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  • Thanx for the confirmed bachelor floorbil.
    And for phurballing unwanted advice.
    And for the everything's coming up Milhouse frube.
    And for floorbing choosing to not be offended.
    And for the open book tests froub.
    And for furlbaling cats are rough on songbirds.
    And for flurbitting using PC for RF.
    Thanks for the useful frube on Do we really have free will?

    Also... Google play as several decision making software apps... I assume the apple store has too...
    Thanks for the informative frubal.
    I tried to explain the concept of Taraka Brahma as best as possible in my last posting. If you have any more questions I can elaborate.
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    Reactions: Trailblazer
    Thanks. I try to read and understand all posts I get but some days I get so many I cannot keep up. Today was a particularly bad day, with so many posts to read and answer, so if you want to explain it again I wouldn't mind.
    I like your like about my reply to that Hadith about the return of Jesus. I worked pretty hard on that.

    I see reference to frubes everywhere. That means a like or something like that? Evidently.
    Thanks for the winner frube on What does Living Your Best Life mean?
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    Doing the best i can for my family. That is what got you the Winner. That shows what kind of person you are. ;-)
    In the Baha'i Faith, duty to one's family come first, before any religious duties.
    And in real life family should always come first
    Good to see you are alive and well on RF Trailblazer!
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    Thanks, always good to see you and I hope you are well. I am alive and on RF but since my husband is not well I am not well either. :-(
    Well I would pray for him but I'm a non believer. I do hope he's getting the best care though.
    Thanks, I do not even pray for him and I am a believer. Why pray? Whatever is wrong with him is not going to suddenly be cured. Maybe I should have more faith though, because it's supposed to move mountains. ;-)
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    Reactions: osgart
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