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The Power of a Message of Peace is Unfolding.

Is Peace now possible

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CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Thus we have had fair warning that the state on mankifs affairs will become very oppressive, that we will face wave after waves of increasing Calamities. It appears all the Bible warnings are to be included, floods, Famine, Pestilence, war, vilest human behaviours, etc

Then overnight there will suddenly appear that which will causes the limbs of mankind to shake, then and only then will the divine banner be unfurled.
Now we've had warning. I don't know how fair it is.

"How will the Cause of God be universally adopted by mankind?" Baha'u'llah said that first, the nations of the world would arm themselves with infernal engines of war, and when fully armed would attack each other like bloodthirsty beasts. As a result, there would be enormous bloodshed throughout the world. Then the wise men from all nations would gather together to investigate the cause of such bloodshed. They would come to the conclusion that prejudices were the cause, a major form being religous prejudice. They would therefore try to eliminate religion so as to eliminate prejudice. Later they would realize that man cannot live without religion. Then they would study the teachings of all religions to see which of the religions conformed to the prevailing conditions of the time. It is then that the Cause of God would become universal.

"Revelation of Baha'u'llah, vol. 4, p.56"
So, no matter what efforts we do now, they are doomed to failure, because the leaders and the bulk of humanity will reject the Baha'i message. Not until after the tribulations will people turn to the Baha'i Faith. But I have the same question I've been asking Baha'is for years... Where in any of the Scriptures of any of the other religions does it have the Promised One come before the great time of tribulations?


Well-Known Member
That is what I see happening.

The world events are fully reflecting both the promise of a United Future and the destruction of an old dysfunctional Old World Order.

View attachment 66816

So when will we get there, the Baha'i Universal House of Justice offered this in the 1985 Peace Message.

"Whether peace is to be reached only after unimaginable horrors precipitated by humanity’s stubborn clinging to old patterns of behaviour, or is to be embraced now by an act of consultative will, is the choice before all who inhabit the earth. At this critical juncture when the intractable problems confronting nations have been fused into one common concern for the whole world, failure to stem the tide of conflict and disorder would be unconscionably irresponsible."

It has been foretold that for peace to become established, it will need this event to unfold.

"The time must come when the imperative necessity for the holding of a vast, an all-embracing assemblage of men will be universally realized. The rulers and kings of the earth must needs attend it, and, participating in its deliberations, must consider such ways and means as will lay the foundations of the world's Great Peace amongst men. Such a peace demandeth that the Great Powers should resolve, for the sake of the tranquillity of the peoples of the earth, to be fully reconciled among themselves. Should any king take up arms against another, all should unitedly arise and prevent him. If this be done, the nations of the world will no longer require any armaments, except for the purpose of preserving the security of their realms and of maintaining internal order within their territories. This will ensure the peace and composure of every people, government and nation."

Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 248

That will reflect what is offered in this passage.

"The time has come when all mankind shall be united, when all races shall be loyal to one fatherland, all religions become one religion, and racial and religious bias pass away. It is a day in which the oneness of humankind shall uplift its standard and international peace, like the true morning, flood the world with its light." – Abdu’l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 153.

The world events are giving credence to this statement.

"Unification of the whole of mankind is the hall-mark of the stage which human society is now approaching. Unity of family, of tribe, of city-state, and nation have been successively attempted and fully established. World unity is the goal towards which a harassed humanity is striving. Nation-building has come to an end. The anarchy inherent in state sovereignty is moving towards a climax. A world, growing to maturity, must abandon this fetish, recognize the oneness and wholeness of human relationships, and establish once for all the machinery that can best incarnate this fundamental principle of its life. – Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha’u’llah, p. 202.

Does your path or faith offer such a vision of a path to peace in this age?

If so, please share.

Regards Tony

I don't see how this could happen. Besides world tensions right now the U.S. has all sorts of internal issues. Riots in the capital, every city over police, vaccine issues, voter fraud, Trump people vs others, Right vs left is growing with the Daily Wire upsetting the left and rallying the right. Islam is growing so religious divide will increase. Plus an actual war and tension with China, N Korea, Middle East.....?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't see how this could happen. Besides world tensions right now the U.S. has all sorts of internal issues. Riots in the capital, every city over police, vaccine issues, voter fraud, Trump people vs others, Right vs left is growing with the Daily Wire upsetting the left and rallying the right. Islam is growing so religious divide will increase. Plus an actual war and tension with China, N Korea, Middle East.....?

These are the symptoms of the refusal of humanity to make the push towards a global unity in our diversity in the light of Divine law. (Divine law in this sense is morals and virtues)

Materialisim, preduduces and crass Nationalisim help fuel the fire of our disunity.

One Planet One People Please.

Regards Tony

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
One Planet One People Please.
Why create selfish, angry, hateful, warlike people and then expect them to live in peace with each other? Husbands and wives fight. Brothers and sisters. One family against another. But people of all nations, of races, of all religions are all of a sudden going to be able to live in peace and unity with each other? And I thought you already said that it won't happen until after the world is put through more trials and tribulations.


Well-Known Member
These are the symptoms of the refusal of humanity to make the push towards a global unity in our diversity in the light of Divine law. (Divine law in this sense is morals and virtues)

Materialisim, preduduces and crass Nationalisim help fuel the fire of our disunity.

One Planet One People Please.

Regards Tony

I don't think it's materialism and nationalism as the biggest threat to this. For one there is strong division with the right/left. Religious divisions, political divisions, all within the U.S.
Never mind trying to unite with the Middle East? First you would need be Muslim to unite with an Islamic country. They are not like Christians, they live their religion and it dictates all choices.
They tolerate others but they are outsiders. I listen to Firas Zahabi and Mohamed Hijab who annoys me and is very aggressive but I listen to their views. They want nothing to do with outsiders except to tolerate. Their laws will be based on the religion.

Then there is dictatorships who at this time would rather fight us than join us. And the Middle East seems to hate the U.S..
Its a mess.
Saying "One Planet One People Please." is meaningless. Listen to these people, propose realistic solutions.
Mohamed sat down with a Christian and Jordan Peterson for a conversation. HE couldn't resist ending with Islamic apologetics about miracles and prophecies and the Quran is the truth,,,


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Saying "One Planet One People Please." is meaningless. Listen to these people, propose realistic solutions.

The solutions was given in the 1800's.

Humanity does need to listen. IMHO

Yet they will not, not until the old world order has completely crumbled, which may be close, as people are now seeing that old world national predudices, race predudices and religious predudices combined with material greed and opulence, are naught but destructive.

Regards Tony
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Why create selfish, angry, hateful, warlike people and then expect them to live in peace with each other? Husbands and wives fight. Brothers and sisters. One family against another. But people of all nations, of races, of all religions are all of a sudden going to be able to live in peace and unity with each other? And I thought you already said that it won't happen until after the world is put through more trials and tribulations.

Baha'u'llah answered that within the Hidden Words here are a couple.

"OSON OF SPIRIT! I created thee rich, why dost thou bring thyself down to poverty? Noble I made thee, wherewith dost thou abase thyself? Out of the essence of knowledge I gave thee being, why seekest thou enlightenment from anyone beside Me? Out of the clay of love I molded thee, how dost thou busy thyself with another? Turn thy sight unto thyself, that thou mayest find Me standing within thee, mighty, powerful and self-subsisting." Bahá’u’lláh

Do you have the answer why people do not choose this spiritual self over the material self?

I see the path to peace is given in the Hidden words of Baha'u'llah, the path to find the peace given is within ourselves. (IMHO It is found within all the Hidden Words)

O SON OF SPIRIT! My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient, imperishable and everlasting.
The Hidden Words, Arabic no. 1

O SON OF SPIRIT! The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice; turn not away therefrom if thou desirest Me, and neglect it not that I may confide in thee. By its aid thou shalt see with thine own eyes and not through the eyes of others, and shalt know of thine own knowledge and not through the knowledge of thy neighbor. Ponder this in thy heart; how it behooveth thee to be. Verily justice is My gift to thee and the sign of My loving-kindness. Set it then before thine eyes.
The Hidden Words, Arabic no. 2

O SON OF MAN! Veiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of My essence, I knew My love for thee; therefore I created thee, have engraved on thee Mine image and revealed to thee My beauty.
The Hidden Words, Arabic no. 3

O SON OF BEING! Love Me, that I may love thee. If thou lovest Me not, My love can in no wise reach thee. Know this, O servant.
The Hidden Words, Arabic no. 5

They all offer that our heart and choices are the key to unity, based in true Justice and the ability to find the Beauty of God.

This is also what Jesus offers in being born again, born from the flesh into the Spirit of God, the image engraved upon our Soul. That image is Found in the Messengers, they are the embodiment of God's Beauty.

O CHILDREN OF MEN! Know ye not why We created you all from the same dust? That no one should exalt himself over the other. Ponder at all times in your hearts how ye were created. Since We have created you all from one same substance it is incumbent on you to be even as one soul, to walk with the same feet, eat with the same mouth and dwell in the same land, that from your inmost being, by your deeds and actions, the signs of oneness and the essence of detachment may be made manifest. Such is My counsel to you, O concourse of light! Heed ye this counsel that ye may obtain the fruit of holiness from the tree of wondrous glory.
The Hidden Words, Arabic no. 68

O SON OF SPIRIT! The bird seeketh its nest; the nightingale the charm of the rose; whilst those birds, the hearts of men, content with transient dust, have strayed far from their eternal nest, and with eyes turned towards the slough of heedlessness are bereft of the glory of the divine presence. Alas! How strange and pitiful; for a mere cupful, they have turned away from the billowing seas of the Most High, and remained far from the most effulgent horizon.
The Hidden Words, Persian no. 2

O FRIEND! In the garden of thy heart plant naught but the rose of love, and from the nightingale of affection and desire loosen not thy hold. Treasure the companionship of the righteous and eschew all fellowship with the ungodly.
The Hidden Words, Persian no. 3

O SON OF LOVE! Thou art but one step away from the glorious heights above and from the celestial tree of love. Take thou one pace and with the next advance into the immortal realm and enter the pavilion of eternity. Give ear then to that which hath been revealed by the Pen of Glory.
The Hidden Words, Persian no. 7

Regards Tony


Premium Member
The solutions was given in the 1800's.

Humanity does need to listen. IMHO

Yet they will not, not until the old world order has completely crumbled, which may be close, as people are now seeing that old world national predudices, race predudices and religious predudices combined with material greed and opulence, are naught but destructive.

Regards Tony
You mean like homophobia?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
No capitalism?

Yes a capitalist system is required. The extremes of wealth and poverty are controlled though.

One Law of Baha’u’llah is the replacement of one's household furnishings, if able. (Cannot remember time of top of my head, may be every 19 years)

Regards Tony


Premium Member
I do not know a Baha'i with that issue.

Regards Tony
The entire faith is homophobic, Tony. I thought we went over this. Homophobia is a relic from the past, like stoning, racism, exclusivity, my way or the highway, them versus us, etc.

But sure, you have the right to your opinion.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Do you have the answer why people do not choose this spiritual self over the material self?
There's lots of "spiritual" choices out there. Some people have different ones than the Baha'i Faith. Because of the ambiguity of religious and spiritual thought, some people reject it. If by chance God is in control, it has been his inconsistent messages that have turned some people away from spiritual and religious beliefs. But I think there is a good chance that most of the religious beliefs have been man-made. Even the Baha'i Faith, it is very much an extension of Islam.

Oh, and then there are laws that do very much sound more like they are man-made than having come from God. Like forbidding homosexuality and other sexual behaviors. They haven't worked. They won't work, And they probably will never work. So, why does God keep putting them out there?
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
jThere's lots of "spiritual" choices out there. Some people have different ones than the Baha'i Faith. Because of the ambiguity of religious and spiritual thought, some people reject it. If by chance God is in control, it has been his inconsistent messages that have turned some people away from spiritual and religious beliefs. But I think there is a good chance that most of the religious beliefs have been man-made. Even the Baha'i Faith, it is very much an extension of Islam.

Oh, and then there are laws that do very much sound more like they are man-made than having come from God. Like forbidding homosexuality and other sexual behaviors. They haven't worked. They won't work, And they probably will never work. So, why does God keep putting them out there?

God puts them out there as we have been given the capacity to embrace all that is of and from God, over our own material selves.

We are still learning to find our own selves and thus still finding the capacity to distinguish between what is from God and what is from our own selves.

It's a great journey, this matrix CG, a great journey indeed.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The entire faith is homophobic, Tony. I thought we went over this. Homophobia is a relic from the past, like stoning, racism, exclusivity, my way or the highway, them versus us, etc.

But sure, you have the right to your opinion.

Yes, tou to your opinion, me to mine. Your stated views of my Faith, do not reflect mine.

I see God given Law is without prejudice, nor does it lead to a prejudice mindset.

The Bible set that balance, as have other faiths. Those without sin can cast the first stone, meaning no one can cast a stone, which in turn means no one is perfect under the Law.

Regards Tony

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
We are still learning to find our own selves and thus still finding the capacity to distinguish between what is from God and what is from our own selves.
Well, it's not that easy, because there are several people and religions claiming God gave them the message. They all can't be right.
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Premium Member
Yes, tou to your opinion, me to mine. Your stated views of my Faith, do not reflect mine.

I see God given Law is without prejudice, nor does it lead to a prejudice mindset.

The Bible set that balance, as have other faiths. Those without sin can cast the first stone, meaning no one can cast a stone, which in turn means no one is perfect under the Law.

Regards Tony

Without prejudice? Ask gay people that. All along, the reason I've been in this particular discussion, and have reminded us all of it several times, is compassion for those who are discriminated against, namely the gays. They have my empathy. The testimonials that were previously posted were heartfelt and sincere, from sincere people.

Fortunately, our planet is changing ... for the better. Most modern countries have added sexual orientation to the list of invalid reasons for discrimination. Too bad a few religions couldn't follow suit.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well, it not that easy, because there are several people and religions claiming God gave them the message. They all can't be right.

The Bible warns of the false and also gives guidance as to who is a true prophet.

That is part of finding our own self, we need to implement justice when we determine this.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
Premium Member
All along, the reason I've been in this particular discussion, and have reminded us all of it several times, is compassion for those who are discriminated against, namely the gays. They have my empathy.

As they have my compassion and empathy, as they try to embrace the Laws given by Baha'u'llah, if they so choose to submit to that Law to become a Baha'i. I highly applaud their efforts to do so. If not they can participate in all the fellowship and prayer and devotions the Baha'i share, apart from be the activities of the administration.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Fortunately, our planet is changing ... for the better. Most modern countries have added sexual orientation to the list of invalid reasons for discrimination. Too bad a few religions couldn't follow suit.

Fortunately it is changing, rapidly now.

Yet it may not change as you have envisaged.

Actually, I see it will not.

Regards Tony