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  • Thanks for all those Likes and Winners yesterday. I was in a bad way yesterday so it was refreshing to come home and see them. Sometimes I think nobody notices what I write and I wonder why I bother. :(
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    The fruits will come eventually but I doubt we'll see much fruit in our lifetimes.
    I agree, we probably won't see how it effects others. Although for me, I have been learning a lot through debating with others, because when I debate, I have to go and read more, and think more, and then I learn or discover new things from Scriptures. Things that I didn't notice before.
    Same here. I have been learning a lot through debating and discussing with others because I have to read and think more, and then I discover new things that I never knew before. I never read any of the Bible until 2013 when I started posting on other religious forums and I still have not read the Qur'an. I am not religiously inclined, so I do what I do for God and Baha'u'llah!
    Thank you for the frube on What do women get in Heaven?
    ChristineM, I just noticed your mention of 'What do women get in Heaven ?'
    In Scripture angels get to live forever in Heaven, so will both male or female resurrected to Heaven get to live there forever.
    I think Galatians 3:28 helps shed light on the question.
    Because ALL includes the women called to heavenly life are all united alike equal in God's household. Col. 3:11
    Both male and female called to heavenly life get to be resurrected in a ' spirit ' body. - 1st Cor. 15:50
    Women get to have the same privilege as men: - Rev. 20:6; Rev. 5:9-10
    As kings they get to govern over people living on Earth
    As priests they get to take care of spiritual duties for people living on Earth
    So, Jesus ' spiritual brothers' ( brotherhood) includes 'sisters'. Just like the 'brotherhood of men' includes women.
    This is about Sai Baba it seems

    Who will be sent down unto you after Me--Him Who will be invested with great sovereignty and mighty dominion." And again He writes in the Súratu'l-Haykal: "By those words which I have revealed, Myself is not intended, but rather He Who will come after Me. To it is witness God, the All-Knowing." "Deal not with Him," He adds, "as ye have dealt with Me."
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