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No more babies being delivered at NY hospital


Veteran Member
What I notice about the conservative social attitude in recent years is a stark abandonment of the social contract. Social contract theory was an important Enlightenment idea, and much of modern society regarding freedom, equality, fairness, organization, etc. reflected this idea. It's a recognition that there's a compromise between freedom and obligation, that a citizen relies on a society and benefits from it being organized, and that in return there is an obligation to contribute and cooperate. The refusal to vaccinate is an example of how many have abandoned this understanding and contract. The GOP used to be a party that valued cooperation. There was the Contract With America. There was GHW Bush's compassionate conservatism. The GOP used to call themselves the party of family values. What is being offered today? A chance to ignore your obligation to society as you continue to reap the benefits?

What do conservatives offer America today that makes the nation better?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
What I notice about the conservative social attitude in recent years is a stark abandonment of the social contract. Social contract theory was an important Enlightenment idea, and much of modern society regarding freedom, equality, fairness, organization, etc. reflected this idea. It's a recognition that there's a compromise between freedom and obligation, that a citizen relies on a society and benefits from it being organized, and that in return there is an obligation to contribute and cooperate. The refusal to vaccinate is an example of how many have abandoned this understanding and contract. The GOP used to be a party that valued cooperation. There was the Contract With America. There was GHW Bush's compassionate conservatism. The GOP used to call themselves the party of family values. What is being offered today? A chance to ignore your obligation to society as you continue to reap the benefits?

What do conservatives offer America today that makes the nation better?
They have become more and more the reflection of hate and self-centeredness.

I was listening to George Will this morning, and he left the Republican Party for the reason that should be obvious: Trump does not reflect conservatism, and his near total self-centeredness is often done at the expense of anyone he doesn't like or considers in his way. Even his sister and niece say that this is the way "the Donald" always has been.


Veteran Member
One nurse I know of personally has seen "the light", ie, that
Satan created the Covid 19 pandemic, & it can only be stopped
by enuf Christian prayer. (Getting vaxxed must be just giving in
to Satan's plan, eh.) Does that sound like more cromulent
evidence than what immunologists & epidemiologists offer?

Most nurses see the usefulness of vaccination. And in any field,
people with disorganized minds that allow belief in strange &
dysfunctional things can get the job. Why believe a minority
in a field that lacks expertise in the field?
Oh so people of faith are the problem! I know, let's put them in re-education camps!... that'll take care of it.


Veteran Member
"The law invites citizens to sue each other for a minimum of $10,000 if they suspect someone of “aiding and abetting” an abortion after the six-week cutoff. It sets a dangerous precedent for any number of social issues, by putting money not just into politics, but into actual policy."
Texas’s New Abortion Law Is Selling The Soul Of America

How about now?
I still don't see any connection. Red flag laws are : "my neighbor has a gun, so he's probably a potential mass shooter."

What you have there are people who actually are participating in death.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Oh so people of faith are the problem!
I gave only one example of dysfunctional beliefs that led to
an anti-vax posture. Many other believers are vaccinated.
That's the tip of the iceberg for loopy thinking. I've also
- Nanobots in the vaccines to change us in some nefarious way.
- Micro-chips to track & control us.
- The pandemic is a hoax perpetrated by Democrats to subdue us.
- The pandemic is a plot by Big Pharma to sell vaccines for a
bogus disease.
- Biden & Democrats hate America & are trying to destroy it.
- The vaccines are an evil experiment on black people.

The list goes on.
I know, let's put them in re-education camps!... that'll take care of it.
Your idea...not mine.


Veteran Member
I still don't see any connection. Red flag laws are : "my neighbor has a gun, so he's probably a potential mass shooter."
What you have there are people who actually are participating in death.

Then you just don't want to see it.

It is exactly what you described - neighbours turning in neighbours they suspect may have had or may be having an abortion.


Yes. Humans need to be censured for their selfish and destructive behaviors. Otherwise they will not learn how and why it's necessary to cooperate with others. For most of us this comes when we're children, but thanks to an advertising industry that tells us incessantly that we can have, do, and be whatever we want (for a price), and thanks to a morally bankrupt political party that proselytizes that selfishness is 'freedom', we have a nation full of adults that still haven't learned how to 'play well with others'.

What would call human beings that received their vaccine, aren’t wearing masks because they assume they are immune, not dangerous, and they are free. Touching their noses, ears, eyes, mouth and then proceeding to touch everything else in sight at their jobs, restaurants, stores, everywhere that they go. Selfless and loving and caring about society and others?


As adults, they should feel ashamed of themselves for such gross selfishness, but they don't.

You’ve made it clear that all hospital staff that have not been vaccinated yet are entirely selfish, destructive and have not helped anyone at all before or after the vaccine. That you don’t appreciate anything that they’ve done. That they do not belong. And should feel great shame. When in reality, all they’ve been has been selfless and caring for patients throughout this.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
What would call human beings that received their vaccine, aren’t wearing masks because they assume they are immune, not dangerous, and they are free. Touching their noses, ears, eyes, mouth and then proceeding to touch everything else in sight at their jobs, restaurants, stores, everywhere that they go. Selfless and loving and caring about society and others?
Do you understand the difference between "vaccines are an important measure that responsible people will do" and "vaccines are the only measure that responsible people need to do"?

Your post suggests that you don't.


Do you understand the difference between "vaccines are an important measure that responsible people will do" and "vaccines are the only measure that responsible people need to do"?

Your post suggests that you don't.

Your posts all suggest that the vaccinated are responsible and not to blame for anything. You seem to be very selective in who you attack and condemn and shame.


It's like you can't comprehend that context matters.

"Last year, I gave my buddy a tracheotomy with my pen knife and no anesthetic to save his life when we were out in the woods last year! Why can't I do that in the OR now? Are you saying that saving his life last year was wrong?! How could you condemn me by saying that I can't do what I did before now that there are better, safer options available?"

“Last year, we accumulatively delivered millions of babies, treated and cared for millions of sick patients before and after a vaccine had arrived, but now that a mandate has arrived.... we are stupid and can longer perform our jobs, are selfish, self centered, destructive, irresponsible, a disgrace to the world if we don’t want it.”
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If you think that, then you should try actually reading them.

I did. It’s only the unvaccinated that should feel shame, be refused any medical treatment for being irresponsible according to you.

Many who are not vaccinated have already had the corona virus, naturally. Do they need a manufactured vaccine?

No, you won’t offend me or be able to shame me, so carry on with what you will.


Veteran Member
Choice between being thrown out of your house because you can't pay rent and working for a tyrannical system isn't really a choice.
No, the choice to get vaccinated as part of your job requirement, or the choice to find another job.
You're not entitled to have any particular job.

People who work in medical facilities need to follow proper medical protocols. You'd think that would be common sense, but not these days.