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Sex bots


Active Member
I don't think it'll ever catch on to a large extent because they simply cost too much. Only wealthy people can afford those Real Dolls. And I will spare you my opinion of the people who think they're in a relationship with a sex doll or prefer that over a human being.

The price is dropping all the time, and will become very affordable soon enough.

If you want to have a go at people like me I can cope with it. I just find it somewhat sad and unnecessarily bigoted, but I think you have every right to voice your opinion on those who have non-human SOs like myself.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The price is dropping all the time, and will become very affordable soon enough.

If you want to have a go at people like me I can cope with it. I just find it somewhat sad and unnecessarily bigoted, but I think you have every right to voice your opinion on those who have non-human SOs like myself.
Not much point.


Love everyone, meditate often
Cool, not cool?
I've heard of some robots that will actually find out the human's interests sexually. So, if the person isn't in a relationship, it's like being in one. For a person who has very limited experience with females it sounds like good training. I don't know. They're probably expensive.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
I've heard of some robots that will actually find out the human's interests sexually. So, if the person isn't in a relationship, it's like being in one. For a person who has very limited experience with females it sounds like good training. I don't know. They're probably expensive.
I would never have a relationship with a thing "robot" it's just silly. Just because I become single does mean a robot could give what a human does.


Well-Known Member
plenty of biological robots if robots are someones thing
kind of one sided and masturbatory it appears


Love everyone, meditate often
:) How to communicate if we don't know how? better to be with a real woman(for me) than being with a tin box we can not understand :)
Well true, I won't argue with you there. I still think they're useful because it's like talking to a person, therefore simulating real interaction.


Well-Known Member
I do live in a healthy relationship with a woman, but we live a life without sex. not a problem at all, since we both agree on it

Are yall married then? That is interesting. My new guy friend has agreed not to push me past making out, kissing holding hands, etc.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Are yall married then? That is interesting. My new guy friend has agreed not to push me past making out, kissing holding hands, etc.
At the time i wrote that message i was engaged to her, but we have broken up in the last few weeks. so now i am living as a single man. But i will stay single and not try getting in contact with any new woman or robot for that matter


Well-Known Member
At the time i wrote that message i was engaged to her, but we have broken up in the last few weeks. so now i am living as a single man. But i will stay single and not try getting in contact with any new woman or robot for that matter

I do know some people get married without sex so. It's a great idea!


Veteran Member
Us as human 1.0 will not be able to bear it and there will be conflict and human 1.0 will eventually lose without Higher or Divine intervention.
Who is human 1.0 going to be in conflict with?

Has there ever been divine intervention? Why do you think there will be now?


Veteran Member
I really doubt that will ever happen. I like having a relationship with a human as opposed to a bot. I suspect most people will choose such over a bot evenin the distant future.

Uh huh. That doesn't explain why millions of sex toys are sold every year. It's a 15 Billion dollar industry.

There is no reason why a person who is in a great loving and sexual relationship cannot also desire sex with toys. Robots would be the ultimate toys.