing? And who now thinks we need to respect the office itself irrelevant of the person while the other side hypocritically mocks? Who mocked Trump falling on stairs and now can't handle it when people laugh at Biden? I explicitly remember an incident where how Trump took a drink of water was analyzed.

Both parties are exactly. The. Same. Thing. Because American politics is all one party: the Anti-Citizen, keep ourselves rich, and stay in power party. Democrats, Republicans, tomatoe tomatoe. They are the same thing.
I find your generalizations extremist and unhelpful. But I hope you feel better now that you got what you wanted off your chest.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
mental health
We'd like it if you'd quit blaming us for gun violence. Mental illness is not driving this, a flood of easy access to guns with few restrictions, often no training required, and the stupidity of people is vastly more to blame than something that makes someone more likely to be the victim of crime than perpetuator of it.
And you know something?
You have no idea or concept of how covid effected those beyond those who got it because it's extremely contagious amd does a lot more than just kill you?
That you lack perspective and fail to see that seven paid days off in America is a lot and we have to start somewhere?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
The kinds of arguments in this thread typify exactly why I refuse to identify as a "centrist" despite not fitting comfortably within the left or the right. There is no "center" between neo-Nazism and racial equality, or between adhering to medical consensus about COVID and completely flouting preventive measures. Ditto for legalizing same-sex marriage and banning it. Sometimes the sensible and ethical position is squarely on one side only.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Democrats actively rule the most oppressive and least free states in the entire nation. Enuf said.

CATO ranks Most Free, Least Free States – USA Gov Policy

How many times do we have to go over this? :facepalm:

Who has supported book bans and has opposed gay marriage and other LGBT rights, reproductive rights/bodily autonomy, the establishment clause of the first amendment, and cannabis legalization? "Enuf said".

Also, by "oppressive" states it seems that you're referencing regulation that protects consumers and the environment. Holding businesses accountable, how tyrannical.:rolleyes:

Stop regurgitating this imbecilic swill.


Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
How many times do we have to go over this? :facepalm:

Who has supported book bans and has opposed gay marriage and other LGBT rights, reproductive rights/bodily autonomy, the establishment clause of the first amendment, and cannabis legalization? "Enuf said".

Also, by "oppressive" states it seems that you're referencing regulation that protects consumers and the environment. Holding businesses accountable, how tyrannical.:rolleyes:

Stop regurgitating this imbecilic swill.


How many times do I have to keep telling you about the absolute well reported truth of the matter?

Stop trying to deny any and all facts as they legitimately present themselves and pretending it dosent exist as if it changes things.



Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
Don't get me wrong, the Right is garbage, but they've always been the way they are. I've been done with them since childhood
"Always" I don't know, but politics has been a bloody mess for many years


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
The Left used to at least try and help people, try to be reasonable, try to be balanced. It's become literally nothing more than a vile reflection of the Right.
You nailed it here. Nothing more to add