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Homosexuality does not signal end times or destruction


Active Member
What does this have to do with homosexuality? Aren't most pedophiles heterosexual?
How is this a Pandora's box? You're making some completely incorrect associations, here.
it has opened the door to transgenderings kids etc. pandora box open


Veteran Member
Premium Member
it has opened the door to transgenderings kids etc. pandora box open
Not following. This is ambiguous. "Transgenderings kids?"

Do you mean transgender kids; kids who are transgender?
Do you mean transgender-ing kids, as in turning a kid transgender? And what's the terminal "s" mean? Please clarify.

What do you mean by "opening the door?" Do you mean making transgender kids legal? Allowing them particular rights you don't like? Or do you see "transgendering" as the creation of transgender kids -- which you oppose?
Do you see it as some kind of child abuse, or social threat? Again. Please clarify.

You seem to fear it. What harm do you see in it? How is it a threat?
Please clarify your objections.
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Active Member
Not following. This is ambiguous. "Transgenderings kids?"

Do you mean transgender kids; kids who are transgender?
Do you mean transgender-ing kids, as in turning a kid transgender? And what's the terminal "s" mean? Please clarify.

What do you mean by "opening the door?" Do you mean making transgender kids legal? Allowing them particular rights you don't like? Or do you see "transgendering" as the creation of transgender kids -- which you oppose?
Do you see it as some kind of child abuse?

You seem to fear it. What harm do you see in it? How is it a threat?
Please clarify your objections.
60's free sex. is cool no problem. 50 yrs later. 54 million Americans on food stamps. most single moms. baby mommas


Still learning to be wise
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Premium Member
I should hope it doesn't. It's been around as long we have -- and in a lot of other animals and birds, as well.
If it's a signal, I'd say the signal's been stuck for a long time. ;)
Lol Armageddon be like


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Thankfully, real morals are based on reason and compassion rather than irrational, arbitrary, and unsubstantiated superstitions. If anything, morals have evolved since the brutal savagery of biblical times.
Agreed. Morality involves actual harm, not "ickyness," not convention, not tradition or 'standards', and not adherence to some abstract rules with no apparent practical purpose.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
60's free sex. is cool no problem. 50 yrs later. 54 million Americans on food stamps. most single moms. baby mommas
Pretty sure single parent families existed before the 60s. Usually due to high mortality rates, tbh

The 50s style leave it to Beaver households were really more of a thing post WWII. They existed before the war of course. But that became more of a phenomenon due to the economic success leading to the baby boom. Such economic times haven’t existed since like the 80s though.
And I’m pretty sure everyone was like coked up during those times anyway lol
(That was a joke, guys)


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60's free sex. is cool no problem. 50 yrs later. 54 million Americans on food stamps. most single moms. baby mommas
What's that got to do with free sex, and what's free sex got to do with your issues with transgender kids?

In 1981 there was an fundamental shift in the country's economic and social philosophy. This led to the unraveling of the social safety net and the commodification of social and economic institutions and protections.
Don't you think this may have had something to do with today's shrinking middle class, growing underclass, stagnant economy and growing wealth gap?

I don't see the relevance of 'transgender kids' to all this.


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General moral degeneration is a sign of end times.

But know this, that in the last days, grievous times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good, traitors, headstrong, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power thereof. Turn away from these, also. For of these are those who creep into houses, and take captive gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Even as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so do these also oppose the truth; men corrupted in mind, reprobate concerning the faith. But they will proceed no further. For their folly will be evident to all men, as theirs also came to be.
2 Tim. 3:1-9
Haven't conventionalists been bemoaning the moral degeneration of society since ancient Greece? When when should we expect these end times?

What constitutes "moral degeneration" anyway?
I get the impression that conventionalists equate it with novelty, change and unfamiliarity, not with actual morality; and they equate morality with familiarity, predictability, convention or tradition, not with actual harm. Immorality = whatever makes them uncomfortable.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
it has opened the door to transgenderings kids etc. pandora box open
Again, what does "transgendering kids" mean?
I don't understand what you're talking about. I don't even understand whether you're using it as a noun or verb.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
its a sin in every religion. the liberal elite bankers have their own agenda
You know very little about religion, I see. It is a sin in many Abrahamic religions, not in religions in general. Moreover, your concept of sin is derived from the Abrahamic traditions, as well.
And what do bankers have to do with it?

Please define "sin."
Do you equate it with violation of an abstract religious rule, with no relation to its consequences? If so, what good is your morality, if it has no usefulness, no practical effect?


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Haven't conventionalists been bemoaning the moral degeneration of society since ancient Greece? When when should we expect these end times?

What constitutes "moral degeneration" anyway?
I get the impression that conventionalists equate it with novelty, change and unfamiliarity, not with actual morality; and they equate morality with familiarity, predictability, convention or tradition, not with actual harm. Immorality = whatever makes them uncomfortable.
“Children are tyrants!” -Attributed to Socrates by Plato

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
its a sin in every religion. the liberal elite bankers have their own agenda
It's adorable how liberals are "commies" one moment and "bankers" the next.

That silliness aside, no it's not a "sin" in every religion. It means very little regardless, given that religions are merely cultural constructs.


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There are multiple points here and I'm not sure exactly what the point is since I don't think I read the featured thread.

My position isn't that marriage is no longer permitted as I believe there will be weddings after his coming back.
Many people believe as you on that. You aren't the only one. I think I've met other people on this forum and in real life who also think so, and that is a much more supportable position from scripture than the position I'm objecting to. At least scripture talks about resurrection, and at least it talks about whether people will or won't marry at the resurrection. That at least could be debated.

But that there are some in their resurrected bodies that will no longer be seeking marriage is a potential.
That also makes sense given that scenario.

A shot in the dark as I am not sure of the points that are being addressed.
I don't wish to push a lot of points or argue about the resurrection just wish to avoid supporting a position about resurrection that I don't have. The only objection I wish to make in the thread is to the claim of some that Jesus is talking about homosexuals in Matthew 22:30. That is far fetched and projects onto it a lot of things that simply aren't there in my opinion. There is nothing to debate but shadows.