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Life On Other Planets?


Well-Known Member
There's never going to be any intelligent signals because the energy required to send a signal from one system to another is equal to the energy output of the sun.

Every radio or TV broadcast we have sent out is travelin g along at 186,000 miles per second and it takes a lot less energy than you think.


Super Universe

Defender of God
Every radio or TV broadcast we have sent out is travelin g along at 186,000 miles per second and it takes a lot less energy than you think.


It takes about a billion times more energy than you think. Every signal that goes out from the earth dissipates to static long before it reaches Pluto.

Here's an example, our sun emits a tremendous amount of light energy but even so it's barely detectable by the NEAREST other system, and it has a perfect background unlike TV and radio frequencies.

So, if you can emit energy exceeding the energy of the sun, then you might be able to do it. Oh and, you have to transmit this energy in an incredibly precise direction otherwise it misses. Basically, you have to know where the planet will be exactly when the signal gets there.

It will never happen.


Well-Known Member
That's odd. If Sol's light fades out before it reaches Proxima Centauri, then how are we able to see all the stars out there?


RF Addict
You're really stuck on this alien sexual thing, aren't you? Humans are intelligent yet they still perform sexual acts with animals.

Seriously. Harvesting souls through the behind? There are many other open cavities that a person has. And where does this divine revelation that a body actually houses the soul come from, and that it can be stolen away by an alien with a probing device, considering that the soul has a spiritual existence, not a existence in reality?

Apart from that, the divine revelation that a soul can be stolen leaves us with the opportunity to actually prove the existence of a soul, because there will be those with a soul, and those without.

Why don't aliens just kidnap people and form a breeding colony? What better breeding colony could they have than the earth itself? They don't have to take a few and go away because there's nothing we can do to stop them as it is.
If they had their own breeding colony, all of their race could join in the soul-harvesting fun.

And considering that you have not made a claim to how much these aliens are spread, six billion odd people might not even be close enough to get enough souls for them. Perhaps they have a race of hundreds of billions of beings.

You don't understand why they come here and do the things they do? They come here because the human body is a soul carrier and their bodies are not. They know God exists. They know there is a heaven and they know they are simply biological robots with no hope of ever getting there.
This sounds an awful lot like scientology. Can anyone support this, because I have little experience in that religion.

You might ask yourself this, if God is for religion how come every single prophet in history was someone who was not a priest or rabbi or leading member of a religion? Every single one...
How come many of them formed their own Churches, then? Martin Luther was inspired to create the Protestant religion following the excesses and hypocracy of the Catholic Church. Joseph Smith created Mormonism. More recently, L Ron Hubbard created the Church of Scientology.


RF Addict
The smart ones will lay low, and practice radio silence, lest they advertise their existence to enemies.

We are making the assumption that other races have the same psychological background as us. Although it is a good point of reference, in relation to us, it is certainly possible that other races do not even have the concept of warfare or enemies.


Resident Schizophrenic
We are making the assumption that other races have the same psychological background as us. Although it is a good point of reference, in relation to us, it is certainly possible that other races do not even have the concept of warfare or enemies.
And its certainly possible that an alien species is warlike beyond our comprehension.
Better to walk around with a big stick.


Well-Known Member
We are making the assumption that other races have the same psychological background as us. Although it is a good point of reference, in relation to us, it is certainly possible that other races do not even have the concept of warfare or enemies.

It would take some time for any species to consider that radio signals might be picked up at interstellar distances.

We certainly did not fathom that until radar and sonar raised the possibilities.



RF Addict
And its certainly possible that an alien species is warlike beyond our comprehension.
Better to walk around with a big stick.

Agreed that prudence is a better case of action, but a race that can travel over vast interstellar distances could no doubt easily deal with us.

However, my point was that simply assuming that every race is war-like is simply projecting our own past onto that of any potential visitors.


Citizen Mod
Originally Posted by Super Universe http://www.religiousforums.com/foru...fe-other-planets-post1074570.html#post1074570
You don't understand why they come here and do the things they do? They come here because the human body is a soul carrier and their bodies are not. They know God exists. They know there is a heaven and they know they are simply biological robots with no hope of ever getting there.

Rosje writes: This sounds an awful lot like scientology. Can anyone support this, because I have little experience in that religion.

Scientology believes that the body is being occupied by many thetans. I believe that the body cannot sustain more than one soul. Super Universe may be on to something in that these other-wordly entites may be interested in our spirituality but this may be due to their focus on science and technology. Many abductees experience a portion of their captors as “hive-minded”. These advanced entities may have figured out how to biologically recreate physical entities but may still be uncertain about spiritual matters or have not evidenced or qualified the soul.

Rosje writes: We are making the assumption that other races have the same psychological background as us. Although it is a good point of reference, in relation to us, it is certainly possible that other races do not even have the concept of warfare or enemies.

Or they did at one point and learned the consequences of these actions. Some researchers believe that their earthly agenda is a direct result of this action.


Well-Known Member
We're talking probabilities and an immense amount of time here. IF intelligent life capable of intestellar travel was common, it seems very likely there would be signs of their existence if one was looking for it, or the planet would have been visited. The fact that we don't does mean something.


Well-Known Member
That's odd. If Sol's light fades out before it reaches Proxima Centauri, then how are we able to see all the stars out there?

The intensity of light refers to how many photons are in a signal. Each photon has a frequency which determines the energy of light, ranging from red up to violet. The human eye is capable of detecting a single photon of light. It was one of Einstein's contributions to science in 1905 that no matter how far light travels, and how lonely a photon gets, there can ever be less than one photon (like a half or one-quarter of a photon). When telescopes make images of distant galaxies they build up the picture one photon at a time, like an 1880's pointillist painting.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Seriously. Harvesting souls through the behind? There are many other open cavities that a person has. And where does this divine revelation that a body actually houses the soul come from, and that it can be stolen away by an alien with a probing device, considering that the soul has a spiritual existence, not a existence in reality?

Apart from that, the divine revelation that a soul can be stolen leaves us with the opportunity to actually prove the existence of a soul, because there will be those with a soul, and those without.

If they had their own breeding colony, all of their race could join in the soul-harvesting fun.

And considering that you have not made a claim to how much these aliens are spread, six billion odd people might not even be close enough to get enough souls for them. Perhaps they have a race of hundreds of billions of beings.

This sounds an awful lot like scientology. Can anyone support this, because I have little experience in that religion.

How come many of them formed their own Churches, then? Martin Luther was inspired to create the Protestant religion following the excesses and hypocracy of the Catholic Church. Joseph Smith created Mormonism. More recently, L Ron Hubbard created the Church of Scientology.

Who said anything about aliens harvesting souls? I didn't. Why did you assume this?

All of their race isn't interested in us. Some of them actually mind their own business.

What church did Moses form? What church did Muhammad form? What church did Jesus form?

Joseph Smith created Mormonism, how so?

Martin Luther was not a prophet.

You sure do like to make assumptions, and they're always wrong.


Super Universe

Defender of God
Scientology believes that the body is being occupied by many thetans. I believe that the body cannot sustain more than one soul. Super Universe may be on to something in that these other-wordly entites may be interested in our spirituality but this may be due to their focus on science and technology. Many abductees experience a portion of their captors as “hive-minded”. These advanced entities may have figured out how to biologically recreate physical entities but may still be uncertain about spiritual matters or have not evidenced or qualified the soul.

Or they did at one point and learned the consequences of these actions. Some researchers believe that their earthly agenda is a direct result of this action.

I don't know anything about Scientology nor what a thetan is. Each human has one soul that attach's with it but the soul connects with many humans so perhaps Scientology's "Thetan" is a personality.

There are many alien cultures. Some are quite noble and follow the rules of non-intereference of others, some don't. The ones that don't are the problem. They come here, not to steal souls, but to find a way for their own bodies to attract a soul. They are not based upon the God code which is DNA so they are trying to blend in enough DNA but maintain their form.


Well-Known Member
Who said anything about the suns light fading out before Proxima Centauri?

The Sun's light does fade out, according to the function F(x)=1/x^2

Just plug in your values for x. Since it is about 1.4 AU to Mars, the light at Mars is about 1/2 that at Earth. Since it is about 5 AU to Jupiter, the light at Jupiter is 1/25th the light at Earth. Proxima Centauri is about 250,000 AU from the Sun. Happy computing.


RF Addict
We're talking probabilities and an immense amount of time here. IF intelligent life capable of intestellar travel was common, it seems very likely there would be signs of their existence if one was looking for it, or the planet would have been visited. The fact that we don't does mean something.

Not really.

Firstly, our planet is so dynamic, in terms of geological action, that said evidence might long have disappeared.

Secondly, how long ago would an alien landing have to have occured for you to distrust it? If it happened five thousand years ago, would you trust that story? What about a thousand years? Five hundred?

There is a lot of indirect evidence of us being visited previously, but many of us would not consider this proof, (myself included) because of the unverifiable nature of it, and how easily it can be interpreted according to your own beliefs.

Last, you automatically assume that the aliens must be interested in any life form. I would suggest reading 2001: A Space Odyssey. I think Clarke was on to something when he wrote about a solar-powered alien artifact being unearthed on the moon. Since we are nearly able to create our own life, finding any form of life might not be as big a deal as finding intelligent life.