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Is lifeless Venus destroying Darwin?


Well-Known Member
The Scientist reports the conclusion: there is no definite proof, that Phosphine is on Venus, thus, more research must be done.

To which I reply:
If there is reasonable doubt, that Russel's teapot, Tesla car, Phosphine, dead cats or dogs are on Venus, then it is not necessary to do more research. Please stop the research in these directions! Believe your common sense, lady! I do not want to pay them my tax money! They are chasing ghosts and their own imagination. Space is a vast thing. I see no reason to move in this particular direction: to find Russel's teapot on Venus. One has the need to set more realistic goals and more practical programs. Is lifeless Venus destroying Evolutionism?

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Active Member
It is theoretically possible. So we research it. And finding life elsewhere is truly amazing. I'm sorry if you don't think so.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
There are many everyday benefits derived from space exploration. If you don't want ti benefit from them just opt out, move off grid, ditch your computer and health benefits.


Well-Known Member
There are many everyday benefits derived from space exploration. If you don't want ti benefit from them just opt out, move off grid, ditch your computer and health benefits.
Space is a vast thing. I see no reason to move in this particular direction: to find Russel's teapot on Venus. One has the need to set more realistic goals and more practical programs.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Space is a vast thing. I see no reason to move in this particular direction: to find Russel's teapot on Venus. One has the need to set more realistic goals and more practical programs.

Cool, one has need to study the effects of runaway climate change so hopefully we can learn lessons here on earth.

Oh and given Venus is closer to the Sun it is financially far more economical than mars research[/QUOTE]
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
There are many everyday benefits derived from space exploration. If you don't want ti benefit from them just opt out, move off grid, ditch your computer and health benefits.
The greatest benefit is that it's interesting....fascinating!

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The thread title is about Darwin. What you wrote has ZERO to do with Darwin.

My answer to the thread title question is



Eastern Orthodox
I find it absolutely tragic and bewildering that we would spend even a penny (tax dollars) to look for microbes or fossils off of Earth while undergoing one of the biggest mass-extinction events ever - all due to ignorance and greed. Protect Creation first.

Thank you, drive thru.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I find it absolutely tragic and bewildering that we would spend even a penny (tax dollars) to look for microbes or fossils off of Earth while undergoing one of the biggest mass-extinction events ever - all due to ignorance and greed. Protect Creation first.

Thank you, drive thru.
Perhaps space exploration might help understand our
situation on Earth. We now know that there is no planet
we can move to as a Plan B. (Mars has poisonous soil,
frigid temps, & no atmosphere to speak of.) Gotta make
do with the planet we already have.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I do not want to pay them my tax money! They are chasing ghosts and their own imagination.
More like they're finding ghosts they didn't expect. That's how science and technology progresses.
Space is a vast thing. I see no reason to move in this particular direction: to find Russel's teapot on Venus. One has the need to set more realistic goals and more practical programs.
Many of the greatest and most beneficial advances in science resulted from investigations that seemed ridiculous wastes of money at the time.


Oldest Heretic
If we got rid of everything that I didn't understand we would be back in the stone age.

Most people have very little idea about any fields that they have not studied.
Even then, they haveprobably only learned to use that technology, not the science behind it, and which supports it.

The whole is often far more than the parts.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I find it absolutely tragic and bewildering that we would spend even a penny (tax dollars) to look for microbes or fossils off of Earth while undergoing one of the biggest mass-extinction events ever - all due to ignorance and greed. Protect Creation first.

Thank you, drive thru.

I agree that we should shift A LOT of attention to climate change. HUGE budget shifts need to occur RIGHT NOW!

That said, our space exploration budget is relatively small, can we please leave that alone?


Admiral Obvious
Yeah, I don't want my money to go to the military or subsidies for big, healthy corporations.
If a CEO, a general and a scientist ask you who should get your tax money, what do you answer?

It's A Trap!