absolutely! I do can become realy strong in ideas exchange and even sarcastic, but never mean to attack anyone, is nice to see you didn´t mean it either that´s all.
Relax about being the catholic, It must be hard, but remember that most people (at least the wise) will stop and think a little longer when they see someone whith everything against him still be quite magnanimus about it.
to those of us who care, is important to try and be examples, and while it isn´t fair that a religion is treated badly because of those who are not following it properly, it only leaves with the responsability to try and make it as well as you can. Look at it this way, even while it is unfair that you may carry the faults of some other people, that way you get closer to JC, so surely he´ll be of help and council
So we are all in it to learn. So hopefully do forgive me if I too sound offensive in any post, and do feel free to tell me so I make it up. All in all: