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Is Christianity the easiest religion?


Believer in God
Premium Member
"Christianity is easier to follow than Islam or Judaism"

To what extent is this true?

I mean the Jews have over 600 commandments and the Moslems have to ritually pray five times a day and fast during Ramadan

There are also no dietary rules and no need for men to be circumcised

I am not asking if it is easy:

I am asking if it is the easiest religion to follow, out of those with whom it is usually lumped together with

I'd be interested to hear from people who are knowledgeable about religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism - do you think Christianity is easier than those religions?


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
No, but it would depend on which kind of Christian you are. Traditional Orthodoxy and Catholicism have fast days, the whole season of Lent, no meat Fridays etc.

Monasticism is also a challenge if one wants to take that route, but regular Christianity as followed by many pre-Reformation may seem daunting to us.


Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth
I can respect the strength and sacrifice it takes for a genuine Christian to live as a Christian and not be a hypocrite, to resist the allure of “sinful” behavior, to remain devoted to God through the tough times, and to strive to always do what they believe in their hearts to be “the right thing”.

There are people close to me who have chosen this path. They walk it well, and lead through example more than anything…. but it is not “easy”.


Well-Known Member
First of all, there is what era you are from. It seems to me, as a passive reader of history, that the way the religion was practiced might change rapidly, as trends changed. But I think that maybe, the follower of a religion also makes it either easy or severe, for themselves. That, on top of all the many diverse stylistic ways that Christianity has been practiced, multiplies into the answer you're looking for. Which to say, there is no definite answer really. And this might also be true of many other religions.
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Veteran Member
Is Christianity the easiest religion?

But was (Jesus) Yeshua- the Israelite Messiah ever a " Christian" and or he could ever be as such, one gets to know, please? Right?
Wasn't Yeshua an Israelite and was sent to the Israelites as a Messiah, it transpires, please? Right?
"Christianity" was invented by the Hellenist Paul via a fake vision that blinded Paul, one understands, isn't it a disrespect to Yeshua, therefore, to say that Yeshua was a " Christian" meaning a follower of the Hellenist-Paul, reason says, please?
Same way it would be futile for one to become a "Paulian-Christian", one imagines, even if it is the easiest, please, right?

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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I don't usually think of the Abrahamics as religions. They are not comparable to religions in general. We really owe it to ourselves to develop better terminology for this subject matter.

That is relevant for this thread, because much of what makes an Abrahamic creed or a religion easy to practice are the social expectations, accomodations and general acceptance and support. So the answer will depend a lot on the culture one lives on.

Assuming an environment of majority adherence for each of the three best known Abrahamics, I would say that Judaism has better and probably deeper overall commitment than Christianity and Islam. For better or worse, it looks like Judaism teaches very effectively that Jews should care about each other.

Christianity has become something of a boilerplate. It is certainly easy in most of the Occident to be accepted as a Christian, but that means so little that even most atheists with no interest in Christianity don't bother to go through the trouble of correcting the record. I suppose it is fair to say that Christianity is very succesful as a component of cultural identities, but the practical results are definitely mixed and of questionable meaning.

I don't consider Islam to be a religion at all. It is a theocentric creed, with all that entails and no course correction measures to speak of.

So I guess Christianity is easier if you don't particularly miss a clear religious identity; Judaism is easier if you do; and I would always advise people to look beyond the Abrahamics.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"Christianity is easier to follow than Islam or Judaism"

To what extent is this true?

I mean the Jews have over 600 commandments and the Moslems have to ritually pray five times a day and fast during Ramadan

There are also no dietary rules and no need for men to be circumcised

I am not asking if it is easy:

I am asking if it is the easiest religion to follow, out of those with whom it is usually lumped together with

I'd be interested to hear from people who are knowledgeable about religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism - do you think Christianity is easier than those religions?
This quote from G.K. Chesterton comes to mind, "The problem with Christianity is not that it has been tried and found wanting, but that it has been found difficult and left untried.

Any authentic religion is impossible for the ego to do. It's not simply a matter of following external rules or laws or codes that makes someone actually inhabit the principles and attitudes that enact transformation. Following the rules is "easy religion", no matter which religious faith system it is. It's the interior stuff that is "found difficult and left untried".

But the reality is, when we let go of the ego, then it all becomes easy. All the rest is basically training wheels on a bicycle to get you to find your own balance. But if you make the training wheels the focus and goal of bike riding instead, then balance will be found impossible to come by.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
This quote from G.K. Chesterton comes to mind, "The problem with Christianity is not that it has been tried and found wanting, but that it has been found difficult and left untried.

It's a cute quote but there is one who I would call a real Christian (among a very small number): Saint Francis of Assisi.

But the reality is, when we let go of the ego, then it all becomes easy. All the rest is basically training wheels on a bicycle to get you to find your own balance. But if you make the training wheels the focus and goal of bike riding instead, then balance will be found impossible to come by.

Rabbi Rami Shapiro said:

“Aren’t all religions equally true? No, all religions are equally false. The relationship of religion to truth is like that of a menu to a meal. The menu describes the meal as best it can. It points to something beyond itself. As long as we use the menu as a guide we do it honor. When we mistake the menu for the meal, we do it and ourselves a grave injustice.”


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's a cute quote but there is one who I would call a real Christian (among a very small number): Saint Francis of Assisi.
Sure, let's add Meister Eckhart to that list as well a few others. But I do think Chesterton has a valid point. I think there is a difference between Religianity, and Christianity. I see Christianity at its heart as an esoteric path, like the Noble 8-Fold path of Buddhism.

Then there is the exoteric forms of all religions. If someone is only focused on the exteriors as the end means of "justification", then they miss the point. "Make clean the inside of the cup first", is the real point. But the inside part, facing the self and transcending it, is the difficult part. Whitewashing the outside is easy by comparison. It doesn't require a rigorous self-honesty. It doesn't require dying to the ego as the center of Reality.

Rabbi Rami Shapiro said:

“Aren’t all religions equally true? No, all religions are equally false. The relationship of religion to truth is like that of a menu to a meal. The menu describes the meal as best it can. It points to something beyond itself. As long as we use the menu as a guide we do it honor. When we mistake the menu for the meal, we do it and ourselves a grave injustice.”
Exactly. Religion if approached as the end in itself is mistaking the map of the terrain with the terrain itself. You can't eat the menu. You can't get to the Ocean by only being an expert in maps. You can't call looking at a photo of the ocean swimming.

To borrow another Buddhist term, religion can be in fact the "near enemy" of spirituality. It poses as the desired goal in itself, and thus the ego can fool itself into thinking it's doing the actual work, by following the religion's rules and practices. It's actually a form of spiritual-bypassing, or avoidance of the Atman.

Messianic Israelite

Active Member
"Christianity is easier to follow than Islam or Judaism"

To what extent is this true?

I mean the Jews have over 600 commandments and the Moslems have to ritually pray five times a day and fast during Ramadan

There are also no dietary rules and no need for men to be circumcised

I am not asking if it is easy:

I am asking if it is the easiest religion to follow, out of those with whom it is usually lumped together with

I'd be interested to hear from people who are knowledgeable about religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism - do you think Christianity is easier than those religions?

Hi Eddi. Good evening. Chr-stianity has to the most part rejected the Law of Yahweh. As a result, they have set the bar very low to making it to the Kingdom and yes, they have traded truth and the hardship that comes from serving Yahshua (2 Timothy 2:3) for an easy life , one that demands very little. Chr-stianity however has made it more difficult for themselves. You see, when we reject Yahweh's Law, we reject Yahweh and we reject the closeness and the love that comes from obediently obeying His commandments. When we are closer to Yahweh, we can have our prayers answered. We can have close communion with Yahweh, which we need if we are to overcome the temptations of this world and the stumbling blocks which Satan puts before us.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
"Christianity is easier to follow than Islam or Judaism"

To what extent is this true?
It can be, but not necessarily. For example, Jesus' simple answer to "Which is the greatest commandment?" is to love God and love one another. OK, that's pretty simple, right? But if one takes his words fully as the word "agape" implies, it ain't at all simple. "Agape" is not kissy-facey love or brotherly love, as in Koine Greek it implies more of an all-encompassing love. IOW, we are to live with love for all.

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
“Aren’t all religions equally true? No, all religions are equally false. The relationship of religion to truth is like that of a menu to a meal. The menu describes the meal as best it can. It points to something beyond itself. As long as we use the menu as a guide we do it honor. When we mistake the menu for the meal, we do it and ourselves a grave injustice.”

Would it be too trite to mention the finger pointing at the moon? (Don't mistake the finger for the moon). Or even "if you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him."

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
This quote from G.K. Chesterton comes to mind, "The problem with Christianity is not that it has been tried and found wanting, but that it has been found difficult and left untried.

Any authentic religion is impossible for the ego to do. It's not simply a matter of following external rules or laws or codes that makes someone actually inhabit the principles and attitudes that enact transformation. Following the rules is "easy religion", no matter which religious faith system it is. It's the interior stuff that is "found difficult and left untried".

But the reality is, when we let go of the ego, then it all becomes easy. All the rest is basically training wheels on a bicycle to get you to find your own balance. But if you make the training wheels the focus and goal of bike riding instead, then balance will be found impossible to come by.

My interpretation of Christ dying on the cross and being resurrected is that it is meant to show the death of the ego.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
My interpretation of Christ dying on the cross and being resurrected is that it is meant to show the death of the ego.
I very much agree. There are layers of meaning to it, which is what a good symbol is. "Take up your cross and follow me", is to really signalling to die to the ego and follow Love instead. "Not my will, but Thine be done", same thing, and so forth. Dying to the egoic self and finding who and what we are beyond that, is at the mystic heart of all authentic religions. But "few there be who find it". Very few are willing to face their own death in order to find it, and that does not mean the death of their bodies.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
"Christianity is easier to follow than Islam or Judaism"

To what extent is this true?

I mean the Jews have over 600 commandments and the Moslems have to ritually pray five times a day and fast during Ramadan

There are also no dietary rules and no need for men to be circumcised

I am not asking if it is easy:

I am asking if it is the easiest religion to follow, out of those with whom it is usually lumped together with

I'd be interested to hear from people who are knowledgeable about religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism - do you think Christianity is easier than those religions?
I don't see it as being easier nor harder than any other religion out there.

Its hard to compare, noting the sheer diversity that exists in all religions because variations within religions make it hard to pinpoint those disciplines that can be regarded as being easier than the next one.


Veteran Member
Is Christianity the easiest religion?

But was (Jesus) Yeshua- the Israelite Messiah ever a " Christian" and or he could ever be as such, one gets to know, please? Right?
Wasn't Yeshua an Israelite and was sent to the Israelites as a Messiah, it transpires, please? Right?
"Christianity" was invented by the Hellenist Paul via a fake vision that blinded Paul, one understands, isn't it a disrespect to Yeshua, therefore, to say that Yeshua was a " Christian" meaning a follower of the Hellenist-Paul, reason says, please?
Same way it would be futile for one to become a "Paulian-Christian", one imagines, even if it is the easiest, please, right?

And the easiest does not have to be truthful also, please, right?
