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10 Most Common Misconceptions about Islam


"Oscar the grouch"
No my Friend. I was using the word 'aggressive' as my talking point, and NEVER said anything about YOU being aggressive in your post. The comments to you stopped at the new person I quoted....I'm talking to Kain..... is that clear enough?

Who is being sensitive at this point?

This is the post I was referring to as addressing the word.....

I agree. If jihad is not an aggressive ideology, why did the Almohad dynasty occupy Southern Spain which was originally a Christian Empire?

Sorry if that got complicated for you.

This is how the conversation went in my eyes:

Then this reply above....

You are one sensitive dude


"Oscar the grouch"
Thus my original suggestion- "Push, counter push, push, counter push...."

And I did not mean to imply every "push" is military....much is economic/trade and culture.

Sounds like the same point being made in-
Who pushed first?..........always... the 'other guy'.

Everbody took the clear and explicit- "Thou shalt not kill" and turned it into "Die Heritic/Infidel!...Die!".........perhaps that's why God is obliged tou keep sending the same Golden Rule message.....untill we grow up and it sinks in."

Apreciated....have seen the Vid you linked to before...nice to know it's online.

bringing "some lesser known points to light".....from Eschers visit to Cordoba we get-


Art and culture- push and counter push ;)

I see you avoid my response to you....people have a tendency to do that


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
You are one sensitive dude

Sorry man, I don't get into p***ing contests.

I perceive you misread what I was addressing and I was merely trying to help you better grasp the flow of comments, so that you understand.

Have a nice one. :D
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Active Member
I see you avoid my response to you....people have a tendency to do that

Thought the response avoided the central point being made-

"Who pushed first?..........always... the 'other guy'.

Everbody took the clear and explicit- "Thou shalt not kill" and turned it into "Die Heritic/Infidel!...Die!".........perhaps that's why God is obliged to keep sending the same Golden Rule message.....untill we grow up and it sinks in."

people have a tendency to do that;)


"Oscar the grouch"
Thought the response avoided the central point being made-

"Who pushed first?..........always... the 'other guy'.

Everbody took the clear and explicit- "Thou shalt not kill" and turned it into "Die Heritic/Infidel!...Die!".........perhaps that's why God is obliged to keep sending the same Golden Rule message.....untill we grow up and it sinks in."

people have a tendency to do that;)

Your mention of the crusades was irrelevant. This had no bearing of why Muslims invaded southern Spain. People have a tendency of not reading up on history.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Islam is (like any other religion) 50% what is written in the scriptures - but 100% what followers make of it.

Agree,its people like Muhammed Ibn Wahabb Abd Al Wahhab and Salafis like Ibn Tamiyya who Wahhab was inspired by right back to Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and of course Qutb,IMO it is the Salafi's who are causing the harm to Islam.


.45 Cal
Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does not love transgressors.” (Qur’an 2:190). Another verse says, “If they seek peace, then seek you peace.” (Qur’an 8:61)

I'm trying to learn more about Islam. I do have questions about how much violence is permitted against "infidels" in the Koran. If these are some of the best examples of verses prohibiting violence then I'm legitimately worried. What are the limits that Muslims shouldn't cross in waging religious war? The second verse is more troubling than the first. It appears things like the U.S. support of Israel is being interpreted as seeking war against Muslims. If that's the case there's no hope for peace because the U.S. won't ever budge on that policy.


Active Member
Your mention of the crusades was irrelevant.

Perhaps to you....But I would suggest not irrelevent to those on the receiving end of the Christian “push” to gain land, title, wealth and establish the “true religion”.

This had no bearing of why Muslims invaded southern Spain..

The "bearing" resides in the motivations for the "push" in both instances-
On April 30 of 711, Berber leader Tariq ibn-Ziyad landed at Gibraltar and by the end of the campaign most of the Iberian Peninsula (except for small areas in the north-west such as Asturias and the Basque territory) were brought under Islamic rule.
The 17th century Muslim historian Al-Maqqari wrote that upon landing, Tariq burned his ships and then made a speech, well-known in the Muslim world, to his soldiers.
“The one fruit which he desires to obtain from your bravery is that the word of God shall be exalted in this country, and that the true religion shall be established here. The spoils will belong to yourselves.”

Tariq ibn Ziyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People have a tendency of not reading up on history.

People don't have to read much history to understand the "relivence" and "bearing"
of the human desire to gain land, title, wealth and establish the “true religion” and "push", backwards and forwards throughout history, to do so.

That's the point I was making....it aint historical rocket science.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does not love transgressors.” (Qur’an 2:190). Another verse says, “If they seek peace, then seek you peace.” (Qur’an 8:61)

I'm trying to learn more about Islam. I do have questions about how much violence is permitted against "infidels" in the Koran. If these are some of the best examples of verses prohibiting violence then I'm legitimately worried. What are the limits that Muslims shouldn't cross in waging religious war? The second verse is more troubling than the first. It appears things like the U.S. support of Israel is being interpreted as seeking war against Muslims. If that's the case there's no hope for peace because the U.S. won't ever budge on that policy.

From my understanding of it,the occupying forces ie Afghanistan and Iraq is an encroachment on the Ummah,which was the Muslim empire,this and the support Israel recieves has given some Muslims licence to fight what as seen as invaders.


Well-Known Member
Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does not love transgressors.” (Qur’an 2:190). Another verse says, “If they seek peace, then seek you peace.” (Qur’an 8:61)

I'm trying to learn more about Islam. I do have questions about how much violence is permitted against "infidels" in the Koran. If these are some of the best examples of verses prohibiting violence then I'm legitimately worried. What are the limits that Muslims shouldn't cross in waging religious war? The second verse is more troubling than the first. It appears things like the U.S. support of Israel is being interpreted as seeking war against Muslims. If that's the case there's no hope for peace because the U.S. won't ever budge on that policy.
It's not a religious war. What is described in the Ayah is called self-defense, it's called fighting against oppression and injustice. "Fight against those who fight you"!! How terrible!! Or do you suggest "send roses to those who fight you"?!!
Yes, indeed, the US support of Israel is a war against Muslims. The US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq is a war against Muslims.
If that's the case there's no hope for peace because the U.S. won't ever budge on that policy.
Yes, there is no hope for peace as long as Israel and the US practice injustice and terrorism against people. As it's clear in the Ayah, fighting those who fight us is a legitimate right and an obligation.


.45 Cal
It's not a religious war. What is described in the Ayah is called self-defense, it's called fighting against oppression and injustice. "Fight against those who fight you"!! How terrible!! Or do you suggest "send roses to those who fight you"?!!
Yes, indeed, the US support of Israel is a war against Muslims. The US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq is a war against Muslims.
Yes, there is no hope for peace as long as Israel and the US practice injustice and terrorism against people. As it's clear in the Ayah, fighting those who fight us is a legitimate right and an obligation.

What I've heard is that true message of the Koran encourages Muslims to wage war on non-believers and to convert by the sword. I've heard that it's the moderate Muslims preaching love and peace for all people that are further away from the heart of the Koran than the ones who believe in waging Jihad against "infidels". I've also heard that the Koran sends two different messages. One is a more moderate and tolerant message preached by Muhammed from his earlier days. I've heard that after he was rejected as a prophet by Jews and Christians that his message became much more militant and hostile against non-believers. Could any Muslims clarify this for me?
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St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
I think I have the grant it to them the most common misconception is that they are more prone to suicide than any other religion; especially in the frequent headlines of suicide bombers and readiness to injure themselves with self flagellation where in rare instances some may bleed to death in the streets. Suicide is very strictly forbidden with their religion, in truth their suicide rate is amongst the lowest in the world.


I think I have the grant it to them the most common misconception is that they are more prone to suicide than any other religion; especially in the frequent headlines of suicide bombers and readiness to injure themselves with self flagellation where in rare instances some may bleed to death in the streets. Suicide is very strictly forbidden with their religion, in truth their suicide rate is amongst the lowest in the world.

I would suggest theres a difference in suicide and the perceived martyrdom of the suicide bomber.


Well-Known Member
The fact that there are so many differing Hadith's prove it.
:confused: There are many hadiths, just like there are many Ayaat of the Qur'an?

Hadith is the narration of the sayings and actions of the Prophet. Normally, there are many different hadiths because Muslims collected, wrote down and verified many narrations of the Prophet's saying and actions and events from his life. Hadith is classified into different degrees according to its authenticity based on some criteria, not the time to get into its details.

If you mean there are different interpretations of some Hadiths, yes true, just like it's the case with the Qur'anic verses. But as I always say, Muslims and their scholars agree on the basics of Islam. They differ on many details, true. The disagreement in this context is very positive.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
It would be a very twisted version of Islam IMO to perceive deliberately crashing a plane into a skyscraper as martyrdom.

Oh they are out there,from the Hamas website Qassam:

  • Martyrdom Operation
  • Gaza city
  • 2004-01-14
Last Wednesday, the [Israeli] security forces' sirens at the Erez crossing sounded when the Palestinian lady Reem Saleh Al-Riyashi approached them. She succeeded in deceiving the occupation soldiers who gathered around her, claiming that it was the platinum bolts in her leg that set off the alarm of the detectors.
They gathered to check her thoroughly, but when she saw a number of soldiers around her, she blew herself up, causing the death and wounding of 14 soldiers. Reem met her death as a Shahida, underlining with unprecedented courage her love for her two small children – her son of three and her daughter of a year and a half – martyring herself in defense of land, honor, family, and the [previous] Shahids.
He was martyred after a long bright path of jihad, hard work, struggle and sacrifice.
Al Qassam Brigades mourn the death of the Mujahed, reaffirms the commitment and determination to continue the resistance against the belligerent occupation forces.
Finally, may Allah (swt) accept him and his blessed efforts for the path of Jihad and may Allah grant his family patience and solace for his lose.

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
Its all in the interpretation.

The point I am trying to make is, if a Muslim kills him or herself from whatever means; and may have nothing to do with suicide bombing but secular reasons, such as jumping off a cliff because they lost their job, or they were exposed to have an extramarital affair with other man or women. People in the West are quick to judge it is because of their religion they did it. But if an atheist killed him or herself, people are much less prone to judge that as anything to do with their philosophy, but a psychiatric disorder such as major depression or just a feeling of shame as they may have done it for the same secular reasons I pointed out with that Muslim jumping off the cliff.
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Well-Known Member
It's not a religious war. What is described in the Ayah is called self-defense, it's called fighting against oppression and injustice. "Fight against those who fight you"!! How terrible!! Or do you suggest "send roses to those who fight you"?!!

I hope you aren't refering to the war in Afghanistan, because the person that started that war said himself it was a religious war.

Yes, indeed, the US support of Israel is a war against Muslims. The US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq is a war against Muslims.

lol really? So you think the US and every other country supporting the war in Afghanistan is just there to indiscriminantly kill Muslims? Please...

Yes, there is no hope for peace as long as Israel and the US practice injustice and terrorism against people. As it's clear in the Ayah, fighting those who fight us is a legitimate right and an obligation.

Apparently you don't watch the news very often, or you would have heard about the rash of s*** Obama has been catching from Israel about being the only president to openly and publicly support a two state solution with the Pre-1967 borders.

Progress is being made, albeit slowly. Palestinians just better hope a Republican isnt voted into office in 2012.

Oh, and for the US's "unwaivering" support for Israel goes...A tiny jewish nation surrounded by Arab countries that would like to see nothing but the complete annhiliation of them needs strong friends. Not allowing them to be wiped off the map is in no way "A war against Muslims". That s*** is getting tired.