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Do you really see all muslims as evil people?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Knowing that some people in RF does not have a good view on muslims.

I was wondering.
1. Do you see every muslims as evil?
2. Do you see every muslim ad a terrorist?
3. How much do you actually know about Islam? And how much do you listen to news organizations and believe their covetage of islam?
1) No
2) No
3) I read through 1st half of quran. I neither liked it nor disliked it.
4) I do not actually hear much about the topic.


Veteran Member
Pre-Reformation Christianity (which encompasses a lot more than just Catholicism), plus denominations such as Anglicans and Episcopalians - even Methodist - that retain figures responsible for doctrinal authority. In other words people one can look to, for dealing with questions on what that branch of the faith officially believes.

Understood. If that is the type of authority you are looking for, there are mainly four schools of thought in Islam as well, and they are very early Muslim traditions based on four scholars. If you wish to go back to the oldest and most authentic tradition it is called the tradition of Medina where it is deemed that the living tradition of the prophet was "alive". The Imam is called Malik Ibn Anas, and the school of thought is called "Maliki".

I am only giving this because you were looking for an authority the way you explained above.



Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth
Knowing that some people in RF does not have a good view on muslims.

I was wondering.
1. Do you see every muslims as evil?
2. Do you see every muslim ad a terrorist?
3. How much do you actually know about Islam? And how much do you listen to news organizations and believe their covetage of islam?

1. I do not see anyone as evil people, and I do not see anyone as good people.

By the world’s definitions, however, yes. All Muslims are evil. All Muslims are good. Why? Is it because of their religion? No. Their culture? No. It is simply because you are human. Our human nature is complicated and in my eyes it’s just as beautiful as it is terrible. The same human nature we all share can be interpreted as “good” or “evil” by whoever looks for reasons to see the best or worst in you and describe you in that way. I do not consider people “good” or “evil” myself because it is not only the beautiful things that define us (individually and collectively) and it is not only the terrible things either. It is everything, all extremes and in betweens.

But, Muslims worship Allah, and that I consider to be a good thing.

2. No.

3. I know enough to know I appreciate and respect Islam. Muslims worship the Abrahamic God through a strict monotheistic culture, Muhammad is their prophet, and their lives are guided by the Qur’an. What I respect most about Islam is the significant level of discipline, the deep devotion to Allah, and the unwavering preservation of their traditional cultural values.

As for news coverage of Islam. I... would rather not allow the mainstream news media to contribute to my views of Islam, or my views of any religion for that matter. My views of Islam primarily come from reading the Qur’an, interacting with Muslims and listening to or reading about what they have to say.


Veteran Member
Knowing that some people in RF does not have a good view on muslims.

I was wondering.
1. Do you see every muslims as evil?
2. Do you see every muslim ad a terrorist?
3. How much do you actually know about Islam? And how much do you listen to news organizations and believe their covetage of islam?

Do I "see Muslims as evil people"? No, I see the Qu'ran as an evil book:

1) It claims Jesus, who is God, King and Savior, is not God

2) It claims salvation might happen if one is very religious, not, as the Bible teaches, that salvation comes immediately when one trusts Jesus, not one's religious behavior, for salvation.


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
I used to have Moslem as my best friend

Until he told me that he hates homosexuals and wants them exterminated

Because of this I put him in the friendship bin

He'd shown his true colours
IMO: Not a friend at all. And never had been a friend I think, if he treated you like this after all this time

Maybe he was one of the reason you created the OP recently that people don't change much ... they can pretend until they can't anymore


Veteran Member
1/ No

2/ No

3/ I follow a faith that originated from Islam and acknowledge the Quran as being the Word of God and Muhammad as God’s Messenger. I see the different sides of Islam, positive and negative.

Acknowledge seems to say you know its true,
rather than it being an opinion.


Veteran Member
IMO: Not a friend at all. And never had been a friend I think, if he treated you like this after all this time

Maybe he was one of the reason you created the OP recently that people don't change much ... they can pretend until they can't anymore

My dad said a person is lucky to have even
one real friend.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
Good advice for our religionionistas
who are so fond of attacking atheists.
See various threads here, for examples,
say, the current one with atheists credited with
mass murder all through the 20th century.

Any idea of whivh Islamic nation would be a
safe place for a person to say he is Christian,
Jew, or atheist? (Hint: not all of then)

Christianity is a recognised religion by Muhammad, the Quran and in the constitution of Islamic nations. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t fanatics who are prejudiced just like there are in western nations fanatical Christians and the press who are prejudiced against Muslims.

But by and large, Christians and Muslims are peaceful people who just want to get on with their lives.


Rogue Theologian
Knowing that some people in RF does not have a good view on muslims.

I was wondering.
1. Do you see every muslims as evil?
2. Do you see every muslim ad a terrorist?
3. How much do you actually know about Islam? And how much do you listen to news organizations and believe their covetage of islam?
I have seen three men of that faith step up to the microphone
to pronounce their manner of participation

the first fellow was dressed in a white tunic and spoke firmly of discipline and practice
the second fellow wore black and bagan his speech to say Islam is not a a faith of peace......and the crowd booed and hissed
the thrid fellow wore everyday street attire and spoke of ......getting along

he was well received
Last edited:


Rogue Theologian
but then again some years ago....someone here posted a link to a horrific event

someone accused was taken into the street.....and beheaded

in the video...
the woman screamed for her life.....calling upon Allah

the man in the white tunic paid no heed
and with sword in hand......killed her

the police stood by.....did nothing

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Knowing that some people in RF does not have a good view on muslims.

I was wondering.
1. Do you see every muslims as evil?
2. Do you see every muslim ad a terrorist?
3. How much do you actually know about Islam? And how much do you listen to news organizations and believe their covetage of islam?

1. no
2. no
3. I've read sections of the Quran, quite a few Hadiths and I know Muslims personally

There is very little coverage of Islam as such in the news media. There is coverage of Muslims from time-to-time. Most of the media favors sensationalist coverage of good and ill to drive eyeballs to advertising. And typically it's focused on politics.

There are informative programs on TV such as the PBS special on Islam in Spain and some others.


Veteran Member
Christianity is a recognised religion by Muhammad, the Quran and in the constitution of Islamic nations. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t fanatics who are prejudiced just like there are in western nations fanatical Christians and the press who are prejudiced against Muslims.

But by and large, Christians and Muslims are peaceful people who just want to get on with their lives.

So in which would the government stand up
for the right of an atheist or Christian accused of blasphemy.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
but then again some years ago....someone here posted a link to a horrific event

someone accused was taken into the street.....and beheaded

in the video...
the woman screamed for her life.....calling upon Allah

the man in the white tunic paid no heed
and with sword in hand......killed her

the police stood by.....did nothing

We had cops who joined the insurrectionists taking over the Capital. Does not necessarily make all cops bad?

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
So in which would the government stand up
for the right of an atheist or Christian accused of blasphemy.
And China puts Muslims in concentration (reeducation) camps for the crime of being Muslim.

Besides, you're question is offbase. The OP is about Muslims not political government and the comment was about ordinary Muslims not the government.

And of course there are Muslims all over the word including several million in the USA.

Also, it ignores that ("peaceful gentle") Buddhists and Hindus have attacked Muslims for the crime of being Muslims.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
if YOU were screaming for your life.....and the police were spectators.....
So what does one incident prove when there are many examples of police being spectators or even participants in murder.

Black Lives Matter because cops used Blacks as target practice.


Rogue Theologian
not wanting to digress too far.....
the Carpenter was witness to a similar situation
the prostitute......with a mob in pursuit

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The " true" teaching is a bit of a chimera.

The boys of 911 had their vision.
We are well aware of deadly entities within
Who knows how many competing real true versions.

Christianity is like that too, probably more

We see some harsh words translated out of both
religious "holy" books and some very harsh action
by those who take their inerrant reading seriously.

If some outside of the faith take a dim view of Islam, sorry,
but, you guys earned it. Atrocities in the
practice of the religion are commonplace.

I used to, before I moved, have a Islamic doctor.
She was wonderful.

Fools will stereotype by race, religion, whatever.

Its a two fold problem, the bad image of islam.

You cannot expect to educate everyone tp the subtleties
of islam, ever- and yoy can't expect to even make much
of a start while the bombs keep going off.
Commonplace? Because media goes looking for them to sensationalize? Or do you have actual statistics to illustrate "commonplace". Also define "commonplace" while you're at it.