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Everything from the air to even sunlight effects people differently.
I'm just going to go by unbiased medical reports and science journals, which show time and time again moderate alcohol consumption is good, and marijuana, as long as it isn't smoked, has virtually zero health risk, but is rather a very wonderful plant that can help with numerous health problems without risk of dependency, addiction, or serious and/or fatal side effects. It may not be as effective as the medication made for whatever purpose, but it certainly does cost much less, especially for those of us without insurance.

So if you don't smoke it, it's okay? M'kay then. I was under the impression that most people smoked marijuana.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So if you don't smoke it, it's okay? M'kay then. I was under the impression that most people smoked marijuana.
I've never seen the statistics, but I do know the actual number is much higher, because in some professions you cannot be caught. People in the medical field especially smoke up, but the consequences mean they will loose there medical license.


I've never seen the statistics, but I do know the actual number is much higher, because in some professions you cannot be caught. People in the medical field especially smoke up, but the consequences mean they will loose there medical license.

I've read a few reports that conflict with the idea that marijuana could be used to correct unusual endorphin and dopamine levels in the brain. Could you please direct me to the absolute, concrete proof that these reports are all invalid?


When I read about the evils of drinking,
I gave up reading

Perhaps that's part of the problem. People just don't see anything wrong with the stuff despite all the problems it's caused. And yeah, it's okay to say that anything's okay in moderation, but I've yet to met someone who drinks and has never been drunk. So it's not used in moderation.


Perhaps that's part of the problem. People just don't see anything wrong with the stuff despite all the problems it's caused. And yeah, it's okay to say that anything's okay in moderation, but I've yet to met someone who drinks and has never been drunk. So it's not used in moderation.
Way? I know many people who drink but never got drunk actually.. No lie!~
Well, many means 2, but it's more than one, so "many".. :D

Personally I don't drink much, but I have been very much drunk on certain occasions.
Back then I bothered no one, or only drunk people themselves, I have never driven drunk and the only one I really hurted was myself the next morning. Wich was totally worth it, so no complaints from me..

What I mean to tell is that on a personal level, alcohol has been very nice to me. I can see problems made with alcohol.. But I (personal) don't see anything wrong with it. Even when it is not taken in moderation. (There is a limit for everything ofcourse)
So I would have to look at other people who drink to get a full opinion. None of my friends hate alcohol. No one in my family hates alcohol. I never lost anyone to alcohol.
And when I go out, I see thousands of people having great fun with alcohol.
On the opposite side I have the news telling me some bad things that happen with alcohol. When you really think about it not that much, and I think that if the newspaper would have to write about all good moments with alcohol as well, the readers would no longer have any spare time left..
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Well-Known Member
Perhaps that's part of the problem. People just don't see anything wrong with the stuff despite all the problems it's caused. And yeah, it's okay to say that anything's okay in moderation, but I've yet to met someone who drinks and has never been drunk. So it's not used in moderation.

Some people get drunk all the time. Sometimes 3 times a week. Yet they are still functional members of the society. Do you find those people harmful or evil somehow?


Agnostic Pantheist
I feel sorry for people who don't drink.
When they wake up in the morning,
that's as good as they're going to feel all day

- Frank Sinatra


I think the ideal you're getting at is good, but...impractical. In theory, it would be great if everyone would stop smoking, drinking, eating fast food, and sitting on their lazy bums all day. If everyone could eat healthy and get plenty of exercise, fresh air, and be conscientious of the world around them...but humans just aren't like that. I think that many people simply need their vices. If you take away one, they'll simply find another. People can't act "as they should" all the time. It would be great, but we don't live in that kind of utopia. They're not going to stop acting stupid and cruel just because you take away their gin and tonics :sarcastic

Perhaps that's part of the problem. People just don't see anything wrong with the stuff despite all the problems it's caused.
But people DO see what's wrong with it. That's why many people do drink in moderation, or get designated drivers or cabs if they have too much. I drink occasionally, but I never get trashed. I have never driven drunk. I'm always careful about my friends and make sure they crash at my place if they're too far gone to drive home...we look out for each other.
In truth, the only people I've ever seen drive drunk have been 1) Stupid kids who don't know any better and barely have their driver's license. And 2) People who have self-destructive tendencies anyways- they know they shouldn't drive. They could stop themselves. But they don't WANT to stop themselves....and sadly, that isn't the alcohol's doing. People like that are going to find ways to hurt themselves no matter what :(
I'm sure there are exceptions, but that has been my observation.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps that's part of the problem. People just don't see anything wrong with the stuff despite all the problems it's caused.
Because one shouldn't let the "problems" "caused" by alcohol affect their drinking habits if they aren't contributing to the problem themselves.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Perhaps that's part of the problem. People just don't see anything wrong with the stuff despite all the problems it's caused. And yeah, it's okay to say that anything's okay in moderation, but I've yet to met someone who drinks and has never been drunk. So it's not used in moderation.
That's a silly generalization. Just because someone's been drunk in the past doesn't mean they don't drink in moderation now.

I got ripped-roaring drunk more than once (;)) in school, but I even can't remember the last time I had more than two drinks in an evening now. At this stage in my life, pointing to my early 20s as evidence that I'm incapable of consuming alcohol in moderation is like pointing to a 70-year-old man's speeding tickets as a teenager as evidence that he drives dangerously now.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Perhaps that's part of the problem. People just don't see anything wrong with the stuff despite all the problems it's caused. And yeah, it's okay to say that anything's okay in moderation, but I've yet to met someone who drinks and has never been drunk. So it's not used in moderation.
I use to drink every single night when I could afford it. This went on for about 5 months, and I only got actually drunk 2 or 3 times. I got tipsy a few times. Even still today, if I drink, it's not to get drunk, but just to enjoy a drink. I will occasionally drink a couple beers at a restaurant or bar with my food. If it's a special occasion, then I might get a good buzz, but completely drunk is something I rarely do anymore. My dad use to be an alcoholic, and he is now able to drink on occasion to just enjoy a drink. My mom enjoys a glass of wine or beer, and in my 22 years of living I have not once seen her drunk. My brother likes to drink, but hates the way being drunk makes him feel. My sister though, gets wasted whenever she drinks. My grandmother also loved her beer, and yet, she never got intoxicated. My girlfriend doesn't drink to get drunk that much, and her mom doesn't either. A couple of my friends, both use to be heavy drinkers but still like to drink but only get drunk on occasion.
Just because someone gets drunk, doesn't mean they do it all or most of the time. I know a few people like that, but for the most part, the people I know are more than capable of drinking responsible to the point they can drive after drinking and easily pass a breathalyzer.


I feel sorry for people who don't drink.
When they wake up in the morning,
that's as good as they're going to feel all day

- Frank Sinatra

I feel sorry for people who don't get sick.
When they wake up in the morning,
That's as good as they're going to feel all day.

- Common sense. :p


Way? I know many people who drink but never got drunk actually.. No lie!~
Well, many means 2, but it's more than one, so "many".. :D

Personally I don't drink much, but I have been very much drunk on certain occasions.
Back then I bothered no one, or only drunk people themselves, I have never driven drunk and the only one I really hurted was myself the next morning. Wich was totally worth it, so no complaints from me..

I don't mean any offense, but I think this might be where I'm a bit confused. You really hurt yourself the next morning because of alcohol abuse, and yet this can be a good thing?


I think the ideal you're getting at is good, but...impractical. In theory, it would be great if everyone would stop smoking, drinking, eating fast food, and sitting on their lazy bums all day. If everyone could eat healthy and get plenty of exercise, fresh air, and be conscientious of the world around them...but humans just aren't like that. I think that many people simply need their vices. If you take away one, they'll simply find another. People can't act "as they should" all the time. It would be great, but we don't live in that kind of utopia. They're not going to stop acting stupid and cruel just because you take away their gin and tonics :sarcastic

So maybe there is no real solution.


Because one shouldn't let the "problems" "caused" by alcohol affect their drinking habits if they aren't contributing to the problem themselves.

There is the potential that they could contribute to the problem, which is why it would probably be a good idea to change said drinking habits.


That's a silly generalization. Just because someone's been drunk in the past doesn't mean they don't drink in moderation now.

I got ripped-roaring drunk more than once (;)) in school, but I even can't remember the last time I had more than two drinks in an evening now. At this stage in my life, pointing to my early 20s as evidence that I'm incapable of consuming alcohol in moderation is like pointing to a 70-year-old man's speeding tickets as a teenager as evidence that he drives dangerously now.

I was referring to the twenty-year-olds who claim that anything in moderation is okay after their eighth beer on a Friday night, along with the forty-five year olds who do the same.

In my experience alcohol is never a wholly good thing and it's completely pointless, because you can have fun without it.

To me, it just seems that alcohol consumption is part of a destructive mindset that just has to change. There is no logical reason to drink it.


I don't mean any offense, but I think this might be where I'm a bit confused. You really hurt yourself the next morning because of alcohol abuse, and yet this can be a good thing?

First of all, a hangover does not happen every time and not to all people..:p
In fact, I never really had many hangovers..

Second, with this in your mind, when you go skating, there is a great chance you'll end up with bruises and wounds.
What I am trying to say, as long as the fun overrules the pain...

I know some people do have them "I'll never drink again" moments, but never did I have the feeling that my hangover was so bad, I could never drink again. It was always worth it..
Now back to you, do you have anything worth being sick the next day? :rolleyes: