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People need to stop misrepresenting trump


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
All the time I see many people constantly misrepresenting trump. He does say many questionable things and lies quite a bit, just like Hillary Clinton, but a lot of people just straight up lie and mis quote him entirely. One of the first things people bring up is that Trump is a racist because he said that Mexicans are rapists. That is a complete fabrication. First of all Mexican isn't a race, so that isn't racist. He's not saying people with brown skin are rapists. Here's what he actually said.

SO here's he's actually talking about illegal immigrants, not all Mexican immigrants. And then he says, some I assume are good people. This is a dubious claim at best, but its not a reflection of racism in any sense. I'm sure that a small minority of illegal immigrants are rapists, although I couldn't say the percentage. Everyone seems to misquote this all the time.

There's also the thing about the Mexican judge, where people again call Trump a racist because he doubted that the judge with Mexican ancestry was completely unbiased. Trump of course doesn't have the knowledge to claim whether the judge is actually biased or not, but once again Mexican isn't a race, and doubting the neutrality of one person doesn't make him doubt the neutrality of all Mexicans. I see misrepresentations like this all the time and people who misquote politicians are just as bad liars as Trump and Hillary.
Boy... you have an odd idea of what "not being" a racist is like.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Boy... you have an odd idea of what "not being" a racist is like.
Part of the problem is that the use of the word has spread in meaning.
It used to be more specific, a black guy who doesn't like white people (because they're white) is a racist. French people who don't like the Irish weren't racists.
Now it is used for almost any kind of ethnic bigotry. Japanese people commonly look down on Chinese or Korean people, I can't tell any of them apart. Jews and Palestinians aren't very different racially, when compared to German, Yoruba, or Cherokee people. But the word gets used.
The word in English has just broadened in meaning, not changed fundamentally.


Well-Known Member
Careful, it isn't a complete fabrication. It is simply one take on a very controversial statement.

You are playing semantics in lack of a solid argument. Mexican isn't a race, you are right. But that isn't the honest point. The point is he singled out a specific group of people in a way to demean them. Call it what you want, but he was being a jack@#$.

I understand the topic, I understand his point. My argument is he handled this is a very insensitive way.

Here is the deal, @serp777, you can defend him until the cows come home, but the bottom line is he is on record making some very inappropriate statements for anyone, much less a presidential candidate. For me, it isn't rooted in a single instance, but a collection of them. Sure, as @Revoltingest is good to point out, the Hawk isn't a good alternative. She has said a lot that I disagree with, too. But, so long as we are on the topic of the Donald, I will say that his conduct is very concerning.

Careful, it isn't a complete fabrication. It is simply one take on a very controversial statement.

It was a complete fabrication. He stated the he was referring to illegal immigrants, and then he added that some were good people. Claiming that he said all Mexicans are rapists is a complete lie and a 100% fabrication.

You are playing semantics in lack of a solid argument. Mexican isn't a race, you are right. But that isn't the honest point. The point is he singled out a specific group of people in a way to demean them. Call it what you want, but he was being a jack@#$.
That's wasn't the main argument. That was a secondary argument. THe main argument is that he was referring to illegal immigrants and then clarified that some were good people. That isn't racism in any sense. Being a jerk doesn't make you a racist though. I don't lack a solid argument. Read the post again if you're confused on the main argument. But yes, Mexican isn't a race so how can it be called racism? It might be called prejudice or an unfair generalization, but calling it racism is absurd.

Here is the deal, @serp777, you can defend him until the cows come home, but the bottom line is he is on record making some very inappropriate statements for anyone, much less a presidential candidate. For me, it isn't rooted in a single instance, but a collection of them. Sure, as @Revoltingest is good to point out, the Hawk isn't a good alternative. She has said a lot that I disagree with, too. But, so long as we are on the topic of the Donald, I will say that his conduct is very concerning.

Here's the thing, I don't really care about Trump winning the election. Both Hillary and Trump are awful. I actually like Gary Johnson. I certainly get tired, however, of terms like racist, mysoginist, homophobic, etc getting tossed around in a totally non applicable situation. Many people today are using these terms way too liberally when they aren't accurate in order to brand people they don't like with very negative connotations. Its part of this obnoxious, oversensitive, offended victim culture, and i get mildly annoyed when these terms lose their weight because people use them so casually.

True racism is segregation, or the kkk lynching a black person, or someone yelling the n word aggressively. Trump hasn't said anything that was anywhere near that kind of racism. The one thing I appreciate about trump, actually, is the fact that he tries to fight over sensitivity and unnecessary political correctness. Hillary Clinton concerns me much more because she isn't vocal like Trump--just a few years ago she used to be anti homosexuality, and now suddenly she's in favor of it. I think, for example, that she's actually a homophobe, but she hides that fact very well.


Well-Known Member
I cannot identify with anyone who grew up with so much financial support. There's no way to represent him to me as a healthy individual. I see this as someone who has never had any limitations. I won't believe he's healthy no matter what lies have been told about him and what truths, and its insane to put someone who's never had any limitations in charge of our over-sized enormous military. Its far, far too big and dangerous. Failure has never been a possibility for Mr. Trump, and its a miracle if he's sane. His eccentricities aren't cute but warning signs.

Well then you can't identify with basically almost every presidential candidate lol. I'm not really in favor of Trump running the country though, i just hate the tendency for the media to toss around words like racism and misogyny when they don't apply. They use the negative connotation and false quotes to fight a politician when they could be using his/her policy quotes to undermine him. I am disgusted by the lies and falsehoods perpetrated by the media. They could easily fight trump by showing how dumb his wall idea is, for example.


Well-Known Member
When I read the title, "People need to stop misrepresenting trump" I thought the thread had to be a lampoon of Trump's campaign tactics, but no, serp777 appears to be honest to god serious about it. Thing is, in politics no one misrepresents people, disparages people, and in general runs them down more than Trump. OR, serp777, do you feel this should be a one-way street?


Asking me if I feel this should be a one way street implies that you think I want Trump to win. I don't really to be honest. Nonetheless the media distorts trump's quotes and lies significantly more compared to Hillary.

Do you feel that because Trump misrepresents people, that therefore everybody and the media should stoop to his level and misrepresent him? I think that instead of lying and using inaccurate buzzwords like "racism", they should just show why his policies will suck--for example how building the wall with funds from Mexico is a stupid idea that won't happen. I just mainly hate the inaccurate application of words like racism and misogyny, and trump seems to get called out more than anyone.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Well then you can't identify with basically almost every presidential candidate lol. I'm not really in favor of Trump running the country though, i just hate the tendency for the media to toss around words like racism and misogyny when they don't apply. They use the negative connotation and false quotes to fight a politician when they could be using his/her policy quotes to undermine him. I am disgusted by the lies and falsehoods perpetrated by the media. They could easily fight trump by showing how dumb his wall idea is, for example.
Its true that many presidents have no opportunity to work and live normally. That doesn't automatically eliminate them from consideration. There are some really good presidents who have come from the upper classes, but the best ones in my opinion so far are from the lower classes.

I don't think the news outlets can be blamed for trying to survive in a country where people no longer buy newspapers. I think if we really care about the sad state of the media then we need to religiously institute a new commandment to buy newspapers.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Asking me if I feel this should be a one way street implies that you think I want Trump to win. I don't really to be honest. Nonetheless the media distorts trump's quotes and lies significantly more compared to Hillary.

Do you feel that because Trump misrepresents people, that therefore everybody and the media should stoop to his level and misrepresent him? I think that instead of lying and using inaccurate buzzwords like "racism", they should just show why his policies will suck--for example how building the wall with funds from Mexico is a stupid idea that won't happen. I just mainly hate the inaccurate application of words like racism and misogyny, and trump seems to get called out more than anyone.
I think that Trump and his supporters should stop whining about the media and his opposition stooping down low to the bar he himself sets.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I think that Trump and his supporters should stop whining about the media and his opposition stooping down low to the bar he himself sets.
The word "whining" is so over-used, particularly in a printed venue where such a tone cannot even be heard.
So stop whining about how evil Trump is already!

Speaking of such, I'll be on the road a few hours today.
You know what this means?
Hours of listening to NPR's campaigning against the fascist racist Hitleresque Trump, of course!
And they call this news.


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
The word "whining" is so over-used, particularly in a printed venue where such a tone cannot even be heard.
So stop whining about how evil Trump is already!
Stop whining about whining, you whiner!

Hours of listening to NPR's campaigning against the fascist racist Hitleresque Trump, of course!
I only listen for the TED radio hour. (Also a pod cast if you are interested in that type of thing.)


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I noticed that it doesn't matter. This is a well known quote.

It stands to reason that if you truly want people to stop misrepresenting Trump, you would provide reliable citations for his words. Isn't the entire point that we shouldn't just take some random yokel's claim about what he did and didn't say? It very, very much matters - that whole providing citations from reputed journalistic sources thing.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Only because of the amount of whining taking place.
From all sides I might add.
What I see is that it's just a common tactic to insult the other person.
When one can't win an argument, just belittle their position & concerns.