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The Question Islam and Christianity Can't Answer


Well-Known Member
Why would an omniscient and loving God knowingly create many people he knows he will one day throw into hell after they get done living out their lives?
By what is said in the Bible, God created two people, rest are their offspring and so not directly created.

I think one sign of God's greatness is that He gave this opportunity also for those who hate him. He is not like petty human tyrants.

In Bible hell is the second death, where body and soul are destroyed. Do you have some good reason to why evil people should be allowed to live forever?
So, he creates a bunch of people he already knows will go to hell before they even die. What's the point?
So, you think a short life is not valuable?


Well-Known Member
Yes, I have created a question that I have been pondering about for many years which no Christian or Muslim could possibly answer if God is loving. Here is my question to those Muslims and Christians that strongly believe in their faiths.


Why would an omniscient and loving God knowingly create many people he knows he will one day throw into hell after they get done living out their lives?


So, he creates a bunch of people he already knows will go to hell before they even die. What's the point? It's like setting up someone for failure from the very beginning for your own sadistic pleasure and the thrill of it! Why believe in such a God?

Thank you.

Yes, tough question.
But why is it important to know the answer? Why is it important that many people go to hell? They deserve it.

What's important is, if you believe in Allah, and Quran, you go to heaven. The rest, does not matter. As long as you choose Islam as your religion, Allah sends you to heaven. The worst, might be, you go to hell for a very short time.


Veteran Member

Why would an omniscient and loving God knowingly create many people he knows he will one day throw into hell after they get done living out their lives?
I do not believe that hell is a place people go to, but rather hell is a state of a soul who is far from God.
God does not throw people into hell, people wind up their by the choices they make and the actions that follow.

God is all-knowing so God knows everything that humans will ever do, start to finish, but God's foreknowledge does not cause the actions of men.

“Every act ye meditate is as clear to Him as is that act when already accomplished. There is none other God besides Him. His is all creation and its empire. All stands revealed before Him; all is recorded in His holy and hidden Tablets. This fore-knowledge of God, however, should not be regarded as having caused the actions of men, just as your own previous knowledge that a certain event is to occur, or your desire that it should happen, is not and can never be the reason for its occurrence.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 150

Question.—If God has knowledge of an action which will be performed by someone, and it has been written on the Tablet of Fate, is it possible to resist it?

Answer.—The foreknowledge of a thing is not the cause of its realization; for the essential knowledge of God surrounds, in the same way, the realities of things, before as well as after their existence, and it does not become the cause of their existence. It is a perfection of God.......
Some Answered Questions, p. 138

So, he creates a bunch of people he already knows will go to hell before they even die. What's the point? It's like setting up someone for failure from the very beginning for your own sadistic pleasure and the thrill of it! Why believe in such a God?
God knows who will wind up in hell because God is all-knowing, but God does not cause anyone to go to hell. See above.


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
If someone has the eternal will to throw a purely innocent God into an eternal torture of hell then I would say God has a right to send that someone to eternal hell.

Yet if God is omniscient why not conquer that someone's eternal will instead and put their heart into a condition of eternal innocence. An innocent God would surely conquer evil that way.
Unless God cannot do it because of inability.

Of course the God of the Bible commits genocide without explanation. The only reason God gives to justify that act is that He is God. God commands to kill in the OT and the only justification used is that He is God. No demonstration of innocence from God in the OT at all.


Veteran Member
Of course the God of the Bible commits genocide without explanation. The only reason God gives to justify that act is that He is God. God commands to kill in the OT and the only justification used is that He is God. No demonstration of innocence from God in the OT at all.
You actually believe the anthropomorphic God of the OT exists? That's sad. :(


We create our own hell right here on earth. That hell will be eternal if we refuse to learn and grow in heavenly attributes that are also right here on earth.

Hell is living a life of dissatisfaction, scratching and clawing, knocking people down, and striving for the unimportant matters that the human condition craves.

To get out of hell is to learn to be appreciative, helpful, kind, respectful, calm, peaceful, all the important matters of a heavenly existence, even when the world surrounds you in hellish chaos.

It's quite a feat to accomplish, but Jesus showed us it can be done. (Here comes my Christian Heretic take...) And he told us how, as he had learned by being just a man, through many incarnations. Once we all have completed our schooling, "Eden" will be restored in perfect harmony.

So "hell" is only eternal for the exceptionally stubborn, and even they will one day "bow" not in submission, but as winners in achieving the "fruit of life" that must be earned after partaking of "the fruit of knowledge."


Active Member
If someone has the eternal will to throw a purely innocent God into an eternal torture of hell then I would say God has a right to send that someone to eternal hell.

Yet if God is omniscient why not conquer that someone's eternal will instead and put their heart into a condition of eternal innocence. An innocent God would surely conquer evil that way.
Unless God cannot do it because of inability.

Of course the God of the Bible commits genocide without explanation. The only reason God gives to justify that act is that He is God. God commands to kill in the OT and the only justification used is that He is God. No demonstration of innocence from God in the OT at all.
Where do you get the idea that people want to throw some fictional god into hell?

Actually, I wonder if this is one of the sources of the victim mentality Trumpers tend to have. Or maybe it’s the victim mentality that gives people this kind of belief?


New Member
Yes, I have created a question that I have been pondering about for many years which no Christian or Muslim could possibly answer if God is loving. Here is my question to those Muslims and Christians that strongly believe in their faiths.


Why would an omniscient and loving God knowingly create many people he knows he will one day throw into hell after they get done living out their lives?


So, he creates a bunch of people he already knows will go to hell before they even die. What's the point? It's like setting up someone for failure from the very beginning for your own sadistic pleasure and the thrill of it! Why believe in such a God?

Thank you.
In Islamic theology, God is believed to be both just and merciful. The concept of Hell (Jahannam) in Islam is understood as a place of punishment for those who have consciously and persistently rejected God's guidance and mercy during their lives.

According to Islamic belief, humans have been endowed with free will and the capacity to choose between right and wrong. While God is all-knowing and aware of the choices individuals will make, He allows them the freedom to exercise their will. Those who choose to disobey God's commandments and persist in wrongdoing may face the consequence of Hell in the afterlife.

However, Islamic teachings also emphasize God's mercy and forgiveness. It is believed that God's mercy encompasses His creation, and He provides numerous opportunities for individuals to repent and seek forgiveness during their lives. Those who sincerely repent and turn back to God with remorse for their actions have the opportunity to receive His mercy and attain salvation.

In Islam, Hell is not seen as arbitrary or vindictive punishment inflicted by God, but rather as a consequence of individuals' own actions and choices. While God's justice demands accountability for wrongdoing, His mercy offers the possibility of redemption for those who seek it.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Knowing what you will choose doesnt remove your free will
Knowing with absolute certainty that a person will cause untold suffering and then himself suffer eternally in hell and STILL choosing to create this person when He could have not created this person.... makes this concept of God fundamentally amoral in nature.


Veteran Member
Knowing with absolute certainty that a person will cause untold suffering and then himself suffer eternally in hell and STILL choosing to create this person when He could have not created this person.... makes this concept of God fundamentally amoral in nature.
God did not create that person. The parents of that person created that person.


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
Where do you get the idea that people want to throw some fictional god into hell?

Actually, I wonder if this is one of the sources of the victim mentality Trumpers tend to have. Or maybe it’s the victim mentality that gives people this kind of belief?
It's hypothetical. I know it's fictional. I'm not a Trumper.


Active Member
Yes, I have created a question that I have been pondering about for many years which no Christian or Muslim could possibly answer if God is loving. Here is my question to those Muslims and Christians that strongly believe in their faiths.


Why would an omniscient and loving God knowingly create many people he knows he will one day throw into hell after they get done living out their lives?

I think this is the point:

As Moses separated the sea, and Muhammad separated the moon, Jesus plucked the corn.

Level 1 - Level 2 - Level 3
Sea - River - Stream
Moon - Star - Sun
Corn - Oil - Wine

They were separating those of level one (Hell).


New Member
Yes, I have created a question that I have been pondering about for many years which no Christian or Muslim could possibly answer if God is loving. Here is my question to those Muslims and Christians that strongly believe in their faiths.


Why would an omniscient and loving God knowingly create many people he knows he will one day throw into hell after they get done living out their lives?


So, he creates a bunch of people he already knows will go to hell before they even die. What's the point? It's like setting up someone for failure from the very beginning for your own sadistic pleasure and the thrill of it! Why believe in such a God?

Thank you.
Many of the deeds that are loved by allah can only be done if non believers exist.
Fighting for something shows how much value somone holds for it. That why it's considered virtuous to defend one's family.
Practicing dawah and spreading the message of islam can only be done if there are non beleivers.
Choosing to stick to the truth even when you see the masses not following your footsteps.
And many more.

Some of allahs Attributes are showcased by people's disobedience, such as his rage, severe punishment and power.


Active Member
Yes, I have created a question that I have been pondering about for many years which no Christian or Muslim could possibly answer if God is loving. Here is my question to those Muslims and Christians that strongly believe in their faiths.


Why would an omniscient and loving God knowingly create many people he knows he will one day throw into hell after they get done living out their lives?


So, he creates a bunch of people he already knows will go to hell before they even die. What's the point? It's like setting up someone for failure from the very beginning for your own sadistic pleasure and the thrill of it! Why believe in such a God?

Thank you.

You're right, god wouldn't do that. What sort of a god would create us just to see if we are going to be 'good'? He'd have to be a bit of a 'tosser'


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Yes, I have created a question that I have been pondering about for many years which no Christian or Muslim could possibly answer if God is loving. Here is my question to those Muslims and Christians that strongly believe in their faiths.


Why would an omniscient and loving God knowingly create many people he knows he will one day throw into hell after they get done living out their lives?


So, he creates a bunch of people he already knows will go to hell before they even die. What's the point? It's like setting up someone for failure from the very beginning for your own sadistic pleasure and the thrill of it! Why believe in such a God?

Thank you.
Well, first of all, “hell” is nothing like it has been taught.

Did you know Jacob said he was going to hell when he died? — Genesis 37:35, Douay….”And all his children being gathered together to comfort their father in his sorrow, he would not receive comfort, but said: I will go down to my son into hell, mourning. And whilst he continued weeping,”

(Notice, he thought Joseph was dead, and was in hell.)

Did you know Job asked God to put him in hell so he could get away from his suffering? — Job 14:13, Douay…”Who will grant me this, that thou mayest protect me in hell, and hide me till thy wrath pass, and appoint me a time when thou wilt remember me?”

“Hell” is one of the words translated from the Hebrew “Sheol”.
There was never any torment or suffering attached to it.

Ecclesiastes 9:5…. “The living know that they will die; but as for the dead, they know nothing at all.”

How could the Apostle John, in all honesty, say, “God is love” (1John4:8), if he thought the dead suffered?
It’s a lie that has been perpetuated for centuries in Christendom, to exert control. Over the last 150 years, such God-dishonoring teachings have been backfiring on Christendom.


Veteran Member
Yes, tough question.
But why is it important to know the answer? Why is it important that many people go to hell? They deserve it.

Do they?
According to traditional theology, one goes to hell merely for not holding certain faith based beliefs that have no verifiable evidence. Regardless of how one lead ones life, how one treated others,... Doesn't matter at all. The sole "crime" was not being gullible.

Is not being gullible a good justification for eternal torment in your opinion?

And regardless of that obvious messed up thing....
Is there ANY finite crime with finite consequences which "deserves" an infinite punishment?
How do you justify such?

What's important is, if you believe in Allah, and Quran, you go to heaven. The rest, does not matter.

See? You are acknowledging it right there.
So "not being gullible" in your opinion is a justified reason for eternal torment.
Not believing something is a justified reason for eternal torment

Morally bankrupt much?

As long as you choose Islam as your religion, Allah sends you to heaven.

So it's not about morals at all.
It's about being a sycophant.