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Is jesus his own father?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Sex? ...
Crosses? ...
Jesus his own father? ...
What is this? "Papa Don't Preach" by Madonna?

sky cake

what do you call it when to livings things come togeather and produce a offspring?

is that not sexual reproduction?

i belive it is.

god is a little creepy.

sky cake

Not in this case.
how is it not in this case? did they produce an offspring?
did jesus have dna? is half of his dna mary? if jesus didnot have dna why even be "born" at all

if god gos to all that trubble to let you know the line of joseph and mary then surly dna was involved, and if dna was in volved then god had to have some form of godly sperm, he then entered mary, poped of, and like magic jesus shows up. why do you feel that god would not have sex with mary? he made the penis, the vigina, semen, eggs, and the desire to do it. what would it hurt it god did have sex. god see you every time you have sex. he sees every one every time why would he be put off?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
how is it not in this case? did they produce an offspring?
did jesus have dna? is half of his dna mary? if jesus didnot have dna why even be "born" at all

if god gos to all that trubble to let you know the line of joseph and mary then surly dna was involved, and if dna was in volved then god had to have some form of godly sperm, he then entered mary, poped of, and like magic jesus shows up. why do you feel that god would not have sex with mary? he made the penis, the vigina, semen, eggs, and the desire to do it. what would it hurt it god did have sex. god see you every time you have sex. he sees every one every time why would he be put off?
(slowly) It just doesn't work that way. M'Kay?





If you accept the Myth that Jesus was not just a man but also God, the High Creator god, you are left with insoluble dilemmas.

JHWY clearly did extremely immoral acts as documented in the Bible. Noah's flood reveals the injustice and immorality of JHWY, killing perhaps millions of men, women, children, babies, and a million million non-human animals. There are so many evil stories in the bible there is not enough space here to just list them.

If one believes that Jesus the Palestinian Carpenter, son of a supposed virgin impregnated by a new god called the Holy Ghost, what is Jesus? He calls JHWY, "Father" not the "Holy Ghost" who was the real culprit.

Some say Jesus is the High God, JHWY and Holy Ghost in an insane concoction called the Trinity. There are three but not really three. They are one but really three. Jesus is his own father, his own son, and his own grandson, ad infinitum. That is simply daft.

In Mythology, there are no rules. You can have a green elephant that is coloured red, square circles, cubic spheres, and a god, Jesus, creator of Earth but who thought it was flat. It is like the Invisible Pink Unicorn with three horns.

what do you call it when to livings things come togeather and produce a offspring?

is that not sexual reproduction?

i belive it is.

god is a little creepy.

How old was Mary? Some call her a young girl or young woman. Does virgin mean she was a minor. There are implications here.

The Holy Ghost is possibly guilty of statutory rape. He ordered her to submit not volunteer to have intercourse. Then she had Jesus in Bethlehem. Jesus' official father was not JHWY, it was the Holy Ghost? And by the way does that not constitute incest?

But if the Trinity are all one God, eh? So who impregnated Mary? If it was the Holy Ghost, it was also Jesus. Jesus impregnated his own mother??? Some say that the Holy Ghost proceeded from the Father and Jesus. (Run that by me again.)

Is Jesus the father of the Holy Ghost as well as the Father God? How did two dudes produce an offspring? So the son of Jesus impregnated Mary to produce Jesus? What did God the Father think of all this soap opera stuff?

Oh, I'll bet God the Father was given a life sentence in Hell for committing Noah's Flood.

All seriousness aside, Cathars proposed a more logical interpretation of the Old and New testaments. JHWY the creator, was the essense of evil. He kill all of those people and animals and created disease. In the New Testament, Jesus is the good god who came to defeat JHWY now known as Satan. Thus the High God is the Holy Ghost who had two sons, the evil JHWY-Satan, and the good son, Jesus. It makes the contradiction of the Old and New Testament logical. Old Testament was the story of Satan, and New Testament the story of Jesus. It gets the dualism of Zoroastrianism but leaves the High God above the fray.

This is all meant to be partially humourous yet it is based on many beliefs on these three mythological figures..



Not your average Mormon
what do you call it when to livings things come togeather and produce a offspring?

is that not sexual reproduction?

i belive it is.

god is a little creepy.
Have you ever heard of invitro fertilization? No sex involved. I'm not saying that's how Jesus was conceived, but if we human beings can reproduce without physical intimacy, what's to have prevented God from impregnating Mary without having had sex with her?

sky cake

Have you ever heard of invitro fertilization? No sex involved. I'm not saying that's how Jesus was conceived, but if we human beings can reproduce without physical intimacy, what's to have prevented God from impregnating Mary without having had sex with her?

ok run with me on this one, even if this was a invetro fertilization, it still is sexual reproduction, even with out the sex, the zogots got mixed sperm and egg. ok?
second you belive god is everwere right? even in marys vigina right? even in and around your sexual parts right. god is everywere even in the sex act.

why do you find it hard to belive that god would have sex with a human? if he went so far as to inpreganat her? you seem to imply that copulating is more wrong than inpregnating a young girl and mot marring her. why would god care? why should you.


Not your average Mormon
ok run with me on this one, even if this was a invetro fertilization, it still is sexual reproduction, even with out the sex, the zogots got mixed sperm and egg. ok?
It's sexual, yes, in the respect that you just described.

second you belive god is everwere right?
Wrong. I believe that God is in Heaven.

even in marys vigina right?

even in and around your sexual parts right.

why do you find it hard to belive that god would have sex with a human? if he went so far as to inpreganat her? you seem to imply that copulating is more wrong than inpregnating a young girl and mot marring her. why would god care? why should you.
How did I imply that "copulating is more wrong than impregnating a young girl and not marrying her"? I don't see where I did that. I simply don't believe that God had sex with Mary because my belief is that she was a virgin, and because a virgin is a woman who has not had sex. It has nothing to do with anything God did or did not do as being "right" or "wrong."


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
How old was Mary? Some call her a young girl or young woman. Does virgin mean she was a minor. There are implications here.

The Holy Ghost is possibly guilty of statutory rape. He ordered her to submit not volunteer to have intercourse. Then she had Jesus in Bethlehem. Jesus' official father was not JHWY, it was the Holy Ghost? And by the way does that not constitute incest?

But if the Trinity are all one God, eh? So who impregnated Mary? If it was the Holy Ghost, it was also Jesus. Jesus impregnated his own mother??? Some say that the Holy Ghost proceeded from the Father and Jesus. (Run that by me again.)

Is Jesus the father of the Holy Ghost as well as the Father God? How did two dudes produce an offspring? So the son of Jesus impregnated Mary to produce Jesus? What did God the Father think of all this soap opera stuff?

Oh, I'll bet God the Father was given a life sentence in Hell for committing Noah's Flood.

All seriousness aside, Cathars proposed a more logical interpretation of the Old and New testaments. JHWY the creator, was the essense of evil. He kill all of those people and animals and created disease. In the New Testament, Jesus is the good god who came to defeat JHWY now known as Satan. Thus the High God is the Holy Ghost who had two sons, the evil JHWY-Satan, and the good son, Jesus. It makes the contradiction of the Old and New Testament logical. Old Testament was the story of Satan, and New Testament the story of Jesus. It gets the dualism of Zoroastrianism but leaves the High God above the fray.

This is all meant to be partially humourous yet it is based on many beliefs on these three mythological figures..


:facepalm: Where do I start?

First of all, the Holy Ghost, that is, God Impersonal, could have condensed into Mary's womb and formed a fetus which contained, in entirety, the "Father;" that is, God the Eternal Soul. How? It's freakin' GOD! He does this all the time. (No, I'm not kidding. When God incarnated as Krishna in the Bhagavatam, he entered Devaki's womb without her having sex, although she was not a virgin.)

Now, why were the terms "Father" and "Son" used in the Bible? Probably because of the limited ability of the language spoken at the time to convey what he was trying to say.

Jesus was an avatar. In other words, God descended on earth. The Trinity could be an attempt to explain three aspects of God: God the Eternal Soul(Father), God the Impersonal Reality(Holy Spirit), and God the Imminent Personality(Son).

Oh, and the flood story in the Bible, which was, BTW, based on other Mesopotamian myths, was almost certainly based on a real event: the black sea deluged flooding a huge chunk of land, probably killing thousands. It by no means covered the whole earth, but to the tribal people, it would have seemed to. In the Jewish tale, the people living in the world at the time were all psychopaths and demoniac people. Remember the rapist gang from Shawshank Redemption? Think of an entire planetary population of people like that. (Same thing in Sodom and Gomorrah.)

Now, as for the inconsistencies between the Tanakh and the New Testament, that's easy: both are Scripture of two different religions. The Tanakh is Jewish, and should be supplemented by commentary if any sense is to be made out of it.

In other words, the only real way to read anything in the Biblical canon, or any scripture of any religion, is to fully STUDY them. Only then can accurate judgments be made. They should not be read in the same way as a novel or article.

Finally, IT'S MYTHOLOGY! It's not supposed to be taken literally, any more than Batman is. Each of the themes of these books is supposed to say something, and it's not necessarily a moral like in a childrens' fairy tale. When you actually study and mediate on the themes, symbols, metaphors, characters, and words, you may realize just why these texts and stories have survived as long as they have.


Jesus in me
:facepalm: Where do I start?

First of all, the Holy Ghost, that is, God Impersonal, could have condensed into Mary's womb and formed a fetus which contained, in entirety, the "Father;" that is, God the Eternal Soul. How? It's freakin' GOD! He does this all the time. (No, I'm not kidding. When God incarnated as Krishna in the Bhagavatam, he entered Devaki's womb without her having sex, although she was not a virgin.)

Now, why were the terms "Father" and "Son" used in the Bible? Probably because of the limited ability of the language spoken at the time to convey what he was trying to say.

Jesus was an avatar. In other words, God descended on earth. The Trinity could be an attempt to explain three aspects of God: God the Eternal Soul(Father), God the Impersonal Reality(Holy Spirit), and God the Imminent Personality(Son).

Oh, and the flood story in the Bible, which was, BTW, based on other Mesopotamian myths, was almost certainly based on a real event: the black sea deluged flooding a huge chunk of land, probably killing thousands. It by no means covered the whole earth, but to the tribal people, it would have seemed to. In the Jewish tale, the people living in the world at the time were all psychopaths and demoniac people. Remember the rapist gang from Shawshank Redemption? Think of an entire planetary population of people like that. (Same thing in Sodom and Gomorrah.)

Now, as for the inconsistencies between the Tanakh and the New Testament, that's easy: both are Scripture of two different religions. The Tanakh is Jewish, and should be supplemented by commentary if any sense is to be made out of it.

In other words, the only real way to read anything in the Biblical canon, or any scripture of any religion, is to fully STUDY them. Only then can accurate judgments be made. They should not be read in the same way as a novel or article.

Finally, IT'S MYTHOLOGY! It's not supposed to be taken literally, any more than Batman is. Each of the themes of these books is supposed to say something, and it's not necessarily a moral like in a childrens' fairy tale. When you actually study and mediate on the themes, symbols, metaphors, characters, and words, you may realize just why these texts and stories have survived as long as they have.

You are in error. I find the Paraclete to be quite personal.

You are in error on this as well. The Bibile is not a testimony of man but a testimony of God which is proof enough of its reality. Mythology is folklore passed down through the ages with no known means to authenticate the events.

sky cake

the bible is proff that men of old could wright. and thats it, if all othere holy books a crap, then the bible is crap too.


Well-Known Member




If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Insepertable Godheads, when they congigate with humans will impragnate them.


There is no such thing as the "godhead" /trinity. It was an idea created by the Catholics to make Christianity not conform to Paganistic ideas. Nowhere in the Bible do one read that God the Father is Jesus

Or that Jesus is the Holy Spirit.

Trinity conforms to Hinduism.