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How Can Jehova's Witnesses Pronounce the Word Thursday?


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Is it necessary that you always have to blame my religion to justify yours?

LOL...if the cap fits...

Was it the Roman influence perhaps...?

"The Gregorian calendar continued to employ the Julian months, which have Latinate names and irregular numbers of days:


Can you count how many Roman gods managed to get a place in that calendar? Obviously the outstanding Bible characters just weren't good enough.....? :shrug:


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Two approaches:

- "do you have any openings for the 12th of the month?"

- "do you have any openings for Second Day next week? Oh - you don't know what I mean by 'Second Day?' Let me tell you..."

And you can't preach without words like "Wednesday?"

What???? :facepalm:


Veteran Member
LOL...if the cap fits...

Was it the Roman influence perhaps...?

"The Gregorian calendar continued to employ the Julian months, which have Latinate names and irregular numbers of days:


Can you count how many Roman gods managed to get a place in that calendar? Obviously the outstanding Bible characters just weren't good enough.....? :shrug:

Who really cares though, Deeje..?


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Agreed. The Watchtower actively encourages members to point an accusative finger at every religion save their own. But @Landon Caeli is correct: they have turned Catholic-bashing into an art form.

I recently spent a very pleasant vacation with about 20 of them and the self-elevation inherent in "religion-bashing" is a real benefit for some. Finally, a vice (hubris) that you can indulge in, feel good about and one that's fully sanctioned by the Organization God.

For others, it's a retreat from a fearful world, a place where you can belong...an insular community, full of secret knowledge ("the truth") with plenty of friends engaged in organized activities. The only thing necessary to keep your membership in good standing is your willingness to commit time, publish the Organization's works, report dissent, shun former members and heap praise on the Organization, especially its hierarchy. You can see both types at play on this Forum.

However the "glue" that holds everything together is the constant, incessant fear of a raging God ready to destroy anything and everyone outside their Organization "at any moment".
How was your vacation, “with about 20 of them”, “very pleasant”?

How could you stand all that ‘religion-bashing’?

You imply that you are repulsed by our supposed ‘behavior’.

You present a dichotomy.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
So informing their congregations that God cares about them not celebrating Christmas because it has "pagan" origins in their minds, might normally indicate they are simply following what has meaning to them, but according to Paul, God doesn't care. If it legitimately offends them in some way, such as growing up in a culture which never ate pork, then they should avoid it.

According to Paul....I’m glad you wrote that. What did he mean at 1 Corinthians 10:21? It’s easy to grasp his meaning through the lens of Deuteronomy 32:17 and Psalms 106:37-38, and Paul’s further words @ 1 Timothy 4:1-3.


Veteran Member
Thanks. Makes me glad I'm not omniscient.

Are you sure? So you give up the God-quest? (I did)

I think it's impossible to "know all about God (or fully understand)" who is Omniscient, without being Omniscient ourselves


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Who really cares though, Deeje..?

I dunno Landon...maybe God does? He took a really dim view of Israel dallying with other gods.....the first Commandment and all....

Not sure how the days of the week or the months of the year came to be dedicated to false gods by a Roman Catholic pope...but there you go. :shrug:

Can you explain?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
That is interesting. But tell me, how does that work in dealing with the secular world? That would require a lot of explanation, wouldn't it?

Hi cowboy! Amongst ourselves I notice official letters sent out are formatted like this - 11 is the day, Sharaf the month which is Honour and the year is 175 Baha’i Era. The example below is from a letter I received today.

10 January 2019 ( 11 Sharaf 175 B.E.)


Well-Known Member
And now it's the 21st century and ...
Well there's always the option of not even trying to understand texts in context. You could have just said that the text and discussion about it was wholly irrelevant to you instead of saying you don't understand it.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Are you sure? So you give up the God-quest? (I did)

I think it's impossible to "know all about God (or fully understand)" who is Omniscient, without being Omniscient ourselves
I got as far as ─ I was scient enough to ─ realize I didn't know what a real god was; so I'm still working on that, but it looks like it may take a while.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well there's always the option of not even trying to understand texts in context.
As you imply, it's the popular way to go.
You could have just said that the text and discussion about it was wholly irrelevant to you instead of saying you don't understand it.
True, that's one possibility.

Another is to wonder how such a question could arise.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
According to Paul....I’m glad you wrote that. What did he mean at 1 Corinthians 10:21? It’s easy to grasp his meaning through the lens of Deuteronomy 32:17 and Psalms 106:37-38, and Paul’s further words @ 1 Timothy 4:1-3.
You tell me what you think he meant. Does your quote list negate Paul's telling Christians they should not be concerned about these things for other Christians who don't believe in them like you do?

How do you read what Paul meant in what I quoted from Romans? What do you hear him telling you? The meaning to me is clear. It does not matter to God. It only matters to the one who believes it. Are you saying all Christians need to believe the same things, since God somehow requires this in your thinking? Are you sure maybe the lens you are reading through is the same lens Paul was when he made that statement in Romans?

It's pretty clear to me what he says contradicts what you seem to be suggesting, that we should obey the laws of days and meat observances, and expect all other Christians to do the same, because the law is the law, and that alone is what gets you saved. Not Grace. Not sure how you reconcile this in your thinking, if at all.
Last edited:


Veteran Member
Exodus 23:13 "“Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips."

So...why do JW's continue to use the word 'Thursday' when everybody knows its named after a pagan god? Every time I hear a JW pronounce the word Thursday, aren't they breaking this commandment? Its is befuddling.

I am going out on a limb here but I think it the key is the "U" over an "O"


Well-Known Member
Still a god

But my claim was specifically NORSE gods.

I don't have problems with Saturn, either, btw.

I'd be about as worried about any of this as I would be if the days of the week were named

whoo hoo
frantic shopping



Game day
hump day
second boredom
get ready

Whatever works. Language and name conventions change all the time.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member

But my claim was specifically NORSE gods.

I don't have problems with Saturn, either, btw.

I'd be about as worried about any of this as I would be if the days of the week were named

whoo hoo
frantic shopping



Game day
hump day
second boredom
get ready

Whatever works. Language and name conventions change all the time.

I was more interested in @Brickjectivity OP, Saturn was a god.

I never got the hang of hump day. A hump is a british slang term for for having sex so it quite startled me when i first heard it.


Well-Known Member
I was more interested in @Brickjectivity OP, Saturn was a god.

I never got the hang of hump day. A hump is a british slang term for for having sex so it quite startled me when i first heard it.

I'm not sure the lists don't work however you define 'hump,' but I'm a religiously conservative American.To me, 'hump' means either the bump on the back of a camel, or the thing in the road you have to slow down to get over without losing your undercarriage or getting high-centered.