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Amazon Has Banned Conversion Therapy Books; Will the Bible Be Next?

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
I find the constant "make claim-> tapdance to avoid any calls for evidence of claim-> attack and mischarecterise the person asking for basic evidence rather than provide it-> repeat" so very tiresome.

I'm a Christian, but I find logically fallacious Christians and blindly bigoted Christians to be huge threats to my faith.
I am with you on that. These people that claim that poor people are poor because they do not have enough or the right kind of faith are destroying the faith. The same with prayer. Only the "true" Christians with the right faith have their prayers answered. It is all pretty tiresome and scary too.

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
Again... did you read your Bible for instruction? Or are you just parroting old sayings?

And, I can assume that likewise, when radiation didn't work... it was the persons fault?

You are starting to sound a little strange.
Where do you come up with this stuff. I see your responses to others and they are like this one here. You are responding to things no one posted. I never said anything about fault. Why would you say something so hateful? Is it, because down deep you know you have nothing?

Not strange, just not a fundamentalist.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
I am with you on that. These people that claim that poor people are poor because they do not have enough or the right kind of faith are destroying the faith. The same with prayer. Only the "true" Christians with the right faith have their prayers answered. It is all pretty tiresome and scary too.
I find them fair greater threat to my faith than any atheist, frankly. Atheist' arguments don't convince me I'm wrong. The utterly un self aware, sanctimonious, judgy, fallacious reasoning Christians, however...

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
Two of my favourite (Canadian spelling) versions of this are:

Everything happens in threes. You know why, because once you accept that, every time you get to three, you stop counting and start again.

Lost items will always be found in the last place you look. Of course, because that's when you stop looking.
Very excellent common examples. This sort of thinking is so pervasive that even I did not realize how silly the latter was until a few years ago. It was so deeply ingrained in me that I did not think about it. I found something I lost and said it in my head. Then I stopped upon realizing what it actually meant. When a person finds something lost, it is literally always in the last place they look.

Confirmation bias is probably one of the most common fallacies that occurs. Well, following personal attacks. That is always a crowd favorite.

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
I find them fair greater threat to my faith than any atheist, frankly. Atheist' arguments don't convince me I'm wrong. The utterly un self aware, sanctimonious, judgy, fallacious reasoning Christians, however...
Me too. They are the wolf in sheep's clothing. The atheist is just the horse in the barn next to the sheep.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
That can and has happened and there is no indication that it is the result of prayer. What about when that happens to a really bad person? What about when it doesn't happen? I forgot, the people praying really did not have enough faith. By some accounts, only 5% of the population has any faith at all.

Right! I understand that is your take as one who doesn't believe. Perhaps, in your case, you don't have faith?

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
I find them fair greater threat to my faith than any atheist, frankly. Atheist' arguments don't convince me I'm wrong. The utterly un self aware, sanctimonious, judgy, fallacious reasoning Christians, however...
Anyone that thinks that Donald Trump is the moral compass of this nation is a few a cards short of a deck.

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
Right! I understand that is your take as one who doesn't believe. Perhaps, in your case, you don't have faith?
Yes. The personal attack. Fundamentalists response to issues they cannot resolve and questions they cannot answer. What a fine witness you offer.

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
Right! I understand that is your take as one who doesn't believe. Perhaps, in your case, you don't have faith?
This literally answers none of my questions. Questions that you should be able to answer, yet cannot. So are forced to make false statements and act like a child.

Is it your thinking that responses like that somehow bolster your credibility?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
SO THIS IS MY TAKE! By what you all are sharing.

All Christians are bigoted and self righteous. NO ONE ever changes. Prayer is made up along with our God. We just hate everyone that isn't like us. All Christians who say they were changes is all made up. We disrespect anyone not like us. And everyone else is just wonderful and terrific.

Thanks ;)

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
If you believe in something by faith, that's great. Don't try to claim it as scientific evidence of anything, though. Faith, by definition, exists without proof.
He may see things. I cannot say with certainty he does not. But I cannot say that what he sees is real and that an unbiased, rational, 3rd party would see them. Or that there are reasonable causes for what he claims to be miracles and he is just ignoring those, because his bias insists upon it.

What are the odds that one of those is the reality over miracles that he has any real evidence for?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
This literally answers none of my questions. Questions that you should be able to answer, yet cannot. So are forced to make false statements and act like a child.

Is it your thinking that responses like that somehow bolster your credibility?
Whoa there horsey. You haven't really asked any questions and your statements HAVE been childlike.

If you want adult conversation... have an adult question.

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
SO THIS IS MY TAKE! By what you all are sharing.

All Christians are bigoted and self righteous. NO ONE ever changes. Prayer is made up along with our God. We just hate everyone that isn't like us. All Christians who say they were changes is all made up. We disrespect anyone not like us. And everyone else is just wonderful and terrific.

Thanks ;)
That is your take. It reflects what you want to see. It does not reflect what I have seen.

Certainly, I have seen some of this from you and others like you. Look at how you attack me for asking questions. I am 53 and have been attending church since I was a baby and was baptized at 12. Right on this thread you were attacking me and making up lies about how I do not believe and have faith. You may want to add hypocrite to that list you have up there.

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
Whoa there horsey. You haven't really asked any questions and your statements HAVE been childlike.

If you want adult conversation... have an adult question.
Now I am childlike. I am asking questions and making points that I innocently thought were going to be answered seriously. You may be right. They were adult questions and points. You do not seem to be able to answer them, so you revert to series of posts like this one here.

You are better than others, because of the way you believe. That is the message that you always send.

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
negatory. Faith does have an evidence
Sure. The evidence is in the declaration of the person with faith. There is no objective evidence regarding faith. That is just something you believe on faith. It is called a circular argument.

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
Right! I understand that is your take as one who doesn't believe. Perhaps, in your case, you don't have faith?
I simply do not believe as you do. I do not believe that God wants me to be rich. If that is true, then by your logic only about 5% or a little less of this country actually has faith. The rest of us are not rich. The Bible does not speak of receiving earthly wealth for accepting Christ as Lord and Savior.

Yet here you are making false claims about me. Then you have the temerity to act all hurt when people point out the kind of behavior you exhibit. You definitely need to add hypocrite to your list of attributes.

Dan From Smithville

Monsters! Monsters from the id! Forbidden Planet
Staff member
Premium Member
No, that isn't what I said. I'd appreciate it if you addressed what I actually said, not what you imagine I said. I was pretty clear with my wording, I think.
He seems to favor responding to points and questions that other posters never posted rather than what they actually posted. It is almost as if it is some reflex action that he does not even need to consciously engage.