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Please Boycott Russian Oil!

Are you going to boycott Russian made goods??

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Maybe/Unsure.

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters


Veteran Member
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I suppose that everyone is foolish and shortsighted.

Everybody plays the fool sometimes. When the world is divided over ideology and religion things get so bad that we have to rally around money, instead. Money is the most unifying force, and without it things would be much worse. Its not perfect though.

I don't know. There are plenty of those willing to fight and kill for money as much as they would over ideology and religion (perhaps even more so). Money can be a very divisive factor in a lot of things. Marriages break up over money.


Be your own guru
"Please Boycott Russian Oil!": That will leave us walking to office. And US has said that it is OK that India has a distinct relationship with Russia.


Veteran Member
It's true that if we could seriously boycott economic interaction with Russia we could stop Putin's military aggression without firing a bullet. The problem is that Russia, like every other country on the planet, is a cog in the wheels of the 'global money pump'. And the people who are benefiting most from that money pump are also the people in control of most of the governments on Earth. And they don't want those governments doing anything that would impede the flow of money into their bank accounts. They care a lot more about that flow of money than they do about the people living in the Ukraine, or living anywhere else, for that matter.

Also, most of humanity, all across the world, is now enslaved by this giant global money pump. They have to serve it, to live. So they, too, are not going to be inclined to let their governments do anything that would serious impede it's function, especially if they are going to be effected by it. Which is how greed and the fear it generates in everyone toward everyone else has come to rule humanity. If we could seriously impede the Russian corner of the great money pump, the Russian oligarchs would reign in Putin right quick. And the Russian people would applaud them for it. But to do that, the oligarchs around the rest of the world would have to be willing to accept some serious imposition on the flow of their own profits. And since greed is their only real motivating agenda, they are not likely to accept that imposition. And why would they? They don't care about Putin or the Ukraine. All they really care about is that flow of profits into their bank accounts from the giant global money pump. And it's not just the super-rich oligarchs, it's everyone else. too. Because money is life. And the lack of it is death. And everyone knows it. We are all enslaved by the giant money pump. Putin just happens to know how to be a successful tyrant within that greed based paradigm. Because the money pump likes warfare. Warfare generates lots of profit to the oligarchs, so long as it remains limited in it's swath of destruction. So neither Russia's oligarchs, nor ours, are going to do anything to stop him so long as he keeps the destruction to a 'reasonable' amount. Just as the US has been doing for many decades, now.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Ok, but every rock has a little titanium in it. All you need is to extract it. It takes a lot of energy to get, but everyone has titanium.
The raw material is very common.
But Russia is most geared up to manufacture it.
It's a difficult metal to work.
A friend had a contract to mill giant slabs into a
more production friendly form. It ruins tooling
quickly, & will catch fire if too aggressively
Welding is tricky...any contamination ruins the weld.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I would have no problem boycotting Russian oil (or natural gas, I’m looking at you Germany). Could we boycott oil from other countries with bad human rights? I can start a list.


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For what?

I guess whatever items might be on the list of sanctions. I haven't really looked at it the complete list. They say the sanctions could hurt Russia and Putin.

If they stopped selling to us, we'd have to make our own goods.
They'd lose our money.
I think they'd be harmed more than we.

Do you think they would be that worried about losing our money? Was Mao ever really that concerned with money?

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
Then should Biden restart the Keystone pipeline?

The Keystone pipeline was primarily for export. It would not significantly impact US gas prices.

Instead we should focus on renewable energy tech to make fossil fuels unnecessary.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
I oppose Russia's military campaign against Ukraine. I drive an electric vehicle. My home power grid source is from nuclear energy. I am not buying any Russian oil so as to avoid aiding Russia with funding its military campaign against Ukraine. Please let us each do our part with not helping fund the Russian military invasion of Ukraine.

I have no idea where the oil comes from when I go to a local gas station and fill up. I assume it probably comes from a combination of sources. So I don't know how individual consumers would boycott such a thing, without completely abstaining from all oil and natural gas purchases, which isn't possible for a lot of people.


Veteran Member
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The raw material is very common.
But Russia is most geared up to manufacture it.
It's a difficult metal to work.
A friend had a contract to mill giant slabs into a
more production friendly form. It ruins tooling
quickly, & will catch fire if too aggressively
Welding is tricky...any contamination ruins the weld.
It would be nice if I could buy titanium sign posts and rebar locally.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The Keystone pipeline was primarily for export. It would not significantly impact US gas prices.

Instead we should focus on renewable energy tech to make fossil fuels unnecessary.
Actually it would have. Oil is a fungible commodity. It would have reduced oil importation from overseas suppliers, including Russia. It would also have increased global supplies, weakening Russia. It would also have been more environmentally safe than relying on overseas suppliers.

Renewables are a red herring to the question. The case for renewables is valid regardless from whence our current oil is supplied. The point is does the US want its oil coming from Canada or Russia.