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Search results

  1. JustGeorge

    Dreading Days

    I'm about to begin my day. That wave of dread I've become accustomed to washes over me... Life hasn't been great lately. Almost every day stinks, and most of it is out of my control. But I've gotta keep trudging along... I'm not the only person this happens to. People in perilous...
  2. JustGeorge

    Interviewing @mangalavara

    Hi @mangalavara ! Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed. You and I have talked a bit throughout our time here, and you have certainly had a winding and interesting religious journey. Tell us, where did your interest in religion begin?
  3. JustGeorge

    I can't believe I said that...

    "Ares Osiris, get your *** out of that popcorn!" No, I didn't mean for my son to stop eating popcorn, or to imply he was stealing it. Someone had given us a tub of popcorn as a holiday gift; those oversized canisters that are popular around the winter holidays. Back then, he was a skinny lad...
  4. JustGeorge

    Jarring experience

    Came home to find a strange woman trying to get into the neighboring apartment building. She was crying, asking for people that didn't live there. Said she didn't have her key. Said she used to live there. Her mom lived down the street. I took her to a neighbor who's lived here 25 years...
  5. JustGeorge

    Interviewing Heyo

    Hi @Heyo! Thanks for volunteering to be interviewed! To start off, I want to make sure my memory is correct. You are consider yourself agnostic regarding religious or spiritual beliefs, right?
  6. JustGeorge

    Ir/Religious Snobbery

    In my time on the forums, I've seen quite a bit of it. It doesn't seem unique to any one religious(or irreligious group), but can potentially come from any: Folks that think they, and those who believe like them, are superior to those who don't. Sometimes its very specific, and folks snub...
  7. JustGeorge


    I had the energy to get the kids to the gym today. Taking the kids to the gym reminded me I enjoy the pool. Not because I had the luck to be able to get in, but because I could see it through the window. Its not laps I enjoy, but walking on the water resistance ring. Its relaxing, yet a...
  8. JustGeorge

    Hanging Stuff

    I read in a Feng Shui book quite some time ago that items should be hung on walls according to the height of the people inhabiting the area. This is usually easy to accomplish in a child's bedroom, or an office space. Not so much in a communal area. At the request of one of the kids, the TV...
  9. JustGeorge

    Influential People

    The other day, an aunt complimented my parenting. My uncle added it was particularly impressive, being as I've never had good parenting modeled for me. My parents weren't very good parents. They weren't bad people, but they weren't very good with us. Dad hadn't yet learned to harness in...
  10. JustGeorge

    Quick Eats

    All of us end up hungry at times its inconvenient or impossible to prepare a proper meal. Sometimes you can wait, other times your body objects. What are some of your 'quick grab' or easy prepare foods for these occasions?
  11. JustGeorge


    I sadly sit looking out the window, at the snow, rain, and sleet coming down. I'm happy for the precipitation, which is badly needed, but this means I miss the Holi festivities(which have been postponed to a date that doesn't work for us to travel) for the second year in a row. I've noticed...
  12. JustGeorge


    No matter what kind of belief(or disbelief) you hold, you've probably been misunderstood at some point. You may have declared yourself Muslim/atheist/Buddhist/Asatru and had someone tell you what you believe... but it isn't actually true for you. Sometimes this may even come from people...
  13. JustGeorge


    Say something interesting. I don't care what it is. It can be something you found in your couch cushions, something that happened when you were 5, or a trivial fact you haven't had the opportunity to share in awhile. Or anything else you can think of, so long as its interesting! Go!
  14. JustGeorge

    George's Spiritual Journal

    I've been thinking for awhile about making this, and I guess today is the day. I'll be using this space to reflect on random religious/spiritual thoughts/events/practices. Feel free to comment or share your experiences, but this is by no means open for debate. The Sacredness of the Alley...
  15. JustGeorge

    What's Up?

    What's going on in your life right now? Feel free to share big things, trivial things, or anything in between.
  16. JustGeorge

    Interviewing @sun rise

    Hi @sun rise ! Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed! I know you to be a follower of Meher Baba... can you share a little more about that with us? Is there a specific name for your path? What do you feel we ought to know about Meher Baba?
  17. JustGeorge

    Things You Love About Hinduism

    Enough complaining. Tell me what you love about it!
  18. JustGeorge

    Things You Love About Christianity

    Enough complaining. Tell me what you love about it!
  19. JustGeorge

    Interviewing ChristineM

    Hi @ChristineM ! Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed! While my other interviews have focused on religion, I understand that is not an important topic to you. So, instead, in this interview, I will ask about your life philosophies, and how you've gotten to them(and how you live them). To...
  20. JustGeorge

    Your Path In Music

    Thought I'd make a fun exercise... Show your religious path thus far... in music. Use as many or as few songs as you like. Show things that represent both where you've been(religiously speaking), to where you are now. Have fun!