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A song a day

an anarchist

Your local anarchist.
Let's post a song a day on this thread. I'll listen to every song posted on this thread.

What song descirbe your mood today? Or what's stuck in your head? Or whatever you want!

I'm presenting Hang on to a dream by The Nice

The lyrics are about a man still in love with a woman who leaves him I think. Makes me want to cry. I too, sometimes hang on to a dream.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Let's post a song a day on this thread. I'll listen to every song posted on this thread.

What song descirbe your mood today? Or what's stuck in your head? Or whatever you want!

I'm presenting Hang on to a dream by The Nice

The lyrics are about a man still in love with a woman who leaves him I think. Makes me want to cry. I too, sometimes hang on to a dream.
That site isn't available here but this might be - a Nice album with all tracks being great and one of my favourites:

Here's mine - Us and Them by Pink Floyd - but chosen at random:



"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
The twins found this oldie last night and spent hours replying it hoping the singer would get the words mixed up.

It's been on my mind all day.



Veteran Member
Well I've still got this song I posted on Tuesday as an earworm, so you might as well hear it too:

Words below - it’s about the seduction of a shepherdess.

When first Amintas sued for a kiss,
My innocent heart was tender,
That though I push'd him away from the bliss,
My eyes declar'd my heart was won.
I fain an artful coyness would use,
Before I the fort did surrender,
But love would suffer no more such abuse
And soon, alas! my cheat was known.
He'd sit all day, and laugh and play,
A thousand pretty things would say;
My hand he squeeze, and press my knees,
'Till further on he got by degrees.

My heart, just like a vessel at sea,
Would toss when Amintas came near me,
But ah! so cunning a pilot was he,
Through doubts and fears he'd still sail on.
I thought in him no danger could be,
So wisely he knew how to steer me,
And soon, alas! was brought to agree
To taste of joys before unknown.
Well might he boast his pain not lost,
For soon he found the golden coast,
Enjoyed the ore, and touched the shore
Where never merchant went before.

I think it’s lovely. It's in 6/4, which gives it a lilt and, although it is in G major, Purcell flattens some of the F# s to natural (e.g.in the last line of each verse, creating a minor or modal piquancy.

You feel a little sorry for the girl, who clearly has mixed feelings about having been seduced. Things were tough for girls before contraception……...


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
Well I've still got this song I posted on Tuesday as an earworm, so you might as well hear it too:

Words below - it’s about the seduction of a shepherdess.

When first Amintas sued for a kiss,
My innocent heart was tender,
That though I push'd him away from the bliss,
My eyes declar'd my heart was won.
I fain an artful coyness would use,
Before I the fort did surrender,
But love would suffer no more such abuse
And soon, alas! my cheat was known.
He'd sit all day, and laugh and play,
A thousand pretty things would say;
My hand he squeeze, and press my knees,
'Till further on he got by degrees.

My heart, just like a vessel at sea,
Would toss when Amintas came near me,
But ah! so cunning a pilot was he,
Through doubts and fears he'd still sail on.
I thought in him no danger could be,
So wisely he knew how to steer me,
And soon, alas! was brought to agree
To taste of joys before unknown.
Well might he boast his pain not lost,
For soon he found the golden coast,
Enjoyed the ore, and touched the shore
Where never merchant went before.

I think it’s lovely. It's in 6/4, which gives it a lilt and, although it is in G major, Purcell flattens some of the F# s to natural (e.g.in the last line of each verse, creating a minor or modal piquancy.

You feel a little sorry for the girl, who clearly has mixed feelings about having been seduced. Things were tough for girls before contraception……...
Thought you'd want to know the video is unavailable.


Veteran Member
Thought you'd want to know the video is unavailable.
OK thanks. So not in the USA then. Here in Europe we can see it.

Here's another version, sung in a different key* by someone with no bra.........:cool:

* Later footnote: E♭. She's more of a mezzo than a real soprano like Emma Kirkby in the first version I posted.
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Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
Going with the theme of this thread, being that I'm supposed to post one song a day, and it's now tomorrow, here's my next song. A classic by Graham Alexander, a great but mostly unknown artist, he's pop/rock with the voice similar to The Beatles. Enjoy Anarchist! I'll be here tomorrow with yet another song for you to listen to. :)


Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
I didn't know this thread would die of content the hour I posted my second song. Well, here's another music video, this time a music video from 1994, from my favorite musician, Martin Page. This is his signature solo hit. Enjoy!


an anarchist

Your local anarchist.
I missed a day already! Shameful!

Haven't gotten into David Bowie yet, but I do karoke this one song of his at the bar at times