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Veteran Member
A sampling of comments on Jewish religious music videos on YouTube:

  • ...God father and his Son Yeshua ha masshiach bless you all^^
  • Haben Juden, bzw. Israelis ... ja sehr, in JESU NAMEN
  • Yeshua/Jesus is the way"
  • El buen camino es un profesor prudente... tu voluntad y órdenes en tú verdad escrita en la Biblia tanag y confiar en ti confiarnos y tú hijo jesua =Jesucristo...
  • Que bello es cantar alabanzas al que VIVE PARA SIEMPRE EL ETERNO Y AL MESIAS JESUS
  • May Lord God bless you , the seed of Abraham and seed of David. Lord let them know Jesus Christ, the Saviour
  • The stage is set !! the prophecy of YAH God of Israel is being fulfilled right before your eyes...praise YAH....The ruling King at this time will be David a man of color... but to the world the anti-Christ because all have been deceived.
  • Que o Senhor Jesus Cristo te abençõe!!!
  • Very interesting video.."Yeshua/Jesus is the way"
  • yeshua ha mashia ( Jésus)
  • Bella. Alabanza. Vive. El. Poderoso. De. Israel con. Toda. El. Alma. Y. El. Corazón. Jesucristo. Es. El. Señor. Sigamos. Adelante. A. Pelear. Las. Buena. Batalla. De. IA. Fe.
  • O, God my Father...let thy hand be upon these beautiful people, to reveal thy name to them, and the truth of thy word, that they may believe on thee and live! That they may see thy kingdom and believe the scriptures of Moses and all the prophets, and believe on thy Son Jesus Christ, their own Messiah!
  • LORD JESUS love Israel.
  • Só Jesus Cristo salva!!!
  • Yeshua Há Mashiách !!!!
  • ...confíen en Jehová y en su hijo Jesucristo y nos queda alegrarnos por su promesa y su amor
  • Esta Lindo el video, esta genial ...Jesús Nazareno - el Salvador...
  • ...pero conocemos según la palabra de nuestro Dios que esta situación marca el cumplimiento profético del retorno de Jesús nuestro mesías...

  • 0:55 Gloria a Jerusalemmm Gloriaaa... toda la Gloria a Cristo Jesus (^__^) El Sr Jeovah DE LOS EJERCITOS!!!
  • YESHUA HAMASHIACH IS THE LORD ...... Psalm 2; 16; 22; 40; 110...
  • The Lord Yeshua (Jesus) is arriving soon, friends! The Word says that God so loved the world, He gave us His Only Begotten Son Yeshua, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting ...
  • Israel, ton Dieu ne t'a pas oublié ; Christ est venu dans le monde pour sauver ce qui était perdu.. Dieu a tant aimé le monde qu'il a donné Son Fils unique afin que quiconque croit en lui ne périsse pas, mais qu'il ait la vie éternelle.
  • Read Jesjajahoe (Isaiah) chapter 53, Tehillim (Psalms) chapter 22, Daniyyel (Daniel) chapter 9. Yeshua haMashiach has fulfilled all these prophecies! Hallelu-Yah! HaShem sent the One Who shed His blood, for you! He is the Lamb of G'd, Who takes away the sin of the world! (Yohanan/John 1:29) Pleas, don't think that the New Testament is a antisemitic book. Almost all of the writers were Jewish! Yeshua Himself was a Jew (Mattityahu/Matthew 1:1). I'm so sorry for the sins of the ones who called themselves 'christians', but persecuted you. They didn't follow Yeshua, but the father of all evil [satan]! They didn't obey Yeshua's commandments. His commandments were: Love the Lord, thy G'd, with all of your heart, soul and mind, and: love your neighbour as yourself! Yeshua died for you, so that you can spend eternity with HaShem. He loves you (Yohanan/John 3:16)!!
  • Jesucristo es el Sr Gloria a Dios Gloria a Dios!!!
  • Glory to the Eternal Passover Lamb Yeshua!!! The King of Israel!!..and all Creation!
  • ישו אמר מי שמאמין בי, אני אתן להם חיי נצח. מי ששואל אותי, אני יהיה לרפא את גופם
  • Toda YAHWEH for the Mesias Jesus Crist !, Shalom from Haiti .
  • ...Que viva el pueblo de Israel, y q vuelva pronto el Mesias Yeshua!
  • Todah Hashem!! Todah Yeshua!!!
  • Muito bom.parabéns,que o nosso Deus venha abençoando todos vocês em nome de Jesus Cristo.
  • Jesus is coming back
Note: These are all Ashkenazi singers, which probably appeal more to Western/Christian people. If you check out Mizrahi (Middle Eastern) Jewish Singers, the Christians pretty much disappear (not completely, but more or less) and you have Arabs (usually in Arabic) with comments either like "Kill the Jews" or "I am Muslim and I like this song". Especially Zion Golan, I guess because he puts a lot of Arabic in his songs. There are more Arabic comments than Hebrew ones on his stuff. But i digress.

I've always wondered:

Do members of other religions visit your religion's music videos to leave comments like these?

Do you watch music videos from other religions?

If you are a Christian, do you think it's acceptable behavior to spam other religion's religious music with comments about your beliefs?


Well-Known Member
Do members of other religions visit your religion's music videos to leave comments like these?

Nah, not comments like those. Those comments seem comparatively nice (though I don't understand all of them language wise). Looking at a few random music videos of ours, it doesn't seem like we get any Christian commentators at all. We just get people parroting Iranian-state propaganda now-and-then. Those commentators are quite a bit more hostile then the comments you posted.

Do you watch music videos from other religions?

Yes, of course.

If you are a Christian, do you think it's acceptable behavior to spam other religion's religious music with comments about your beliefs?

Eh, it's YouTube. The comment's section is supposed to be a terrible cesspit, so sure, it's acceptable, why not??

Actually looking at the linked videos, the comment sections seem actually a lot better in overall quality and tone than your typical YouTube comment section.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Since there were no actual clickable links in the OP, I just looked up the first one. The vast majority of comments were positive.

As to the others, given the nature of the world right now and the nature of humanity at this point in time, the others are no surprise. Many people feel that they have to tell you that they're right, you're wrong and you should agree with them right now if you know what's good for you. (full disclosure: I have attacks of I'mrightism as I still have an ego).

After all, why should youtube be any better than RF in that regard?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Do members of other religions visit your religion's music videos to leave comments like these?

Do you watch music videos from other religions?

If you are a Christian, do you think it's acceptable behavior to spam other religion's religious music with comments about your beliefs?

1) Yes, because the music I listen to normally would be "evil" to most mainstream religions. :D

2) Not normally, but also I don't care about it. If the song is good and I enjoy it I listen to it.

3) It's YouTube, I pretty much expect the comment section to be haters. People are far more likely to post a negative comment instead of a positive one.

I think ultimately such practices are just trolling, but I've often posted on anti-Satanist videos when the video is disseminating absolute rubbish about my religion. More people have really stupid ideas about Satanism versus the reality of it; everything to child sacrifices, molestation, to animal abuse. Feel glad that you have just a few haters around who aren't accusing you or your associates of similar. Be grateful that you don't have an entire industry in Hollywood creating tropes about your religion that aren't even true, lol.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Once you get past how sad it is its funny. Maybe it is frightening to you rather than funny. I'm sorry I don't know what you feel about it. I feel embarrassed.

I've always wondered:

Do members of other religions visit your religion's music videos to leave comments like these?
There isn't this sort of outsider following, fan club stuff. Also there is a glut of Christian music. I think Jewish religious music probably is not quite so widespread, so you are going to see a higher percentage of this kind of thing than Christians would if there were an outsider fan club which there isn't.

Do you watch music videos from other religions?
Rarely unless you count Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Enya etc.

If you are a Christian, do you think it's acceptable behavior to spam other religion's religious music with comments about your beliefs?
Its rude but fair game if someone wants to embarrass themselves. I would not be surprised to find it against youtube rules. It might help your musicians to get more views though and thus more money?


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
It makes me want to leave obscene comments to the commenter, in these cases. I don't, because I know better, but I find it offensive and needless. I am usually watching Jewish-based videos in these instances, so most of the comments are from Christians when this sort of thing happens. I often wonder why they feel the need to be so vocal with their beliefs, especially when theirs is the largest religion on the planet it's not as if no-one's ever heard of it :shrug:


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Do members of other religions visit your religion's music videos to leave comments like these?

Yes, to call us idolaters and tell us we're going to Hell for eternity because of our idolatry and worshiping false gods (wanna guess who does that?). That we should accept Jesus in to our idolatrous hearts. I swear I've seen these on YT. Funny and sad at the same time.

Do you watch music videos from other religions?

Only if it's a religion I feel an affinity for... Taoism, Buddhism, Heathenry. Not that there's much Nordic music other than Wardruna and Amon Amarth.


Veteran Member
Nah, not comments like those. Those comments seem comparatively nice (though I don't understand all of them language wise). Looking at a few random music videos of ours, it doesn't seem like we get any Christian commentators at all. We just get people parroting Iranian-state propaganda now-and-then. Those commentators are quite a bit more hostile then the comments you posted.
I've noticed that the hostile comments are more commonly found on the Mizrahi music videos. But it wasn't really hostility that I was wondering about. It was about the type of person who would surf YourTube for videos of a religion that is not his own, in order to post quotations like those above.

Eh, it's YouTube. The comment's section is supposed to be a terrible cesspit, so sure, it's acceptable, why not??

Actually looking at the linked videos, the comment sections seem actually a lot better in overall quality and tone than your typical YouTube comment section.
The majority of comments I expect come from Jewish people or Judeophiles. The type of people I expect to be watching these types of videos. Maybe I'm just not so familiar with YouTube video comment sections. I wouldn't normally expect someone who is not one of prior, to be looking for these videos in the first place - and I can't imagine them finding these videos if they weren't looking for them, I don't recall every being suggested a video of Christian gospel music.


Veteran Member
Since there were no actual clickable links in the OP, I just looked up the first one.
I did that on purpose, because if I would have posted the complete link, the forum would have added the actual video to the post and I didn't want my post to be inundated with videos.

The vast majority of comments were positive.
The overwhelmingly vast majority were from Jewish people who I would expect to be watching these videos. What is odd to me, is what these other people are doing there.

As to the others, given the nature of the world right now and the nature of humanity at this point in time, the others are no surprise. Many people feel that they have to tell you that they're right, you're wrong and you should agree with them right now if you know what's good for you. (full disclosure: I have attacks of I'mrightism as I still have an ego).

After all, why should youtube be any better than RF in that regard?
Well, RF is a meant to be a forum for people of different religions. Although YouTube is meant to host people of different persuasions as well, to me the analogy would be Christians posting about Jesus in Judaism DIR.


Veteran Member
1) Yes, because the music I listen to normally would be "evil" to most mainstream religions. :D
So members of those other religions do come to those music videos to post about their religions. I guess I still feel it's more odd for me because Jewish music, especially ultra-Orthodox Jewish music seems like it would be a bit less mainstream and even known about.

2) Not normally, but also I don't care about it. If the song is good and I enjoy it I listen to it.
How would you go about stumbling upon such a song?

3) It's YouTube, I pretty much expect the comment section to be haters. People are far more likely to post a negative comment instead of a positive one.

I think ultimately such practices are just trolling, but I've often posted on anti-Satanist videos when the video is disseminating absolute rubbish about my religion. More people have really stupid ideas about Satanism versus the reality of it; everything to child sacrifices, molestation, to animal abuse. Feel glad that you have just a few haters around who aren't accusing you or your associates of similar. Be grateful that you don't have an entire industry in Hollywood creating tropes about your religion that aren't even true, lol.
From comments here it seems like I should have expected this type of thing on YouTube.


Well-Known Member
I've seen people from other cultures "take credit" for my culture and all kinds of crap about us. There's also the clueless fanboys, who end up saying something offensive that's probably universal. :)

I don't think too much of it. Sometimes it even feels a bit nice.


Veteran Member
Once you get past how sad it is its funny. Maybe it is frightening to you rather than funny. I'm sorry I don't know what you feel about it. I feel embarrassed.
Honestly, I just feel like it's somewhat invasive. A song of a 10 year old kid singing Psa. 19:15, doesn't seem an appropriate venue to talk about Jesus Christ your lord and savior.

There isn't this sort of outsider following, fan club stuff. Also there is a glut of Christian music. I think Jewish religious music probably is not quite so widespread, so you are going to see a higher percentage of this kind of thing than Christians would if there were an outsider fan club which there isn't.
Well what about on Christian music videos? Do you have Jews, Muslims, or other religions making comments on those videos? That's what I'd really like to know about.

Its rude but fair game if someone wants to embarrass themselves. I would not be surprised to find it against youtube rules. It might help your musicians to get more views though and thus more money?
I didn't even realize they get money from it.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
The HaTikva is not a religious song, and neither is it's tune. So personally, I don't particularly care.
btw...just to let you know ...the lyrics are about God-king, God-lord, very psalm-like...no mention of Jesus:)


Veteran Member
I often wonder why they feel the need to be so vocal with their beliefs, especially when theirs is the largest religion on the planet it's not as if no-one's ever heard of it :shrug:
Yeah, that's one of the most puzzling things. That and why there's so many Spanish speakers commenting.