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Look and See


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
Look out your window.

What's going on?

I mean that literally. What's it look like out there?

Its a perfect winter's day here; big snowflakes flurrying down, a couple inches of snow accumulated, mostly from other days, though the top layer is getting that white 'refresh' look(snow gets awfully dirty after awhile). Its overcast, but not too dark, as the sun is rising in the sky.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Look out your window.

What's going on?

Aside from a spruce and a neighbor's flag waving in the breeze, absolutely nothing. Abut two inches of snow on the ground from he last two day's snowfall and filtered sunshine.


Veteran Member
Look out your window.

What's going on?

I mean that literally. What's it look like out there?

Its a perfect winter's day here; big snowflakes flurrying down, a couple inches of snow accumulated, mostly from other days, though the top layer is getting that white 'refresh' look(snow gets awfully dirty after awhile). Its overcast, but not too dark, as the sun is rising in the sky.
What's out of my window is a load of scaffolding. :D


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
It's quite quiet here at this time of day. The square is littered with parked cars and no person in sight.

It's an overcast nothing sort of winters day, chilly at around 4c (39 in your language). It'll freeze again tonight.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Look out your window.

What's going on?

I mean that literally. What's it look like out there?

Its a perfect winter's day here; big snowflakes flurrying down, a couple inches of snow accumulated, mostly from other days, though the top layer is getting that white 'refresh' look(snow gets awfully dirty after awhile). Its overcast, but not too dark, as the sun is rising in the sky.
Cool and cloudy out. My son is working on his car. Our neighbor is having his roof replaced. Planes are taking off.


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
Cool and cloudy out. My son is working on his car. Our neighbor is having his roof replaced. Planes are taking off.

What's 'cool' in your area?

The only person in this area that's... determined(foolish)... enough to work on his car in January is my husband. Right in the street and snow, too... (also, people with heated garages, which there aren't many)

Construction's dead this time of year, too.


Veteran Member
Still an inch or so of snow on the grass, but the roads are all dry. It's a gray day. It's always a gray day around here in the winter. Sun shows up about once every two weeks. Seriously. Temps hovering right around freezing, and dropping. I'm gonna go back out in it and run some errands, soon.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
I work in a windowless office today, so no beautiful nature scenes for me. It's foggy and drizzly outside right now, which is perfect weather for curling up under a blanket, ordering a pizza, and playing some Elden Ring. Sounds like something nice for me to do tomorrow when I have my days off :D

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Right now, nothing is going on. There's a bird flying in the distance but that's it.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
What's 'cool' in your area?

The only person in this area that's... determined(foolish)... enough to work on his car in January is my husband. Right in the street and snow, too... (also, people with heated garages, which there aren't many)

Construction's dead this time of year, too.

Erm, I think it's up to 55 now. That's cool to this Floridian.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
I work in a windowless office today, so no beautiful nature scenes for me. It's foggy and drizzly outside right now, which is perfect weather for curling up under a blanket, ordering a pizza, and playing some Elden Ring. Sounds like something nice for me to do tomorrow when I have my days off :D

You could do that at work, but maybe not if you want to keep your job.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I just got back from a winter wonder walk.

The geese were talking up a storm out by the frozen lake.

Back in the warm cozy domicile, the smaller winged ones are still enjoying the offerings of seed.

The snows taper. Soon, the humans will ruin the quiet silence of winter with their machines.


Gargovic Malkav

Well-Known Member
Look out your window.

What's going on?

I mean that literally. What's it look like out there?

Its a perfect winter's day here; big snowflakes flurrying down, a couple inches of snow accumulated, mostly from other days, though the top layer is getting that white 'refresh' look(snow gets awfully dirty after awhile). Its overcast, but not too dark, as the sun is rising in the sky.

My sun shade (I have no curtains in my living room), lights of lamp posts.
It's dark outside now, so I don't see much else.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Look out your window.

What's going on?

I mean that literally. What's it look like out there?

Its a perfect winter's day here; big snowflakes flurrying down, a couple inches of snow accumulated, mostly from other days, though the top layer is getting that white 'refresh' look(snow gets awfully dirty after awhile). Its overcast, but not too dark, as the sun is rising in the sky.

Not too bad. Sunny and cool. It's been a sedate and quiet Saturday morning.


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
We're having a mostly chilly winter with little rain, never kind snow, which is rare in most parts of Israel. A month ago I was at a funeral. It poured cats and dogs the whole time, but that was an irregular day for this year's winter season. Right now it's night, so from my window I can see the building lights of my city.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Look out your window.

What's going on?

I mean that literally. What's it look like out there?

Its a perfect winter's day here; big snowflakes flurrying down, a couple inches of snow accumulated, mostly from other days, though the top layer is getting that white 'refresh' look(snow gets awfully dirty after awhile). Its overcast, but not too dark, as the sun is rising in the sky.
It got sunny in the mid 60s. Plane activity still high, as is usual, especially on a Saturday. No critters or birds around though. I like this thread. It's like RF is here with me.:)


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
It got sunny in the mid 60s. Plane activity still high, as is usual, especially on a Saturday. No critters or birds around though. I like this thread. It's like RF is here with me.:)

It sounds like a lovely day. :)

Its still doing the exact same thing here, but the clouds are brighter(still totally covered). I ran out to the van for something earlier(barefoot!) and could hear a lot of birds singing. I thought I might have heard a robin a few days ago, but its awfully early for that... Its been a strange winter, though.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
There's a gentle breeze, overcast with a temp at 58°F. I can hear birds chirping and it sounds like they're playing. One of my dogs seems to be chasing something, can't make out what. A cat is just hanging out on a deck staring into the void.