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Israel - Gaza - Columbia University

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I can hardly blame the students. The public schools in many places don't even use textbooks, now. Which would be fine if they were learning from computers, but classrooms are cacophonies of noise. In many classes teachers cannot teach them anything. Students in grade 10 can be at a 3rd grade reading level. When they get through "High school" not knowing how to learn, what sort of logical thinking are they likely to grasp?

I was watching that, and I marked it at the significant moment when this teach of 9 years realized that his 10th grade students were the victims of scam education programs. You don't need to watch the video, but he talks about how confusing it was for him to try and identify what his teaching system didn't work and why his 10th grade students never seemed able to read well and didn't understand about sitting still in class or following directions or learning. Or behaving.

When this current generation of students reaches their 40's and 50's they are going to be so angry with us older generations, that we are all going to have to learn martial arts and wear body armor. Because they are getting screwed by the schools and colleges both, and they are probably going to blame us. Of course we will tell them that its time to grow up and take responsibility and that its all in the past. That's my plan.
I recommend you read AntiIntellectualism in American Life (Richard Hofstadter). Education in America, especially k-12, has never been intended to work very well.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
And yet the U.S. is the world's #1 economic power, and the vast majority of owners and workers were and are American educated. :shrug:
And yet America consistently scores low in things like Math and Science.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That's cynicism most absurd.
And yet there's plenty of evidence to support it. America has long been mistrusting of learning and education, and we have seen this in many ways such low STEM and TIMS scores, teaching lower levels of math and science at higher levels (like how students of other countries already know math at a US high school level before they are in their version of high school (if they even have one). 17th, 18th, and 19th Century Revivalists had a mistrust of learning and science, and it shows today with America having a high rate of people who reject evolution.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
And yet there's plenty of evidence to support it. America has long been mistrusting of learning and education, and we have seen this in many ways such low STEM and TIMS scores, teaching lower levels of math and science at higher levels (like how students of other countries already know math at a US high school level before they are in their version of high school (if they even have one). 17th, 18th, and 19th Century Revivalists had a mistrust of learning and science, and it shows today with America having a high rate of people who reject evolution.
That doesn't support....
" Education in America, especially k-12, has never been intended to work very well."

More reasonable would be to say that good
intentions don't always result in good results.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That doesn't support....
" Education in America, especially k-12, has never been intended to work very well."

More reasonable would be to say that good
intentions don't always result in good results.
It was decided around when you was a kid that public education should be gwared towards making good democratic citizens. Those who want to go further with egghead stuff can learn all that stuff at college, and thus today (a military leader actually voiced concerns during WWII), Americans who go to college have a noticeable amd terrible trend if needing remedial math courses when they get to college.
I already gave the traditional mistrust of learning and intelligence in America as an example, and how this has lead to a society that is grossly science illiterate and rejecting evolution while believing in ghosts (America is high in that as well, last I knew).
Socially America has for so long detested intellectualism that people thought Thomas Jefferson was too smart, well read and philosophical to run the country. Preachers who've never read the Bible because they can't read has not been an issue in many churches, with the philosophical approach the Christian theology that's more prevalent in Europe being replaced in America with am emotional, what feels good, guantity over quality theology.
Amd we see this American tradition playing out today, where American schools have widely and mostly sucked for most of America's history and we still see legislative policy happening that impedes teaching and learning in school.
There's also the reality those like Henry Ford needed workers, and school curriculum and schedules began to more resemble an industrial/factory model, amd the goal was to educate people not to be scientists, philosophers and artists but educated just enough to work at an assembly line. And thus today there are way too many cashiers who can't make change.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It was decided around when you was a kid that public education should be gwared towards making good democratic citizens. Those who want to go further with egghead stuff can learn all that stuff at college, and thus today (a military leader actually voiced concerns during WWII), Americans who go to college have a noticeable amd terrible trend if needing remedial math courses when they get to college.
I already gave the traditional mistrust of learning and intelligence in America as an example, and how this has lead to a society that is grossly science illiterate and rejecting evolution while believing in ghosts (America is high in that as well, last I knew).
Socially America has for so long detested intellectualism that people thought Thomas Jefferson was too smart, well read and philosophical to run the country. Preachers who've never read the Bible because they can't read has not been an issue in many churches, with the philosophical approach the Christian theology that's more prevalent in Europe being replaced in America with am emotional, what feels good, guantity over quality theology.
Amd we see this American tradition playing out today, where American schools have widely and mostly sucked for most of America's history and we still see legislative policy happening that impedes teaching and learning in school.
There's also the reality those like Henry Ford needed workers, and school curriculum and schedules began to more resemble an industrial/factory model, amd the goal was to educate people not to be scientists, philosophers and artists but educated just enough to work at an assembly line. And thus today there are way too many cashiers who can't make change.
I've nothing to add.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yes, but there's more to education than just that, and we are producing many highly qualified American students in those fields.
Not that many and it has to import that talent to help meet demands and needs.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Many are being duped into going to college, getting loans they can't pay back, getting degrees that won't support them in getting a job and or a living while letting trades dry up.

Yes, but that trend has already been reversed as student enrollment to 4-year universities is down significantly.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I personally believe that it's sort of ridiculous to expect all 6 or 8 or whatever year olds to learn at the same pace.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Some love to air their criticisms of others,
but cannot endure any at their own, eh.
some people can't be fair when come to their people.
they defend even it's about evil and wrong things.
if you criticize their opinion ,same as you insult them.


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