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Hinduism for the super liberal American female


Its only a Label
Friend Amala,

Thank you for bringing out few facts about the misunderstandings of people who follow sanatan dharma.
Sanatan dharma is not a religion it is only a way of life. It is all about making your choices that suits your self towards dharma.
dharma is *laws of existence* and as human beings we are part of existence and so come under the laws of existence and the individual form who follows or harmonises oneself with that law of existence merges with IT [existence/truth/god/whole/etc]
In another words Sanatan Dharama is only about a *Way of life* and every way is a way and so every human following a way in his own way is also a follower and falls under the ambit of sanatan dharma meaning ways followed by following ways shown by Mohammud, Jesus, Gautama etc are all ways and so every one is following the Sanatan Dharma.

Next, if some temple is doing this and another doing so differently etc are only interpretation of what the laws of existence is and since most humans actions are based on what the mind perceives are always at fault meaning to accept that every temple authority has a perfect perception is to misunderstand that perception can be perfect.
Perception can never be perfect and alawys far away from truth. Only when the mind that perceives is transcended can one be in tune with truth with existence in harmony with the laws of existence and for that one needs to understand that every nook and corner of this universe is nothing but a temple and that humans too are part of existence and they could be in the form of women and women has to undergo periods and so that period too is as holy as existence itself.
Yes, possibly those days pads were not available and one did not wish to see the temple floor with the blood [menses] and so was asked to stay at home during those days as those who see it may lose the focus for which they come to a man made temple which is to pray or to harmonise the self with the *whole/existence/god/etc]
Friend Amala personally can only state that when we ourselves are part of existence and every place is the temple where does the need arises to visit a man made temple to pray? personally though born in India in a family following sanatan dharma never visit temples to pray as do so anytime anywhere rather every act is nothing but a prayer
itself. So never had to waste time in mindless discussions of man made rules in man made temples and utilise the wasted time in prayer wherever or whatever may be involved in doing during those moments.

Best Wishes.
Love & rgds


Friend Amala,

Thank you for bringing out few facts about the misunderstandings of people who follow sanatan dharma.
Sanatan dharma is not a religion it is only a way of life. It is all about making your choices that suits your self towards dharma.
dharma is *laws of existence* and as human beings we are part of existence and so come under the laws of existence and the individual form who follows or harmonises oneself with that law of existence merges with IT [existence/truth/god/whole/etc]
In another words Sanatan Dharama is only about a *Way of life* and every way is a way and so every human following a way in his own way is also a follower and falls under the ambit of sanatan dharma meaning ways followed by following ways shown by Mohammud, Jesus, Gautama etc are all ways and so every one is following the Sanatan Dharma.

Next, if some temple is doing this and another doing so differently etc are only interpretation of what the laws of existence is and since most humans actions are based on what the mind perceives are always at fault meaning to accept that every temple authority has a perfect perception is to misunderstand that perception can be perfect.
Perception can never be perfect and alawys far away from truth. Only when the mind that perceives is transcended can one be in tune with truth with existence in harmony with the laws of existence and for that one needs to understand that every nook and corner of this universe is nothing but a temple and that humans too are part of existence and they could be in the form of women and women has to undergo periods and so that period too is as holy as existence itself.
Yes, possibly those days pads were not available and one did not wish to see the temple floor with the blood [menses] and so was asked to stay at home during those days as those who see it may lose the focus for which they come to a man made temple which is to pray or to harmonise the self with the *whole/existence/god/etc]
Friend Amala personally can only state that when we ourselves are part of existence and every place is the temple where does the need arises to visit a man made temple to pray? personally though born in India in a family following sanatan dharma never visit temples to pray as do so anytime anywhere rather every act is nothing but a prayer
itself. So never had to waste time in mindless discussions of man made rules in man made temples and utilise the wasted time in prayer wherever or whatever may be involved in doing during those moments.

Best Wishes.
Love & rgds

Namaste Zenzero,

You have a beautiful perspective. I really enjoyed reading this.

There were things I had to be shown in the temple I visited recently - like which side of the altar to approach, which hand to use to accept an almond, and some others that I've forgotten.

I am so drawn to these things you express about sanatan dharma. A pleasure to read your thoughts.



Its only a Label
Friend Amala,

Your devotion is *touching*, meaning you are already connecting to that which is existence/universal/god/whole/etc. and all it requires is being in the middle as Gautama has shown and not be too serious or too casual about anything just that bit open and understanding and surely the harmonizing is taking place!
rgds those rituals which you are drawn to; do not bother as mentioned they are all personal choices as every tiny bit of anything even the unseen atom is part of that along with our body which includes the hands and so understanding that while doing anything be it praying or accepting the *prasad* [almond] are all the same which could be interpreted differently by different people; ignore them and allow your own devotion to decide that which your body-soul does at any given moment when in devotion.
Love & rgds


Friend Amala,

Your devotion is *touching*, meaning you are already connecting to that which is existence/universal/god/whole/etc. and all it requires is being in the middle as Gautama has shown and not be too serious or too casual about anything just that bit open and understanding and surely the harmonizing is taking place!
rgds those rituals which you are drawn to; do not bother as mentioned they are all personal choices as every tiny bit of anything even the unseen atom is part of that along with our body which includes the hands and so understanding that while doing anything be it praying or accepting the *prasad* [almond] are all the same which could be interpreted differently by different people; ignore them and allow your own devotion to decide that which your body-soul does at any given moment when in devotion.
Love & rgds

Thank you for your kind words, ZZ, however part of the question of the thread pertained to temples and rules. The reason *they* have the rule of not allowing non-Hindus, I believe, is because *they* prefer not to have these rules of theirs disobeyed. So, my suggestion to you, DM, is to check with the temple first.

I personally prefer not to go where these rules are so important. I respect their needs even if they are not my own and would abide by their rules out of that respect for them or I would avoid where the rules do not align with my path.

All the best,


Its only a Label
Friend Amala,

Sorry, if have not been able to communicate properly.
As mentioned earlier am no part of any established system and never attend temples services etc. and so am not speaking from such a perspective.
As explained every atom in existence is a temple and so one is praying at all times the way it comes naturally.
For your specific queries you would have to consult the temple concerned as each may differ due to the differences in individual perception of TRUTH as mentioned earlier.
Best Wishes.

Love & Rgds


Immobile Wanderer
Friend Amala,

Thank you for bringing out few facts about the misunderstandings of people who follow sanatan dharma.
Sanatan dharma is not a religion it is only a way of life. It is all about making your choices that suits your self towards dharma.
dharma is *laws of existence* and as human beings we are part of existence and so come under the laws of existence and the individual form who follows or harmonises oneself with that law of existence merges with IT [existence/truth/god/whole/etc]
In another words Sanatan Dharama is only about a *Way of life* and every way is a way and so every human following a way in his own way is also a follower and falls under the ambit of sanatan dharma meaning ways followed by following ways shown by Mohammud, Jesus, Gautama etc are all ways and so every one is following the Sanatan Dharma.

Next, if some temple is doing this and another doing so differently etc are only interpretation of what the laws of existence is and since most humans actions are based on what the mind perceives are always at fault meaning to accept that every temple authority has a perfect perception is to misunderstand that perception can be perfect.
Perception can never be perfect and alawys far away from truth. Only when the mind that perceives is transcended can one be in tune with truth with existence in harmony with the laws of existence and for that one needs to understand that every nook and corner of this universe is nothing but a temple and that humans too are part of existence and they could be in the form of women and women has to undergo periods and so that period too is as holy as existence itself.
Yes, possibly those days pads were not available and one did not wish to see the temple floor with the blood [menses] and so was asked to stay at home during those days as those who see it may lose the focus for which they come to a man made temple which is to pray or to harmonise the self with the *whole/existence/god/etc]
Friend Amala personally can only state that when we ourselves are part of existence and every place is the temple where does the need arises to visit a man made temple to pray? personally though born in India in a family following sanatan dharma never visit temples to pray as do so anytime anywhere rather every act is nothing but a prayer
itself. So never had to waste time in mindless discussions of man made rules in man made temples and utilise the wasted time in prayer wherever or whatever may be involved in doing during those moments.

Best Wishes.
Love & rgds
Your perspective, as always, is refreshing. However, of temple floors being bloodied for want of pads... A society which could build ornate temples and complex rituals to go with it surely would have had innovative pads in place for its womenfolk! I think women being denied temple entry on those days was only a kind measure by humane menfolk to give them a much need monthly rest from routine activities.


Its only a Label
Friend Venu,
Yes, the reason you mention is plausible.
Sorry the example was only hypothetical and what spontaneously came to mind. Whatever the reason they will be mind matter which are all subject to different interpretation and perspective depending on the individual concerned.
Love & rgds


Premium Member
Hi all...I was never interested in Hinduism until recently. I find it fascinating....really, many of the religions/philosophies outside of the Western world have caught my attention in the past year.

I had a few qs about Hinduism.

1. Is it welcoming to people who are not of Indian descent? Particularly, to people of African descent? (I'm an African American female).

It should be welcoming as Hindus are supposed to identify with souls, not bodies. There will be rare exceptions. Hopefully it won't be in the first three you encounter.

2. How does the religion treat "liberal" ideals such as women's rights and equality, and gay rights?

Since we are souls, not physical bodies, it shouldn't be a problem.

3. I understand that the cow is held in high regard...what is the reason for this? And do Hindus generally eat any meat at all?

Hindus eat meat but Hinduism doesn't condone it. Any Hindu worth a grain of salt doesn't. There are many viable alternatives. it complies with a very basic tenet: ahimsa.

4. Does Hinduism have "sacred texts" or are teachings varied according to the writings of individual gurus?

Vast, vast, and more vast.

5. Do Hindus of different sects look at other Hindus outside of their sect as not being a "true" Hindu?

No, but in reality some do. in my feeling converts are the worst, as they brought along that little bit of Abrahamics with them.

6. Have any of you become Hindu from another religion or a lack thereof? If so, what brought you to Hinduism?

I am an official adoptive ... from no religion to Hinduism, including formalities like a name change.

Thanks, all!

Aum Namasivaya see above answers


How do you know?
Do they have retreats for people who are new to how things work? I think it would be interesting to be completely immersed in this way of life for a time. I met a person recently who did this with her husband but I didn't get to talk to her about it and I am not sure if she was already versed in things.

And is it common for people to have personal gurus?


Premium Member
Do they have retreats for people who are new to how things work? I think it would be interesting to be completely immersed in this way of life for a time. I met a person recently who did this with her husband but I didn't get to talk to her about it and I am not sure if she was already versed in things.

And is it common for people to have personal gurus?

In America, total cultural immersion is nigh impossible. I know of no such retreats on Hinduism. You could go to a temple though, and get totally immersed for a dfew hours, depending on your locale.

as for Guru, there is wide variance. Strictly speaking, the Guru decides on the sishya (student) not the other way around. Its a personal relationship, not just some far off "I've got a picture of my guru" thing. So the difference would be like admiring a Hollywood personality versus visiting them personally for coffee.

panindra nadig

New Member
I am a born Hindu and from caste Brahman.
First of all Hindu is not a religion its Dharma: which tells right way too lead life. Hindu preaching’s never tell what you should do , it only tells what is the right and good way to do.

1. Is it welcoming to people who are not of Indian descent? Particularly, to people of African descent? (I'm an African American female).
Yes off course people are welcomed with high respect. In India Hindus are organized on caste basis which in are different in tradition, culture, food and lifestyle. Outside India caste system barely exists.

2. How does the religion treat "liberal" ideals such as women's rights and equality, and gay rights?

Women are treated with high respect and given high priority. Many Hindu gods are women and we consider as mother and mother hold s the highest respect in Hindu society. Any Hindu ritual mandatory says ritual is sure complete only when husband does the ritual along wife not alone. Hindu communities gives high priority to marriages, observes as community festival rather than just binding between 2 persons. Nothing specifically on Gay sex and marriages, but considered as unnatural and taboo in Indian communities .Many books form ancient time has crafted in sculptures and writings( ex: kamasutra) in India about sex which tells how to have good sex, as sex is considered as an art.

3. I understand that the cow is held in high regard...what is the reason for this? And do Hindus generally eat any meat at all?

Cow is considered as mother as it gives milk and also believed all the gods resort in cows body, so cow is not all used for meat. Consuming non veg is purely on the work people use to do in old age, as people mentioned above Ksatriyas and Shudras use to have non veg as they use to do hard physical activities. Even non vegetarians wont consume meat on particular days months giving respect towards god. Non veg consumptions was avoided in many caste as the food might which has tamasa guna may effect mental ability to concentrate towards gaining eternal knowledge.

4. Does Hinduism have "sacred texts" or are teachings varied according to the writings of individual gurus?

Yes we have ex: Vedas, Upanishath,Brahamanika, Puranas, Bhagavathgeeta. Many writings comprises of science medicine, astronomy , astrology and many more fields. But all have common theme how to lead a good life.
Gurus are means to start the trigger, Hinduism was never rigid that you should do in particular way. Each person can develop his own way for reaching the god. Actually each and every thing in universe is considered as god.
In Bhaghavath geeta it is said you can follow any religion any god or person, demigod , if you have faith it will reaches to Prabrahrama(supreme god).
Charvaka siddantha (Atheism) is also considered as branch of Hindu way as it tells do whatever you want and keep oneself happy, in Hindu way do it in your own way to keep yourself(Soul –God) happy.

5. Do Hindus of different sects look at other Hindus outside of their sect as not being a "true" Hindu?

No. Outside Hindus earns more respect as most will extensive study and practicing than that of normal Hindus. You might feel the difference at starting as many born hindus will be knowing puranas and many preachings from childhood.

6. Have any of you become Hindu from another religion or a lack thereof? If so, what brought you to Hinduism?

I am not right person to answer this question.

Few words Its not that converting makes any one Hindu, it’s the how you lead your life makes you Hindu. You can stay as Christian or Muslim still you can practice Hindu without leaving you old faith. Try to attain eternal knowledge in good way. Hindu culture differs largely from one geo location to other. It doesn’t imposes that one practices not fitting another geo locations need to be followed. Hindu faith is mainly worshipping your environment, thanking the numerous things which makes your livelihood .
Hindu faith is so vast that any other faith can easily fit into it. Buddhism which started from India didn’t last longer as it didn’t told anything new which is not in Hindu faith. Not only Buddist even Jainism, Parsi, Islam and Christianity was not able to change Hindus mind to follow them.


Well-Known Member
My Ashram has monthly immersions, but it is more to get used to ashram life, and study Sanskrit, yoga and meditation.
Not what you might call traditional Hindu. We are Advaitins.
And we are a liberal festive bunch.
PM me and I can tell you more.

I'm a western convert, feminist and pro gay rights, and I see no conflict with my religion.
And it is scientific I feel, believes in evolution too :)



Well-Known Member
My Ashram has monthly immersions, but it is more to get used to ashram life, and study Sanskrit, yoga and meditation.
Not what you might call traditional Hindu. We are Advaitins.
And we are a liberal festive bunch.
PM me and I can tell you more.

I'm a western convert, feminist and pro gay rights, and I see no conflict with my religion.
And it is scientific I feel, believes in evolution too :)


This is a VERY old thread that someone brought back up after a long while. So I doubt. she even comes online anymore.


Premium Member
This is a VERY old thread that someone brought back up after a long while. So I doubt. she even comes online anymore.

Time just jumps around. Two years isn't that bad really ... compared to 9 years. :) I didn't think I'd been around here that long.