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Life On Other Planets?

Super Universe

Defender of God
Apparently only how to declare yourself unassailably right, even in hypothetical.

Police and airline pilots are crazy to claim they have seen UFO's? And how would you know? What evidence do you have that leads you to this conclusion? They would have to be lying, right? I mean, these are authority figures who always lie to people like you, right? We do that on purpose to keep you down, to hassle you and make life unfair. Yeah, it's sooo unfair for you. Boo hoo...

Basically, you have nothing (no evidence for God, no evidence for aliens) so this leads you to believe that everyone else also has nothing but the thing is you aren't supposed to know. You are supposed to be exactly what you are. Alone.

I made no judgement about aliens being unintelligent, I simply stated that her premise wasn't necessarily correct - that intelligent beings would never have heard of religion. Aliens that can travel here are extremely intelligent, so much that while they know everything about this universe's physical laws they know decreasing amounts about the laws that control the ten other dimensions.

I can't know? No, not in your fantasy world but then, your idea of the universe is just make believe, your religion. It's an invisible box that you've surrounded yourself with to make you feel comfortable with the way reality is, like a child does with it's blanket thinking it will protect it and keep it safe.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Actually, conditions necessary for intelligent life to evolve may be quite rare, maybe incredibly rare. It took a billion years of evolution and several lucky breaks for it to happen on earth. The fact that we have not detected any intelligent signals yet means at least that intelligent is not common, the jury is still out.

Those breaks weren't luck. If left up to that the universe would never have made it anywhere near this far.

So, you are basing your belief in alien life on signals?

Radio waves spread out as they move. I think you should do a little research into the power required for an intelligent signal to be transmitted from one solar system to another and then you will see how unlikely it is.

Also, why would they send signals when they don't want you to know they're here?

Super Universe

Defender of God
There are several things that I find wrong with your ideas.

Firstly, there are other people and agencies besides the government searching for alien signals. SETI, for example, is a non-government organisation. There is far too much to be made, in terms of glory, becoming a historic figure, and the like, for these searchers to not reveal any evidence they have.

SETI has released evidence to support ET's before, too. SETI found a signal that repeated every 1.33 seconds, and initially stated it was evidence for an ET. Although this was later found to be a pulsar, SETI can hardly be blamed for mistaking this unknown phenomena that contradicted so much of what we knew previously about celestial objects. The "Wow!" signal is a good argument for the existence of ET's, and the discovery of that was officially released to the media, too.

A news article I read (forget where I read it) said that the time between the discovery of an unknown signal, that could potentially be from an ET, to the news being leaked world-wide, was less than twelve hours, despite any efforts to keep it secret while trying to verify it's accuracy.

Secondly, this supposes that every single person that has knowledge of the existence of ET's with radical religious ideas supports religion either directly or indirectly, yet has no trouble, in terms of religious morality, in covering up about the situation. Certainly, it is possible, I would consider it highly unlikely.

Still, interesting idea.

SETI isn't going to find a thing because they're looking at the wrong frequency. Radio waves wouldn't be used as signals, light would.

Now what do we have that can make the most light?

Hmm, I wonder...

Super Universe

Defender of God
I find it somewhat incredible that aliens travel such incredible distances here merely to anal probe people, and do fly-bys of aircraft.

Apart from that, your statement above contradicts your original post that if aliens do not believe in God, they are therefore unintelligent.

How far would you go to get the one thing that would bring eternal salvation to your kind?

My statement did not contradict. What I said was intelligent aliens who had never heard of religion wouldn't be all that intelligent, which is my opinion.

Then I went on to explain how they are so incredibly smart that they have proven God's existence. Religion is not God, in fact, it barely has anything to do with Him at all.


Resident Schizophrenic
It has been calculated that an intelligent civilization intent on colonizing an entire galaxy could do so in 50 million years or so.
Such calculations are as scientific as the drake equation. I am well aware of the whole idea of bootstrapping.
It is evident you are choosing to pick which possibilities you are choosing to believe.


Some say one can`t go to the sun if one has no suitable body to survive the sun`s atmosphere. Similarly, aliens can`t stay here for long if they have no suitable bodies to survive earth`s atmosphere. It took a salamander millions of years to become a human being? Maybe it will take us also millions of years to become a salamander. & so are the aliens.:D

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
How would it effect your faith if you discovered that not only are there intelligent aliens out there, but they have never heard of the concept of religion, and have discovered scientifically how the universe was formed?

It would reaffirm my need for imagination. I might break out my guitar and sing them a song. :guitar1:


Basically, you have nothing (no evidence for God, no evidence for aliens) so this leads you to believe that everyone else also has nothing but the thing is you aren't supposed to know.
Fine, if we're not supposed to know, then it's perfectly reasonable to go along with the towed line, ain't it?

Aliens that can travel here are extremely intelligent, so much that while they know everything about this universe's physical laws they know decreasing amounts about the laws that control the ten other dimensions.
Who cares? They're ******* geeks, theys is.

It's an invisible box that you've surrounded yourself with to make you feel comfortable with the way reality is, like a child does with it's blanket thinking it will protect it and keep it safe.
I love it. "You don't believe every ounce of ******** i spit out, so you're stupid".


Get some. Share. Or shut it.


Buddy, the universe, earth and your arse is hardly "evidence" for every brick of crap you lay here.

That's why i slap babies. *bang*

I`ve slapped babies countless of times after delivering them from the wombs of their mothers, so they`d cry & live!:slap: