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Sex Before Marriage


Glass half Panda'd
Darkdale said:
Wow, I've come to this thread a little late. Sex means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. You have to know yourself and your values in order to know how to approach it.

I think a small majority of people should wait till they get married. Sex is powerful, pleasurable, and it carries with it various risks (STDs and Children). So, there are a lot of people that should wait. But sex is different with every person, and there are a lot of people out there in the world. :) So, some people may benefit alot from a great deal from sex before marriage; and if you are responsible, it can be a very rewarding variety of experiences.
i agree completely!
However this is asking for reasons to wait until marriage to have sex...


World Leader Pretend
Buttons* said:
i agree completely!
However this is asking for reasons to wait until marriage to have sex...

Well, there are lots of reasons. Many good reasons too. It's just not one of those things that applies equally to everyone.


I smell something....
dan said:
If people are gonna mock my faith and my beliefs just because they like to have pre-marital sex then they better be able to take it when I bite back. I understand that a lot of people don't read through every single post on a thread (I certainly don't), but don't insult my religion and then cry when I tell you you can't hold an argument.
There is a big difference between debating a persons faith and belief and just being plane rude. I have no problems with you pointing out that my argument is week and showing me why (something you couldn't do) but when you decide to start saying things about people that I consider to be friends on this thread like comments about their character and morals, that is when I realize that their are better threads to debate on. Ones that everyone is respectful but can still give a strong argument.

dan said:
This is aimed only at offending someone. Me telling someone they suck at debate is my opinion. If it's not true then why would someone get offended? I was brought up to believe that I had control over my own feelings. If you let someone take control of your emotions maybe you shouldn't be here.
This is funny coming from someone who professed to getting a little to amped earlier.

dan said:
I asked you to account for this assertion and you did not.
Gee, where have I heard that before. At least I did read all of the posts.

dan said:
Perhaps I talk a lot of **** about things that I know about and you just don't listen. I'll say it the same way I've said it many times before (but you didn't listen then either) the world inside your head is a lot different then the world around you. Make a little better attempt to reconcile the two and you won't get so butt-hurt about people telling you you're wrong.
A good example of why I made my previous post. Instead of debating why you disagree you just make a comment about the world inside his head.

dan said:
That's the mark of self-righteous indignation and hypocricy: answering offensive words with even more offensive words. If I'm wrong to call you out it doesn't make you right to reciprocate with harsher language.
:biglaugh:. Can't talk. gotta pee.

dan said:
Now this is respectable. A post with observations of facts and not whining. He had the guts to stay in the conversation, and why are people engaged in intense debate if they get all hacked off about someone telling them they need to pull their heads out of their butts and then showing them why? This place is not for sensitive people with low self esteem.
To completely respond to this part I would have to repeat a statement that I have already said to you on two separate occasions. I am tired of doing this. I do find this amusing as well coming from someone that knows how to handle a font " You SUCK at being open minded despite the condemnation you heap upon others for their lack thereof." Know what I mean Verne? 90% of this thread has been semantics engaged by you and several other people in this thread including myself. And as this part of the debate is clearly off topic I am going to withdraw from debating with you with my tail tucked between my legs and I am going to have a sundae. I love sundaes :D.


Well-Known Member
I believe the media glorifies sex without consequences or commitment, and has a very negative effect on the socialization of the young... especially considering the time in front of the tv tends to, by far, exceed the time with parents and at houses of worship. Thus, sex becomes casual and both sexes are degraded. Don't get me wrong: sexuality is a beautiful gift from God, and there is nothing inherently wrong with enjoying it. I just feel that the media tends to reduce the value of both genders to their sex and pocketbooks, rather than celebrating the soul, intellect or personality of the individual. I find it disturbing considering every woman in my life has been sexually assaulted, raped or molested, except for one. Not one has gone to the police, because they presume they will be the one who is crucified. Perhaps when sexuality is sacred again, people will start getting angry when it is so cruely violated.

That said, I have no problem with anyone who chooses to share themselves with others. I just pray they will exercise caution and extend the utmost respect to their partners, as well as accept whatever may come of it.


I smell something....
evearael said:
I believe the media glorifies sex without consequences or commitment, and has a very negative effect on the socialization of the young... especially considering the time in front of the tv tends to, by far, exceed the time with parents and at houses of worship. Thus, sex becomes casual and both sexes are degraded. Don't get me wrong: sexuality is a beautiful gift from God, and there is nothing inherently wrong with enjoying it. I just feel that the media tends to reduce the value of both genders to their sex and pocketbooks, rather than celebrating the soul, intellect or personality of the individual. I find it disturbing considering every woman in my life has been sexually assaulted, raped or molested, except for one. Not one has gone to the police, because they presume they will be the one who is crucified. Perhaps when sexuality is sacred again, people will start getting angry when it is so cruely violated.
This is a good point and I agree for the most part. I do believe that the media is at least partially to blame for this but I also believe that society is relaxing a little with their sexuality as well(this may be placed on medias head as well.) I for one am very disturbed with any form of sexual abuse whether it be physical or mental. It is one of the very rare things that makes me angry.:verymad:

evearael said:
That said, I have no problem with anyone who chooses to share themselves with others. I just pray they will exercise caution and extend the utmost respect to their partners, as well as accept whatever may come of it.
Does this extend to pre marital sex as well?


Well-Known Member
Yes, because I do not expect everyone to follow the linear courtship-marriage-sex-babies path. I just hope that when their path looks more like sex-baby-now what? they choose to support their partner, or when their path looks more like sex-sex-STD they choose to inform their partners.


Well-Known Member
Buttons* said:
if one is careful, gets tested often, and doesn't go have sex with just some random person on the street, is there really anything wrong with it?
I think that all depends on how you define right and wrong. Would anyone like to offer their feelings on these criteria?


World Leader Pretend
dan said:
I think that all depends on how you define right and wrong. Would anyone like to offer their feelings on these criteria?

It depends on ones' worldview, or on the context within which you are discussing things.


Glass half Panda'd
if you'd like, i'll tell you my view of sex, and you can tell me what you think is wrong about it. PM me if you like


Many times I said this was getting too personal, that everyone should cool down, but after being offended several times I got angry, is not the best but I'm not ashamed of it and seems like everyone else agree you have been the one being unrespectful. But if you want to continue your fight PM me, there's no point making this thread a battlefield.


dan said:
I think that all depends on how you define right and wrong. Would anyone like to offer their feelings on these criteria?
For me anything can be right if one feels it's the right thing as long as nobody gets hurt or cheated, unlike you I think everyone has a personal right and wrong and all should be free to follow what they feel, not what are told.

If a man and a woman want to have sex before marriage, they both agree doing so and feel great about it, then in my opinion there's nothing wrong about it.


evearael said:
Not one has gone to the police, because they presume they will be the one who is crucified. Perhaps when sexuality is sacred again, people will start getting angry when it is so cruely violated.
Don't you think woman not going to police after such events is more related to discrimination against woman than to sex being sacred? Society can be cruel.


Done here.
mingmty said:
If a man and a woman want to have sex before marriage, they both agree doing do and feel great about it, then in my opinion there's nothing wrong about it.
And if a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, want to have sex in this lifetime, in most of the United States, they'd better be prepared to do it before marriage.


Well-Known Member
That's right. We all have the ability to make choices. What many fail to understand is that there will be consequences for those choices.


Well-Known Member
mingmty said:
For me anything can be right if one feels it's the right thing as long as nobody gets hurt or cheated, unlike you I think everyone has a personal right and wrong and all should be free to follow what they feel, not what are told.

If a man and a woman want to have sex before marriage, they both agree doing so and feel great about it, then in my opinion there's nothing wrong about it.
That's fine for the present, but the evidence shows that in those cases it's much more likely that people will get hurt and cheated in the future. You heighten the risk greatly. Is it worth that (greater risk of divorce, infidelity)?


Well-Known Member
mingmty said:
Many times I said this was getting too personal, that everyone should cool down, but after being offended several times I got angry, is not the best but I'm not ashamed of it and seems like everyone else agree you have been the one being unrespectful.
Then why does everyone keep coming back?


I smell something....
nutshell said:
That's right. We all have the ability to make choices. What many fail to understand is that there will be consequences for those choices.
This is a valid point nutshell. I would add that some people have a hard time taking responsibility for their choices. The ones that do should have no problems though. It sounds like you have a clear idea of what those consequences are. Care to share?


dan said:
Then why does everyone keep coming back?
Because we like chatting and intellectual debates :p But that doesn't mean we like being offended and you aren't the only one posting so there's no reason to leave even if you are being offensive, you should show the respect you demand for yourself.


turk179 said:
This is a valid point nutshell. I would add that some people have a hard time taking responsibility for their choices. The ones that do should have no problems though. It sounds like you have a clear idea of what those consequences are. Care to share?
I think he is talking about the risk of getting pregnant, many fail to even consider it as possible and childbearing is quite a responsibility.


I smell something....
mingmty said:
I think he is talking about the risk of getting pregnant, many fail to even consider it as possible and childbearing is quite a responsibility.
Your not kidding. I am getting ready to see if I can handle the responsibility in about 4 months. Going to find out if its a boy or girl in 3 days:jiggy:. But your point is true whether you are married or not.