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Is Jesus Christ the True God?

Is Jesus Christ the God, and all other gods are false gods, i.e. idols?

  • Yes, you are right. Jesus Christ is the God, and all other gods are false gods, i.e. idols.

  • No. I am sorry.

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Well-Known Member
It is not that simple. The late psychologist Carl Jung developed a theory of the archetypes of the collective unconscious. In modern lingo, these would be like subroutines connected to the brain's operating system; apps. His thesis suggested that these archetypes were common to all humans, independent of culture, and therefore define humans as a species; human nature. These are connected to our human DNA and how the human brain's firmware is organized for needs of human consciousness.

In his day, most of psychology was connect to the ego, which makes us unique. Jungian Psychology was more about human nature which is the same for all.

To prove his thesis Jung studied collective human symbolism from the world's modern and ancient religions, alchemy, the arts, etc to see if he could find patterns of commonality over time and space. He also looked for cultures that never met to see if their mythology developed in parallel, even without contact. For example the Aborigine of Australia which are very ancient people; 50,000 years, also have a world flood mythology even though isolated from the West. This particular aspect of the research suggested the collective unconscious has a role in developing parallel religions even in isolation.

What Jung found was these archetype apps of the brain were common to all humans, all through recorded history. This suggested that the base foundations for all religions come from the same place; brain's operating system. These system have been superficially modified by the ego and the culture in which they evolve, to reflect parallel cultural needs. Norse and Greek gods had different names and clothing but the overall structure is similar. Each surface reflects the local needs.

The affect is similar to all automobiles having four wheels and a drive train, with cultures adjusting the body styles onto this common base. The various religions tend to be optimized to the secular needs of different cultures as well as to the archetypes. If you live where there is snow all the time, the four tires will be snow tires but still four tires. The question of which is the best, is more in the context of different cultural needs, since each system is optimized for two sets of needs; inner self and the ego/super ego.

For example, Atheism is a movement connected to Christianity. That contrary mind set is allowable, due to the forgiveness of sins. One cannot outwardly deny god in all religions, since some doctrines are not as flexible to blaspheme. Forgiveness of sins is also what helps make the West more creative since being a pioneer often places you in conflict with the status quo, but since this sin will be forgiven when all is done, it is more allowable.

When the US Constitution made provision for the freedom of religion; First Amendment, it was placing the archetypes of the collective unconscious first; common human nature. The world wide migration to the open lands of US, was about our collective human nature being able to work together in spite of the superficial differences of the world's religions. We all come from the same deeper source.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
True god = that which you deem worthy of worship and pay honor and reverence to with genuine love and devotion; that which you truly and deeply value or consider sacred

False god = that which someone else told you was worthy of worship and pay honor and reverence to because others expect you to; that which others told you to value when your true values lie elsewhere

As a Pagan, Jesus would be a false god for me. That's not to say he's a false god for everyone, or even that he isn't a god. It would just be extremely disingenuous of me to worship him.


Veteran Member
Jesus was not and is not a god, imo.
I think the Bible agrees with you because Psalms 90:2 informs us God had No beginning.
That means only God existed ' before ' the beginning of anything.
Whereas, pre-human heavenly Jesus was "IN" the beginning but never ' before ' the beginning as his God was.
Plus, according to John 1:18 No one can see God and live. People saw Jesus and lived - 1 John 4:12


Active Member
I think the Bible agrees with you because Psalms 90:2 informs us God had No beginning.
That means only God existed ' before ' the beginning of anything.
Whereas, pre-human heavenly Jesus was "IN" the beginning but never ' before ' the beginning as his God was.
Plus, according to John 1:18 No one can see God and live. People saw Jesus and lived - 1 John 4:12
And Jesus when praying to the Father, said "you are the only true God." - John 17:3.


Veteran Member
And Jesus when praying to the Father, said "you are the only true God." - John 17:3.
.... and along in that same prayer I find Jesus said at John 17:6; John 17:26 that he made his God's name manifest and will make it known.


Veteran Member
Please, vote.
Voting does not make one a G-d, does it, please?
But the fact is: 3 are pro, 5 are contra.
Friend @questfortruth , belongs to "Eastern Orthodox".

The truthful G-d exists irrespective and independent of whether of whether humans believe him and or deny Him, and even if all the people vote (contra) that He does not exist, He needs no votes, please. Right?

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Active Member
I question the major premise -- that a true God exists.
What is a "true God," anyway? Define, please.
Might there be a true God and multiple other classes of gods?
Might there be more than one true God?
Jesus said his Father is "the only true God."


Well-Known Member
Right -- I hear he's an autocrat, and doesn't like democracy.
Jesus said his Father is "the only true God."

Let me recall the question: "Is Jesus Christ the God, and all other gods are false gods, i.e. idols?"

If person has answered "No. I am sorry", this does not necessarily mean that he has sinned.
Why? In the Holy Bible Jesus has called own followers "gods". These are good gods. The bad gods are bad. Bad gods are being called "gods" by satan.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So, your black list is: Kent Hovind, C. Tucker, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Jesus Christ?
I wouldn't lump Jesus in with the others.
I could see myself patiently endeavouring to show Jesus how in my opinion He was wrong, whereas I tend to believe the others you mentioned are too selfish to change if shown to be wrong. Putin I would avoid just because I can't see the two of us entering a room and walking out both alive and in good health.

In my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I could see myself patiently endeavouring to show Jesus how in my opinion He was wrong
Jesus told: love your enemy. This commandment has very positive effect, it translates as: "execute your enemy only if no other means can be applied. And only the court has decided. Do not execute your enemy without approval of the court." This commandment has saved from execution tremendous amount of lives. So, this is not mistake of Jesus.