That's my point, nobody is really sure. I mean, the replys you have received. I am not sure the way I am to go about this, but the truth is we haven't yet come to understanding our Judeo/Christian Bible, and beside that it has a really bad name, almost evil. That is on account of ignorance and the doing of God, as the Babel Account claims. I have two postings up in this forum, and I should have number them one and two. The first part is entitled What does it mean, and by that I mean the western Bible. I am arguing, and will put up continuums as time goes by and as I learn more about publishing. The second part is called God loves you. God is partly your body, and other partly your mind, and lastly your imagination, and these are explained in the Book of Genesis. Genesis is a myth and is looked upon if not a lie then confusing and no body knows. That is the lie, and we all know; but we have been grossly distracted and no body trusts the living body and anyway I try to lead my readers into seeing what those first stories say and mean. Good luck to finding God, because for you to find will be God is for you to live fully your life. Paul Thomas