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Do liberals and atheists honestly think Hitler represents Christianity?


Well-Known Member
Socialism was a desperate effort to save VZ after 40 years of US approved military dictators and increasing income disparity. There was no middle class in VZ, ALL the money was concentrated among the elite circle of the president.

You might want to read the history of VZ.

Ho I see, that's why millions of people in Venezuela are protesting and trying to get out of Venezuela
Because socialism is so good.
You really got to be kidding.

Ho I see that's why Hitler was killing millions of people and even his own German people,
Because those people would not go long with his socialism agenda.

It's seems that you have no idea what socialism is all about.
Socialism is another form of communism. Controlling people.

You have no idea what you walking into, but you will once you get there, and just like other people who thought socialism was all that great, until they got a full dose of it.

Like the Venezuela people did, now the people in Venezuela are out in the streets protesting against socialism.

But for some unknown reason, you think those people are out there protesting for socialism.
But yet the people are yelling to remove their socialism government.

As here's another one, for those people who think socialism is so great, then why don't they go to a socialism country, why stay in a country thats against socialism, but wants their freedom to chose for themselves and not by socialism that seeks to control people to tell them what and when they will do.
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Veteran Member
Ho I see, that's why millions of people in Venezuela are protesting and trying to get out of Venezuela
Because socialism is so good.
You really got to be kidding.

They were making progress in terms or healthcare, education, land reforms etc until the ppb collapsed.

VZ has had a lot of absentee land owners ..


Venezuela starts land reform, ends ties to U.S. military.

On Sept. 4, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez announced a new land law to favor poor farmers. According to a 1998 government census, 60 percent of Venezuela's arable land is owned by 1 percent of the population.

Land for People not for Profit in Venezuela


Well-Known Member
They were making progress in terms or healthcare, education, land reforms etc until the ppb collapsed.

VZ has had a lot of absentee land owners ..


Venezuela starts land reform, ends ties to U.S. military.

On Sept. 4, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez announced a new land law to favor poor farmers. According to a 1998 government census, 60 percent of Venezuela's arable land is owned by 1 percent of the population.

Land for People not for Profit in Venezuela

And ppb collapsed.because of Socialism.

Look people who are in government and supports socialism will not bring to their agenda to for front right away.
They will slowly creep socialism in on them so slowly that people are not aware of it, until it slaps them right in the face

Just like what happened in Venezuela,
People weren't aware how bad socialism is, until it came to it's fullness, then people saw socialism isn't as good as they were told it was.
Tell you what go over in Venezuela and try in convince those people that socialism is good for them.you better have some good running shoes on
Those people are not out in the streets having a party, so you think they are

Their out in the streets protesting against socialism and not for it.

You think that government should be the source of hand outs.
That's socialism communism


Veteran Member
And ppb collapsed.because of Socialism.

Look people who are in government and supports socialism will not bring to their agenda to for front right away.
They will slowly creep socialism in on them so slowly that people are not aware of it, until it slaps them right in the face

Just like what happened in Venezuela,
People weren't aware how bad socialism is, until it came to it's fullness, then people saw socialism isn't as good as they were told it was.
Tell you what go over in Venezuela and try in convince those people that socialism is good for them.you better have some good running shoes on
Those people are not out in the streets having a party, so you think they are

Their out in the streets protesting against socialism and not for it.

You think that government should be the source of hand outs.
That's socialism communism

The ppb collapsed in the US and Russia and Saudi Arabia.. What do you think the ppb is?

They knew what socialism is..

Venezuela should have been prosperous.. They have been pumping oil for 80 years, but their capitalism was horribly corrupt. That's why they had NO middle class.


Well-Known Member
The ppb collapsed in the US and Russia and Saudi Arabia.. What do you think the ppb is?

They knew what socialism is..

Venezuela should have been prosperous.. They have been pumping oil for 80 years, but their capitalism was horribly corrupt. That's why they had NO middle class.

Socialism isn't no good either, it's a means to control people. As it's horribly more corrupt than capitalism.

At lease with capitalism I'll have my freedom of speech and freedom to chose for my self and not be told when how I'm to do.
The United States has never been a socialism country and won't be either.

You see for the United States to become a socialism country, our Constitution would have to be destroyed.
But as it is, there are to many people here who knows what socialism is about and it will not be here
We have our rights to bare arms and the socialism Democrats knows this and that's why the socialism Democrats like to abolish our Constitution because it stands in the way of Democrats socialism.

For this reason is why our founding fathers wrote up the Constitution so if it ever came around the Constitution stands in their way.
That's why Democrats do not like the Constitution all because it stands in their way, This is why many times Obama himself would say the Constitution is out dated, only because the Constitution stood in Obama's way of forcing his agenda on people in America.
Why else would Democrats wants to do away with the Constitution, because it stands in their way of controling people that's way.
As long as I have my rights to bare arms, I will fight to defend my freedoms of choice

Democrats would like nothing more than to take away our right to bear arms, let them come and try it, As we the American Patriots are all lock and loaded just waiting for democrats to step over the line and then there will be a war like the democrats have never seen before.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Hitler was a catholic leader of a mainly protestant country. His actions, writing and speeches indicate he was a religious person who believed he had god on his side. But the guy was a total nut job with outward signs of psychosis or schizophrenia, paranoia and probably pathological narcissism, who would believe a anything that made him feel superior.
He did write such things in his earlier writings, but in later writings would say he was using Christianity to manipulate the masses (even wishing they were Muslim instead due to a perceived superior military discipline), and that he really didn't care much for Christianity. His closest confidants would affirm this in their own writings, even indicating that Hitler viewed Christianity in a negative manner. Basically, in a very Machiavellian way, God was on his side because the German populace wanted him to be, and he made his token gestures to keep them happy and loyal.


Veteran Member
Socialism isn't no good either, it's a means to control people. As it's horribly more corrupt than capitalism.

At lease with capitalism I'll have my freedom of speech and freedom to chose for my self and not be told when how I'm to do.
The United States has never been a socialism country and won't be either.

You see for the United States to become a socialism country, our Constitution would have to be destroyed.
But as it is, there are to many people here who knows what socialism is about and it will not be here
We have our rights to bare arms and the socialism Democrats knows this and that's why the socialism Democrats like to abolish our Constitution because it stands in the way of Democrats socialism.

For this reason is why our founding fathers wrote up the Constitution so if it ever came around the Constitution stands in their way.
That's why Democrats do not like the Constitution all because it stands in their way, This is why many times Obama himself would say the Constitution is out dated, only because the Constitution stood in Obama's way of forcing his agenda on people in America.
Why else would Democrats wants to do away with the Constitution, because it stands in their way of controling people that's way.
As long as I have my rights to bare arms, I will fight to defend my freedoms of choice

Democrats would like nothing more than to take away our right to bear arms, let them come and try it, As we the American Patriots are all lock and loaded just waiting for democrats to step over the line and then there will be a war like the democrats have never seen before.

Oh for God's sake. VZ was doing better than it had in decades until the PRICE PER BARREL collapsed and Socialism didn't cause that.


Veteran Member
He did write such things in his earlier writings, but in later writings would say he was using Christianity to manipulate the masses (even wishing they were Muslim instead due to a perceived superior military discipline), and that he really didn't care much for Christianity. His closest confidants would affirm this in their own writings, even indicating that Hitler viewed Christianity in a negative manner. Basically, in a very Machiavellian way, God was on his side because the German populace wanted him to be, and he made his token gestures to keep them happy and loyal.

Hitler's mother was Catholic. His father was an atheist. Adolph was confirmed but NEVER attended a mass. He most certainly was NOT Catholic.


Well-Known Member
Oh for God's sake. VZ was doing better than it had in decades until the PRICE PER BARREL collapsed and Socialism didn't cause that.

But socialism didn't help either.

Take the socialism of democrats here in America, they want to raise taxes on everyone.
That even in Michigan the democrat governor that got voted in back in November 9th
Raised gas another 70¢ a gallon.
Now wants to raise tax's on everything.

If the socialism Democrats wants to help people they would lower the taxes not raise them.
As here's another one, Why are people leaving their socialism country to come to a capitalism country, As those caravans are doing at our southern border of the United States.
It would seem, that if your socialism is so great, those caravans would be staying their socialism country and leaving coming a Capitalism country.

What's wrong with that picture


Veteran Member
But socialism didn't help either.

Take the socialism of democrats here in America, they want to raise taxes on everyone.
That even in Michigan the democrat governor that got voted in back in November 9th
Raised gas another 70¢ a gallon.
Now wants to raise tax's on everything.

If the socialism Democrats wants to help people they would lower the taxes not raise them.
As here's another one, Why are people leaving their socialism country to come to a capitalism country, As those caravans are doing at our southern border of the United States.
It would seem, that if your socialism is so great, those caravans would be staying their socialism country and leaving coming a Capitalism country.

What's wrong with that picture

Has NOTHING to do with taxes either. There was a GLUT of oil on the market.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
He did write such things in his earlier writings, but in later writings would say he was using Christianity to manipulate the masses (even wishing they were Muslim instead due to a perceived superior military discipline), and that he really didn't care much for Christianity. His closest confidants would affirm this in their own writings, even indicating that Hitler viewed Christianity in a negative manner. Basically, in a very Machiavellian way, God was on his side because the German populace wanted him to be, and he made his token gestures to keep them happy and loyal.

Because he used christianity does not make him any less of christian. His views of god are well documented. Much of the anti christian stuff was written after his death, much ov iit by american christians, who i am guessing didnt want him associated with christianity.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's amazing how one person can do something, and everyone else is to blame.
For another's behavior.

I suppose when someone else does something you should also take the blame for it to right?

Hitler took the liberal Democrats platform of Socialism on how to control people and then Incorporated it into his agenda to control people

Christians had nothing to do with it.

Let's for say that its a Atheists
If one them does something then by your standards all Atheists should be blamed.

Or it's a gay person, that by your standards all gays should be blamed for what One other gay person did.

So explain exactly how this is to work.

Ho I forgot, by your standards if one person does something everyone else is the blame also.
What the hell are you replying to me with this nonsense for? It has nothing at all to do with what I said.


Veteran Member
Socialism isn't no good either, it's a means to control people. As it's horribly more corrupt than capitalism.

At lease with capitalism I'll have my freedom of speech and freedom to chose for my self and not be told when how I'm to do.

The United States has never been a socialism country and won't be either.

You see for the United States to become a socialism country, our Constitution would have to be destroyed.
But as it is, there are to many people here who knows what socialism is about and it will not be here
We have our rights to bare arms and the socialism Democrats knows this and that's why the socialism Democrats like to abolish our Constitution because it stands in the way of Democrats socialism.

For this reason is why our founding fathers wrote up the Constitution so if it ever came around the Constitution stands in their way.
That's why Democrats do not like the Constitution all because it stands in their way, This is why many times Obama himself would say the Constitution is out dated, only because the Constitution stood in Obama's way of forcing his agenda on people in America.
Why else would Democrats wants to do away with the Constitution, because it stands in their way of controling people that's way.
As long as I have my rights to bare arms, I will fight to defend my freedoms of choice

Democrats would like nothing more than to take away our right to bear arms, let them come and try it, As we the American Patriots are all lock and loaded just waiting for democrats to step over the line and then there will be a war like the democrats have never seen before.

Obama NEVER said the Constitution was outdated.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I'm not going to have a back and forth with you about this because I find it boring. You'll nitpick circumstantial stuff, ignoring the bigger picture, Hitler's own private statements about Christianity, the feelings of the head Nazis and how much Nazi ideology is a total 180 of Christian belief and morality. The historical consensus is that Hitler was not a Christian and that the Nazis planned to phase out Christianity among the people since it is incompatible with National Socialism. They took a more pragmatic approach for the most part so as not to turn the people off from it, while doing their best to undermine traditional Christian institutions. They had the long view in mind. The Positive Christianity project was made to lure people away from traditional Christianity into a Nazified version of it that has very little to do with Christianity. No Jewish OT, no salvation or sin, or meek and mildness, no Jewish Jesus suffering on the cross for the sins of mankind. No, that was replaced with a strong Germanic warrior Jesus who bravely fought against the Jews but was killed for it (no room for him going passively to his death in their minds). That's hardly Christian. That's just a facade.
"During World War II Rosenberg outlined the future envisioned by the Hitler government for religion in Germany, with a thirty-point program for the future of the German churches. Among its articles:

the National Reich Church of Germany would claim exclusive control over all churches
publication of the Bible would cease
crucifixes, Bibles and saints were to be removed from altars
Mein Kampf would be placed on altars as "to the German nation and therefore to God the most sacred book"
the Christian Cross would be removed from all churches and replaced with the swastika.[37]"
Wow, how "Christian". Rosenberg hated Christianity. He believed in a sort of Pagan religion of the blood, like Himmler did.

As for handing out copies of Luther's book, why not? It served their purposes for enflaming hatred of Jews.

Kirchenkampf - Wikipedia
If it makes a regime "not Christian" to set up their own Christian denomination and suppress all the others, then every Christian theocracy that's ever existed - including the Vatican - wasn't Christian either.

Suppressing and oppressing dissenting Christian denominations is almost par for the course for Christian regimes.

Other Christian sects have rejected the Old Testament, too. Google the Marcionites, for instance, if you aren't familiar with them.

And if you think that linking Christianity with fighting war was invented by the Nazis, you might be surprised to learn about, well, virtually all of the history of Christianity.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
He did write such things in his earlier writings, but in later writings would say he was using Christianity to manipulate the masses (even wishing they were Muslim instead due to a perceived superior military discipline), and that he really didn't care much for Christianity. His closest confidants would affirm this in their own writings, even indicating that Hitler viewed Christianity in a negative manner. Basically, in a very Machiavellian way, God was on his side because the German populace wanted him to be, and he made his token gestures to keep them happy and loyal.
What of it?

Pope Alexander VI didn't seem to have much regard for Christianity. He certainly didn't seem to live by the precepts of his denomination.

Do you think this made the Catholic Church under his reign "not Christian?"


Well-Known Member
Socialism was a desperate effort to save VZ after 40 years of US approved military dictators and increasing income disparity. There was no middle class in VZ, ALL the money was concentrated among the elite circle of the president.

You might want to read the history of VZ.

As you might want to ask those people in Venezuela why they are leaving Venezuela if socialism is so great,
Those people are not protesting because socialism is great, Their protesting because their dictatorship Government Socialism is destroying Venezuela.


I'm trying to get through the Mao and Pol Pot thread but the notion that Hitler represents over 2 billion people is stupid.

CHRISTIANITY has a long history of doing evil things.....starting in 310ad until 1945ad christians have been murdering ..robbing..persecuting jews...to appease world history the christian dominated UN voted to give arab land to the jews...The Jews are quiet about this but the arabs are not happy... .


You can't blame the Old Testament on Hitler killing Jews when they also believe in the Old Testament and not the New Testament.

Hitler was literally inbred and suffered from PTSD. He also took cocaine and heroin.
bull****..hitler was following a 1700 year christian tradition of murdering jews


Some folks are so extreme in their atheism that they need to crank their minds in to believing that Hitler was all about rebuilding Christianity. It's so wonky that it's crazy.

Hitler was prepared to do away with most Christians and had already started with the JWs.

Some Christian......
hitler was christian as was 98+% of germany..


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Hitler was prepared to do away with most Christians and had already started with the JWs.

Some Christian......
The same could be said of most British monarchs since the Reformation: doing away with either the Catholics or the Protestants, depending on which denomination was out of favour at the time.

Henry VIII sacked Christian monasteries. Christians built secret "priest holes" in their homes to hide their ministers from the pogroms ordered by his daughter... but both held the title "Defender of the Faith." How is Hitler's attitude to Christianity any different from theirs?
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