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Overcoming same-sex attraction


Teenage neko
Bah, pretty much like a high risk sports then. They have the right to do it and they´ve accepted the risks. They are grown ups :shrug:
I would rather be a "bigot" than be a person who murders others spiritually and physically by accepting what they do without speaking up. Very few people know the risks, many people DENY THE RISKS, so I feel morally obligated to bring them up. Besides, homosexuals are more likely to die than smokers or people who overeat.

If gay marriage is legalized, I can't stop it. But I won't support it either.
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Me Myself

Back to my username
I would rather be a "bigot" than be a person who murders others spiritually and physically by accepting what they do without speaking up. Very few people know the risks, many people DENY THE RISKS, so I feel morally obligated to bring them up. Besides, homosexuals are more likely to die than smokers or people who overeat.

If gay marriage is legalized, I can't stop it. But I won't support it either.

I do believe in putting the risks up for them to see, but I do believe they have complete right if they want to take the chances. Is their bodies, their lifes.

The way I see it, most of them are taking the chance for love.

Minimizing the risks is also incredibly posible for those who are interested.


Teenage neko
I do believe in putting the risks up for them to see, but I do believe they have complete right if they want to take the chances. Is their bodies, their lifes.

The way I see it, most of them are taking the chance for love.

Minimizing the risks is also incredibly posible for those who are interested.

That doesn't mean we should put their decision on a pedestal. We have civil unions right now, and there's a reason they are not put on a pedestal.

The Secular Case Against Gay Marriage - The Tech

Read my links, they say more than I can say.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I love men... why would I want to overcome my same sex attraction? :shrug:


Veteran Member
I would rather be a "bigot" than be a person who murders others spiritually and physically

so we are no longer just unbelievers of your god we are murders too...?


the arrogance is mind blowingly offensive....
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Me Myself

Back to my username
ignoring it is just like actively opposing it, imo.

Nope, ignoring is ignoring.

While I do think one shouldn´t ignore what one should support, equate it to oppose it is inadequate.

If not, see the difference between trying to oppose a punch to the face and trying to ignore it :p


Veteran Member
Nope, ignoring is ignoring.

While I do think one shouldn´t ignore what one should support, equate it to oppose it is inadequate.

If not, see the difference between trying to oppose a punch to the face and trying to ignore it :p

there is a reason, imo, why one would choose to ignore it.
it's because they are on the fence...one side is tugging one way while the other side is tugging the other way....
and by ignoring it one chooses to allow for the status quo, in this case, to continue on it's course even though they don't completely agree with it...for whatever reason

ignoring it is transparent and one should stand with the courage of their convictions like our little friend nekoboy...where i know where he stands
i respect conviction, i do not respect cowardice...

thats how i see it.


Veteran Member
:facepalm: Seriously? Are you really advocating "Your either with us, or against us"?

what do you think?

if the status quo is on it's course by stomping on the rights of people you come into contact with, is your silence helping them?


Well-Known Member
Message to nekoboy: I will number my arguments for easy reference:

Argument #1

nekoboy said:
Does letting a person enter into a lifestyle that will KILL HIM QUICKER THAN A COUPLE OF CIGARETTES A DAY without telling him the consequences of his actions sound like LOVE AND TOLERANCE?

Many homsoexuals live past 65 years of age, especially those who practice safe sex, eat healthy foods, do not smoke cigarettes, do not abuse alcohol or drugs, and get enough excercise. Why should those homosexuals give up homosexuality, especially since that could lead to serious physical and emotional problems?

Argument #2

Celibacy is very difficult for many people, and even some supporters of reparative therapy have admitted that it works only about 30% of the time, and works best by far for religiously motivated people.

Argument #3

Interpreting statistics is often tricky. For example, hypothetically, if 100 heterosexuals, and 100 homosexuals, were studied regarding alcohol abuse, and 25% of homosexuals abused alcohol, and 10% of heterosexuals abused alcohol, the 25% figure can easily be misleading. Only about 15 of those homosexuals abused alcohol "because" they are homosexuals, not 25 since about 10 of those 25 homosexuals would have abused alcohol even if they were heterosexuals. So, a better comparison would be 15% - 10%, not 25% - 10%.

Here is another example of how interpreting statistics is often tricky. Let's say that we have a group of 100 heterosexuals, and another group of 100 homosexuals. If 1 heterosexual abused alcohol, and 10 homosexuals abused alcohol, homosexuals abused alcohol 10 times more than heterosexuals do, or 1,000% more, but 90, or 90% of homosexuals did not abuse alcohol. Therefore, it is quite important to also consider the “general population” of homosexuals, not just the "distressed groups" of homosexuals. Opponents of homosexuality usually fail to address the general population of homosexuals since that would make their statistics less impressive, and often with deliberate deception.

Argument #4

nekoboy said:
.......I never said that homosexuality is as undesireable, I was merely stating that if homosexuality is almost impossible to get rid of, then every single sexual deviation known to man is.

A good deal of evidence shows that homosexual desires and actions, and pedophilic desires and actions, are difficult to get rid of. How does that help this thread get anywhere?

Argument #5

Please define "sexual deviation." Would you call a 170 IQ a deviation from the norm?
Obviously, all deviations are not necessarily undesirable.

Argument #6

nekoboy said:
Personally, I believe that putting a lifestyle that kills people more quickly than smoking, drug use, obesity, etc is unethical. Face it, we talk about love and tolerance, but the only thing that does is let more homosexuals die. That does not sound like love and tolerance to me.

Many heterosexuals eat lots of greasy foods, smoke cigarettes, abuse drugs, are obese, waste thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of dollars on medical insurance and health care, and die before they are 50 years old. In your opinion, are those people unethical? If so, then being unethical is not a matter of ones' sexual preference.

Argument #7

What options have you provided for homosexuals that generally work well? It is not reasonable for you to criticize something unless you can provide better alternatives.

Argument #8

The majority of homosexuals do not have AIDS.

Argument #9

Lesbians have AIDS much less frequently than gay men do.

Argument #10

Logically, physical health, and character, are best judged on an individual basis, not on a collective basis.

Argument #11

From a scientific perspective, no intelligent case can be made against homosexual behavior, but an intelligent case can be made against unsafe sex, eating lots of greasy foods, abusing alcohol, abusing drugs, and smoking cigarettes regardless of a person's sexual preference.

Argument #12

nekoboy said:
Homosexuals are more likely to die than smokers.......

That is patently false, as an article at http://www.thetaskforce.org/TF_in_news/07_0813/stories/21_Study_Comparing_Gay_Life_Span.pdf shows. Dr. Paul Cameron, Ph.D., psychology, is mentioned in that article. He is a nut case, and was thrown out of the American Psychological Association, and as I recall was strongly criticized by the American Sociological Association, and by the Canadian Psychological Association. Cameron is a very conservative Christian. If he is not a Mormon, since you are a Mormon, I would not be surprised if he believes that you will go to hell. If that would be Cameron's position, you really do pick some very strange people for sources.

Anyway, heart disease is the largest cause of death in the U.S. by far, regardless of a person's sexual preference, and it is often preventable.

Argument #13

Why does every major medical association in the U.S. disagree with you? What evidence have they missed?
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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
They aren't dead because they are gay. They are dead because of diseases they picked up from whatever sexual activities they participated in. Thank you for ignoring the facts.
On The Unhealthy Homosexual Lifestyle

Unlike most of you, I am citing sources.
I have two friends who are gay, who have been in a committed relationship for over twenty years, and who have never participated in anal sex.

Down the toilet goes your argument.

Buh-bye, now...


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I would rather be a "bigot" than be a person who murders others spiritually and physically by accepting what they do without speaking up.
You'd rather dehumanize people than let them live according to their values, choices, and desires. You'd rather devalue their autonomy than accept them.

many people DENY THE RISKS, so I feel morally obligated to bring them up.
Many people DENY that they're participating in the same kind of paternalistic racism that white supremacists and anti-Semitics are participating in.
If gay marriage is legalized, I can't stop it. But I won't support it either.
How would you like it if the rest of us spoke out against the full participation of Mormons in society, based upon some 18-century bull-crap "science?"