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Life On Other Planets?

Super Universe

Defender of God
If aliens were more intelligent than humans they might have moved on from the primitive need to create God!
Or they might be so incredibly intelligent that they understand the true relationship between God and the universe and while they are absolutely positive that God exists they also know that He won't interefere.

What if those aliens found us? Wouldn't this be evidence that they are far superior to us, because they were able to devote the time, resources, and staff into building a ship capable of reaching us?
And before you make a judgment about them being unintelligent because they have no religious beleifs, you do not even know what technologies they might have developed that we cannot even imagine, let alone consider building.
What if those aliens found us? I suppose you think the thousands of people who have seen UFO's are all crazy? Even the police and airline pilots?

I made no judgement about them being unintelligent. The unintelligent ones are not a concern.

I don't know what technologies they might have developed? Hmm, maybe they use a gravity control ship that warps string energy around the ship which essentially allows them to move much faster than light by moving space around the ship without ever exceeding light speed in the substance that is space.

But what do I know?

That is an old chestnut which lacks any credibility imo! The world's media wouldn't be silenced if they had such a good story. No Government could keep it under wraps for long!
Hmm, really? What did you know about the stealth fighter before it was unveiled to the media? What did you know about the B2 bomber? What now do you know about the Aurora?


Active Member
Or they might be so incredibly intelligent that they understand the true relationship between God and the universe and while they are absolutely positive that God exists they also know that He won't interefere.

What if those aliens found us? I suppose you think the thousands of people who have seen UFO's are all crazy? Even the police and airline pilots?

I made no judgement about them being unintelligent. The unintelligent ones are not a concern.

I don't know what technologies they might have developed? Hmm, maybe they use a gravity control ship that warps string energy around the ship which essentially allows them to move much faster than light by moving space around the ship without ever exceeding light speed in the substance that is space.

But what do I know?

Hmm, really? What did you know about the stealth fighter before it was unveiled to the media? What did you know about the B2 bomber? What now do you know about the Aurora?

There was talk about them before they were produced. Aurora is suppose to be a US spy plane capable of supersonic flight!

Rystefn K'ryll

Smiter of Infidels
Or they might be so incredibly intelligent that they understand the true relationship between God and the universe and while they are absolutely positive that God exists they also know that He won't interefere.

Or, you might be wrong. I know it's next to impossible for you to even allow yourself to consider the possibility for a moment, but that was the point of the question: What if you're WRONG? What if everything you think you know about god and the niverse is simply not true? How would you handle it? I think your response shows that you simply could not handle it and would live in denial.

What if those aliens found us? I suppose you think the thousands of people who have seen UFO's are all crazy? Even the police and airline pilots? Crazy, or simply unable to interpret what they've seen. Or lying. Mostly the last.

I made no judgement about them being unintelligent. The unintelligent ones are not a concern. Yes you did. You said if they somehow managed to prove you wrong, they must be unintelligent, becuase that's not possible.

I don't know what technologies they might have developed? Hmm, maybe they use a gravity control ship that warps string energy around the ship which essentially allows them to move much faster than light by moving space around the ship without ever exceeding light speed in the substance that is space. Or maybe they use something compleely different. Maybe they have technologies unrelated to space travel as well. The point is, you can't know, since this is hypothetical. If it was real, maybe you could know, but even then, I doubt it.

But what do I know?

Apparently only how to declare yourself unassailably right, even in hypothetical.


Not your average Mormon
There is nothing in the Bible to suggest that there isn't intelligent life on other planets.

How would it effect your faith if you discovered that not only are there intelligent aliens out there, but they have never heard of the concept of religion, and have discovered scientifically how the universe was formed?
I would actually be surprised if there weren't. I'm pretty sure that such "aliens" don't exist on any of the planets in our solar system, but the universe is much bigger than our puny little Sun and eight planets. I don't know why they would never have heard of the concept of religion, though. They could either be more advanced than us or less advanced.


There is nothing in the Bible to suggest that there isn't intelligent life on other planets.

How would it effect your faith if you discovered that not only are there intelligent aliens out there, but they have never heard of the concept of religion, and have discovered scientifically how the universe was formed?

Try reading Srimad Bhagavatam authored by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad. There`s indeed life in other planets.


Well-Known Member
Actually, conditions necessary for intelligent life to evolve may be quite rare, maybe incredibly rare. It took a billion years of evolution and several lucky breaks for it to happen on earth. The fact that we have not detected any intelligent signals yet means at least that intelligent is not common, the jury is still out.


Resident Schizophrenic
I would actually be surprised if there weren't. I'm pretty sure that such "aliens" don't exist on any of the planets in our solar system, but the universe is much bigger than our puny little Sun and eight planets.
There may be some life in Europa which has some water on it. Its probably not going to be intelligent though.
The fact that we have not detected any intelligent signals yet means at least that intelligent is not common, the jury is still out.
That we have not detected any intelligent signals means (drumroll please)

We have not detected any intelligent signals yet.


Well-Known Member
It has been calculated that an intelligent civilization intent on colonizing an entire galaxy could do so in 50 million years or so. SInce the universe and our galaxy is over 14 billlion years old, there's been plenty of time for this to happen many times over. Yet we see no evidence of such. The earth is a plum in the part of our galaxy that is not hazardous to life, so it seems like it would have at least been visted, if not invaded by aliens so inclined. THis means that,

1. Intelligent life capable of instellar travel is not common.
2. Intelligent life capable of instellar travel is common, but for some reason self-annihilates over time.
3. Intelligent life capable of instellar travel is not interested in interstellar travel.
4. There may be external factors making interstellar exceedingly dangerous.


If we come to think of it. We are all aliens in this planet. Earth is not our home. Our real home is in the spiritual sky(Vaikuntha planets).Source: Srimad Bhagavatam


RF Addict
From what I researched about the phenomenon, this may be exactly the reason that the government may be with-holding the evidence against other-worldly life. There are two scenerios for doing this and one was mentioned in this thread.

If aliens (I prefer to think of them as foreigners) possess this great technology they may also possess the truth about there being no GOD or the truth that there is a GOD but one doesn’t need GOD. These other-worldly entities do not practice faith or religion. If any of these two scenerios do come to light the ramifications of this knowledge would be devasting to our society. This topic was discussed in detail on RF before and it would seem that there were some people who were quite upset and disturbed at the fact that there could possibly exist other entities who were smarter than humans. Can you imagine if these entities were also spiritually advanced BEings?

Imagine everything one has ever known about GOD to be false and/or non-existent. I do not think that there are many people who would be prepared to surrender their previous beliefs peacefully.

There are several things that I find wrong with your ideas.

Firstly, there are other people and agencies besides the government searching for alien signals. SETI, for example, is a non-government organisation. There is far too much to be made, in terms of glory, becoming a historic figure, and the like, for these searchers to not reveal any evidence they have.

SETI has released evidence to support ET's before, too. SETI found a signal that repeated every 1.33 seconds, and initially stated it was evidence for an ET. Although this was later found to be a pulsar, SETI can hardly be blamed for mistaking this unknown phenomena that contradicted so much of what we knew previously about celestial objects. The "Wow!" signal is a good argument for the existence of ET's, and the discovery of that was officially released to the media, too.

A news article I read (forget where I read it) said that the time between the discovery of an unknown signal, that could potentially be from an ET, to the news being leaked world-wide, was less than twelve hours, despite any efforts to keep it secret while trying to verify it's accuracy.

Secondly, this supposes that every single person that has knowledge of the existence of ET's with radical religious ideas supports religion either directly or indirectly, yet has no trouble, in terms of religious morality, in covering up about the situation. Certainly, it is possible, I would consider it highly unlikely.

Still, interesting idea.


There are several things that I find wrong with your ideas.

Firstly, there are other people and agencies besides the government searching for alien signals. SETI, for example, is a non-government organisation. There is far too much to be made, in terms of glory, becoming a historic figure, and the like, for these searchers to not reveal any evidence they have.

SETI has released evidence to support ET's before, too. SETI found a signal that repeated every 1.33 seconds, and initially stated it was evidence for an ET. Although this was later found to be a pulsar, SETI can hardly be blamed for mistaking this unknown phenomena that contradicted so much of what we knew previously about celestial objects. The "Wow!" signal is a good argument for the existence of ET's, and the discovery of that was officially released to the media, too.

A news article I read (forget where I read it) said that the time between the discovery of an unknown signal, that could potentially be from an ET, to the news being leaked world-wide, was less than twelve hours, despite any efforts to keep it secret while trying to verify it's accuracy.

Secondly, this supposes that every single person that has knowledge of the existence of ET's with radical religious ideas supports religion either directly or indirectly, yet has no trouble, in terms of religious morality, in covering up about the situation. Certainly, it is possible, I would consider it highly unlikely.

Still, interesting idea.

Only when you believe you are not from this planet, you will begin to stop wondering.:angel2:


RF Addict
What if those aliens found us? I suppose you think the thousands of people who have seen UFO's are all crazy? Even the police and airline pilots?

I made no judgement about them being unintelligent. The unintelligent ones are not a concern.

I don't know what technologies they might have developed? Hmm, maybe they use a gravity control ship that warps string energy around the ship which essentially allows them to move much faster than light by moving space around the ship without ever exceeding light speed in the substance that is space.

But what do I know?

I find it somewhat incredible that aliens travel such incredible distances here merely to anal probe people, and do fly-bys of aircraft.

Apart from that, your statement above contradicts your original post that if aliens do not believe in God, they are therefore unintelligent.


I find it somewhat incredible that aliens travel such incredible distances here merely to anal probe people, and do fly-bys of aircraft.

Apart from that, your statement above contradicts your original post that if aliens do not believe in God, they are therefore unintelligent.

Only adults don`t believe in ET`s. Children do!:D


RF Addict
Hmm, really? What did you know about the stealth fighter before it was unveiled to the media? What did you know about the B2 bomber? What now do you know about the Aurora?

There have been plenty of things that the government did not want us to know about, but we found out anyway. We learnt about the gay-bomb, the Iran-Contra affair (think that is the proper name), Watergate, and so forth.


There have been plenty of things that the government did not want us to know about, but we found out anyway. We learnt about the gay-bomb, the Iran-Contra affair (think that is the proper name), Watergate, and so forth.

Yah, like how much the US gov`t earns selling arms to Iraq.:D


RF Addict
Only adults don`t believe in ET`s. Children do!:D

I find that to be rather insulting. There are many adults that believe in ET's, myself included.

However, I do not believe that they have come to earth merely to practice their anal probing skills.


I find that to be rather insulting. There are many adults that believe in ET's, myself included.

However, I do not believe that they have come to earth merely to practice their anal probing skills.

These aliens are proctologists!:D