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A Complete Psychological Analysis of Trump's Support


Veteran Member
I judge what I expect to flow, rather than the person.
And always remember that when voting, one must
judge all candidates, not just one.

Duby started 2 devastating wars wars.
Johnson expanded the Vietnam war.
Trump has done nothing so bad (yet).

During the Vietnam war the same crowd was saying "America, love it or leave it".

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Why, for example, do otherwise intelligent, honest, people set aside their sense of morality when it comes to their own practical gain?
Does morality pay the bills? Does it put food on the table?
How would one differentiate between President Trump and the anti-Christ? Is there a difference?
The Anti-Christ has my support. Trump does not.


the Confessor

But even if it were it has nothing to do with the reasons
people voted for Trump. If you guys want it fight to the
death, go for it. We can fill in for you.

It was just a suggestion thst you guys might try to figure
what your othr half really think, and quit the a priori assunption
that your counterparts are morally weak or insane.

"You guys" have no standing to criticize anyone. We do not put religious minorities into re-education camps, for example. And as destructive as our "fights" are at least we value the individual and their right to think for themselves.


Veteran Member
"You guys" have no standing to criticize anyone. We do not put religious minorities into re-education camps, for example. And as destructive as our "fights" are at least we value the individual and their right to think for themselves.

Goodness, a regular onion of a post.
First the tu quoque with a rancid whiff of racism. Below that-
There's the tribalism and your two progressively pointless posts.

There's the completely-miss-the-point of what I
was saying, which is not a criticism but an earnest
plea that Americans try to get their act together.

I shouldn't be, am not really, surprised that you'd take it so.
Your loathing of your fellow Americans already showed
you dont know who your friends are.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
you dont react to childish behaviour by acting childishly.
That is true, and I didn't say two wrongs make a right, either. I was just pointing out to one poster who had blame only for the House Speaker and none for the President. Out of fairness, you know?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
"You guys" have no standing to criticize anyone. We do not put religious minorities into re-education camps, for example. And as destructive as our "fights" are at least we value the individual and their right to think for themselves.
She is not one of "you guys".
Instead of characterizing her as such, I recommend listening to her.
Her post has merit.


Veteran Member
Because they're not "otherwise"?
Sadly, I guess that's probably the case much of the time. I can't help but notice, though, that when we set our moral/ethical priorities aside for the sake of practicality (personal gain) we soon lose sight of those priorities all together. My friend "Sam" knew full well what a human turd Trump was during the last election cycle when he said he'd; "hold his nose and vote for him, anyway". He was able to recognize Trump's history of lying, cheating, stealing, and overall ignorant, boorish behavior toward everyone else, at that time. And yet now that he's "signed on" to the Trump train, all that abhorrent behavior seems to have vanished from my friend's moral radar. And he now sees nothing wrong with Trump's behavior as president. I find this trend very troubling as it represents a change in my friend's character that is not for the good, or even in his own best interest, I don't think. He's lost other friends because of it. It's like he made a deal with the devil, and now that devil is stealing his soul.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So that's where you set the bar? Morality is fine so long as it doesn't interfere with your money?
When you're hungry, such things become a luxury. If not, no parent would ever steal food to feed their children. Because survival can easily displace morality, especially when desperate.


Veteran Member
I find #4 particularly important and queerly relevant to the Trump phenomenon.

4. “Some Men Just Want to Watch the World Burn.”

Some people are supporting Trump simply to be rebellious or to introduce chaos into the political system. They may have such distaste for the establishment and democrats like Hillary Clinton that their support for Trump is a symbolic middle finger directed at Washington. These people may have other issues, like an innate desire to troll others or an obsession with schadenfreude.

I looked up "schadenfruede" in wiki and got this: "the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of others". And I see this all too often among Trump supporters, and among these "new radicalized conservatives" in general when they see one of their perceived "enemies" being insulted and otherwise abused in public. They LOVE that sort of thing. So much so that there is now a whole plethora of media "gladiators" who's sole purpose is to spew insults and humiliation at liberals, democrats, socialists, the press, creatives, and anyone else outside of the ultra-conservative "us" camp. When Trump mimicked a handicapped man for the purpose of humiliating him, in public, that should have been the end of any chance of gaining the presidency. And yet his supporters had no problems with it at all. Humiliating those "others" in public was completely acceptable behavior, to them. Many of them LIKED the fact that Trump did that. Just as they like it when they see any of their media gladiators doing it. Bill O'Reilly's whole career was based on it. Limbaugh's, too. It's a very big reason Fox News is so popular. It's not really news at all, it's (often vicious and insulting) slander pretending to be news, and millions of conservatives tune in to enjoy the verbal 'slaughter'.


Veteran Member
When you're hungry, such things become a luxury. If not, no parent would ever steal food to feed their children. Because survival can easily displace morality, especially when desperate.
Do you think anyone was going to go hungry if they didn't vote for Donald Trump? Do you think anyone else actually thought that? Yet knowing that he was a notorious liar, thief, cheater, womanizer, and all around obnoxious boor, they voted for him, anyway ... because they thought Trump and the republicans would lower their taxes, or help them get a better job.

And interestingly, those who really were in danger of going hungry are now even in more danger of it, thanks to Trump and the republican party.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I find #4 particularly important and queerly relevant to the Trump phenomenon.

4. “Some Men Just Want to Watch the World Burn.”
This is just demonization masquerading as psychology.
Wrapping it in a veneer of psychojargon does not make it cromulent.
It lacks cogent analysis & evidence.