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Debate the Logic of a World Order.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Oy, yes, I forgot, the number of votes per nation ideally should be proportionate to the number of people in nation. That's ideally proposed, but it could turn out differently in practice, like it did in the US. The House of Representatives has the number of delegates proportional to the population of that state, but the Senate has two person state. That was a difficult compromise between populous states and smaller states. It almost didn't get ratified.
I don't know if you've already talked about it, but what does the Baha'i Faith suggest? Because the U.S. government can't get much of anything done.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
But that is exactly what Truthseeker said, "I propose an international force composed from all countries to enforce the decision by the world government." Yeah, I know the 5 million or so Bahais do not have the power to do anything like that. So, If people reject what Bahaollah said, you would like to use force to make them accept it?
A world government under the Bahai banner is your pipe-dream. Even a union of nations of has not succeeded anywhere.
And what are the colors you hide? :)
Lots of potential problems. Why would the rich and powerful nations give up some of their wealth and power? Why wouldn't smaller nations join forces to have more clout in this world government? And, if these guys aren't "spiritual" and do what God wants, which would be what? Follow the Baha'i Faith? Which would cause more problems. But if these guys at the top have the power to enforce their rules on the world, what is going to stop them from ruling the world any which way they feel like?

Now if most of the world becomes Baha'is, and the world government is in their control, then what are they going to do with the people that reject the Baha'i rules and leadership?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
If they don't, I propose an international force composed from all countries to enforce the decision by the world government. There will be little actual bloodshed in such a system, because a national government would know what would happen to them if they disobeyed. If that is not trusted immediately in the world, they can build trust in such a system, by testing out regional forces in each region.
Half the U.S. hates the other half. And one half seems ready to fight against the rules being imposed on them by the other half. Now what if this world government gets too "liberal"... maybe even socialistic, would that more conservative half of the U.S. go along with it or fight? Then what? The international force would invade the U.S.?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The biggest life con is applied value.

O earth natural we all need it.
Heavens needs to be balanced to support life continuance.

No value on either.

Nature provided all our food. Equally.

Humans in groups cults created every single problem faced today.

As money is fake. Natural never owned an evaluation.

So we all see the great mess that humans in groups have caused.

Each of us a single self.

To agree we have to reform.a group status yet do not trust that status.

For historic reasons.

What do we do?

As we do already own human imposed systems then we cannot just begin again from natural to best choice.

We gave best choice away.

We have to try to use what has been implemented in a realistic service system that does not allow any rich manipulator to state claim by false status money.

We see the human created problems groups who use status against natural balances and that behaviour has to be stopped.

As everyone is a human first the place to start cleaning away all problems humans in groups caused.

And it will be difficult.

So we argue religious belief as they own separate applied status in the social functioning of life.

To gain basic advice as what information within the documents owned truthful purpose.

So we can then share a common mutual purpose.

As we all knew religious idealisms were human imposed against occult science human life attacked.

And basic advice was medical for humans about earth one body changes.

Which was basic science.

As creation is the religious thesis of humans.

When we achieve the basic advice science is wrong and religious idealism was believed to assist conscious human mind and body healing. Then we own self teaching.

Society can implement those terms rationally.

Spirituality is a re taught human behaviour without occult nuclear science practice. The basic life survival advice.

Why it was hard fought for. As it is a real human purpose.

A plan to implement a better social governing standard needs to be agreed to combat group forced controls of takeover.

When we already live in status mutual shared family with nature on a planet.

Natural is one first.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Hey Tony, I work in construction and a lot of the young guys starting out, no matter Black, White or Hispanic, all share a kind of Hip Hop culture... the music, the way they talk and the way they dance. Kind of like when I was that age a lot of us shared the Hippie culture. We had our own way of talking. We had our own music, but we also started to appreciate and accept other styles of music from other people and cultures. So kids just get out and do things that the older generation won't do. Like the Florida High School kids having anti-gun rallies. And that Swedish girl doing things to bring awareness to the environmental problems. I don't think adults can do it.

CG, a big hello and yes it is indeed harder for many adults to accept and implement change, that is the wisdom of teaching world embracing peace strategies to children and youth, which has been the focal point of Baha'i education since the early 90's.

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Lots of potential problems. Why would the rich and powerful nations give up some of their wealth and power? Why wouldn't smaller nations join forces to have more clout in this world government? And, if these guys aren't "spiritual" and do what God wants, which would be what? Follow the Baha'i Faith? Which would cause more problems. But if these guys at the top have the power to enforce their rules on the world, what is going to stop them from ruling the world any which way they feel like?

Now if most of the world becomes Baha'is, and the world government is in their control, then what are they going to do with the people that reject the Baha'i rules and leadership?

Baha'u'llah has told us how it will unfold CG, unfortunately lots to happen yet.

"The world is in travail, and its agitation waxeth day by day. Its face is turned towards waywardness and unbelief. Such shall be its plight, that to disclose it now would not be meet and seemly. Its perversity will long continue. And when the appointed hour is come, there shall suddenly appear that which shall cause the limbs of mankind to quake. Then, and only then, will the Divine Standard be unfurled, and the Nightingale of Paradise warble its melody." (Gleanings From the Writings of Baha'u'llah)

What I do not know as if that is before the Lesser Peace of for a very distant Most Great Peace, I am inlined to think before the lesser peace.

Listening to some leader though, it is encouraging that they are saying we must work together, the Taliban issue is adding widdom to a unity of effort and what happens when we go it alone

America is in great danger CG, it may be that Americans will end up as refugees to other Nations, that will most likely balance the rednecks.

Regards Tony


Be your own guru
Listening to some leader though, it is encouraging that they are saying we must work together, the Taliban issue is adding wisdom to a unity of effort and what happens when we go it alone.
America is in great danger CG, it may be that Americans will end up as refugees to other Nations, that will most likely balance the rednecks.
We cannot work together till religions exist. Taliban are a creation of a religion.
You may continue with your pipe-dreams, but kindly do not make Americans refugees.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
I don't know if you've already talked about it, but what does the Baha'i Faith suggest? Because the U.S. government can't get much of anything done.
The Baha'i Faith proposes having proportional representation. Nothing can be done by Baha'is if they do deviate from that. When the Baha'is are the majority of the world, then this situation will be able to be rectified probably. At first, though, we expect to be a minority.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
We cannot work together till religions exist. Taliban are a creation of a religion.
You may continue with your pipe-dreams, but kindly do not make Americans refugees.

It will not be I that will make Americans Refugees.

They have many enemies, mostly because that have played the peacekeepers.

Regards Tony


Unfortunately, that is scientifically incorrect. That is science of an age 2,000 years ago. By now, we know better. Earth will not be inhabited for all its life.

"Ecclesiastes was not accurate when he stated that “there is nothing new under the sun.” In about a billion years the sun will brighten up so much that it will boil off Earth’s oceans." What Will We Do When the Sun Gets Too Hot for Earth’s Survival? (Scientific American)

A billion years is a lot. Very much. This is a very confident forecast. Why? This is confirmed by the statements of scientists who lived 100 years ago and tried to make forecasts or calculations for the next 100 years. Not to mention science fiction writers.

Sometime in 4-5 billion years "It is calculated that the Sun will become sufficiently large to engulf the current orbits of Mercury and Venus." (Sun - Wikipedia). The sun will first change into a 'red giant' and then into a 'while dwarf'.

"The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are expected to collide in around 4-5 billion years, merging to form a giant elliptical galaxy or a large lenticular galaxy." Andromeda Galaxy - Wikipedia

Calculations are not a fait accompli. The same can be said about the prophecy. However. There is a biblical archeology that uses the Bible as a source of information.


Be your own guru
A billion years is a lot. Very much. This is a very confident forecast. Why?
Calculations are not a fait accompli. The same can be said about the prophecy.
However. There is a biblical archeology that uses the Bible as a source of information.
Because this is what has been accepted by people who have studied and worked in astronomy.
You mean guesses! Yes, guesses can turn out to be true or false. It is very difficult to understand them if they are clothed is obscuring language, like what was used by Oracles of past and in scriptures of Abrahamic religions. You can make any meaning out of them. Nostradamus comes to mind.

According to skeptics, many apparently fulfilled prophecies can be explained as coincidences (possibly aided by the prophecy's own vagueness), or that some prophecies were actually invented after the fact to match the circumstances of a past event ("postdiction").
Bill Whitcomb in The Magician's Companion observes:
"One point to remember is that the probability of an event changes as soon as a prophecy (or divination) exists. .. The accuracy or outcome of any prophecy is altered by the desires and attachments of the seer and those who hear the prophecy."
Many prophets make a large number of prophecies. This makes the chances of at least one prophecy being correct much higher by sheer weight of numbers.
Prophecy - Wikipedia, Oracle - Wikipedia, Prophecy - Wikipedia

Sure, Bible also can be ferreted for facts. It is not that it does not have any facts at all. We do that with Vedas and RigVeda is really a mine of information for Indo-European history. But historical research is a very strict discipline and much is found to be trash.