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No Bibles in Public?


Ματαιοδοξία ματαιοδοξιών! Όλα είναι ματαιοδοξία.
It's a privately owned mall and they have the right to accept or refuse any advertising that they want. To suggest that this somehow means that the bible has been banned from public is ridiculous.


You are another poster here who has missed the point. This is not about the right of the company. Of course they can refuse the ad. But that is not what happened. First they ran it. Then they 'tamed' it a bit. Yet the company then changed their mind and yanked it.

Why the hate? And why would a company in a majority Christian country give into a few (I assume) haters?

I was an atheist for decades and never would have threatened a company over something like this. As I said in the OP, this says a lot about the state of the country: divided and increasingly full of hate.



Ματαιοδοξία ματαιοδοξιών! Όλα είναι ματαιοδοξία.
If it's on the company's property, that company has the right to decide what they want and don't want to on their property.

No more than you, You have the right to decide what you want and don't want on your property.

Hello. Yet another person who did not (apparently) read the article. This has nothing to do with the right of the company.



Ματαιοδοξία ματαιοδοξιών! Όλα είναι ματαιοδοξία.
I have tried to get confirmation of this story from an impartial news site and I can't. All reports are from evangelical sites and not all say the ban was because of the bible. The only thing that seems clear is that the mall owners didn't want an advertisement for a megachurch "crusade". If you have the "religious freedom" in the USA not to bake a "gay wedding cake" then why not the freedom to decline an advertisement for a fundamentalist Christian?


Sure, but then why did they accept/run it first?

Why the hate?


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Hello. No. You are just missing the point (giving you the benefit of the doubt).

What makes you think that this story is true?

If I am doing a conservative story I see if it is verified by more left wing sources and vice versa. I am only seeing a story from one very biased side here.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I wonder how long a billboard with biblical messages would last in my country, before being removed.
10 seconds?


Well-Known Member

You are another poster here who has missed the point. This is not about the right of the company. Of course they can refuse the ad. But that is not what happened. First they ran it. Then they 'tamed' it a bit. Yet the company then changed their mind and yanked it.

Why the hate? And why would a company in a majority Christian country give into a few (I assume) haters?

I was an atheist for decades and never would have threatened a company over something like this. As I said in the OP, this says a lot about the state of the country: divided and increasingly full of hate.


Apparently you missed my point. It was in response to the title you gave this OP. I'm simply pointing out that a private company exercising their rights does not in any way equate to the bible being banned in public.

As for the country being divided and full of hate, I'd say that it just seems that way to Christians, because they're not used to other people treating them the way many Christians treat other people. I don't agree with the private mall's decision, but I find it FAR sadder that there are 7 states in the nation that ban atheists from running for public office. That's not just distasteful, it's unconstitutional.


Veteran Member
Hello. I posted this in the interfaith discussion (no debates) because I was hoping to hear from others of some form of Christian faith, about hostilities they may have encountered.

Yes, a private company can do this of course. But they first agreed to it, then took it down because a handful of intolerant folks got bent out of shape. Why the hate?

It is indeed, as the reporters asked. Signs of the times, and people should not be surprised.
They are aware of the rise in, should I say, Biblephobia.

If you have a world screaming for gay rights, abortion rights, pedophilia rights, bestiality rights... and calling Bible totters all kinds of -phobias, what do we expect will follow.

I've been seeing a rise in street preachers. Their message is not a quiet message. You know they use a loud speaker, and they are going..."Repent! Repent from your filthy ways. Stop your disgusting practices - you homosexuals; you pedophiles; you... Jesus is coming. You will burn in Hell."
They are loud.

Jehovah's Witnesses are not so loud, and they probably won't be - by voice that is. Or their message is not so pointed and hard-hitting... yet.
However, they are already stirring up the pot, and the orthodox religious leaders are blowing steam from both nostrils.
So many peace loving families are in prison, for their being neutral to this world's affairs, and they being active in God's work.
More Witnesses Imprisoned After Aggressive Home Raids in Russia

It's only a matter of time before the nations are stirred up to carry out an all out assault on religion.
False religion will be the first to get hit. The blow will be so hard they won't recover. Revelation 17:16

Then they will turn on the true follower of Christ. It will be tough. Courage will be needed, but they - the nations - those ten horns of the beast - won't know what hit them. God people won't fight. They are peaceful, but...
Enter Armageddon. Revelation 16:14-16

Yes indeed. Signs of the times.


Veteran Member
No, it was the "all out assault on religion" that got me worried, then I was relieved to read about "false religions."
Well all religion will be hit. Remember Jesus spoke about a great tribulation. So it will be rough. The only difference, is that false religion will be completely devastated - total wipe out.
True religion will survive.
Indeed, that is cause for joy.
However, members of true religion still will face the fires - like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo, but in order to walk out alive... Courage will be needed.

If you do make it, that would be great!

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Well all religion will be hit. Remember Jesus spoke about a great tribulation. So it will be rough. The only difference, is that false religion will be completely devastated - total wipe out.
True religion will survive.
Indeed, that is cause for joy.
However, members of true religion still will face the fires - like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo, but in order to walk out alive... Courage will be needed.

If you do make it, that would be great!
So your religion is DOA. Good to hear.


Ματαιοδοξία ματαιοδοξιών! Όλα είναι ματαιοδοξία.
Apparently you missed my point. It was in response to the title you gave this OP. I'm simply pointing out that a private company exercising their rights does not in any way equate to the bible being banned in public.

As for the country being divided and full of hate, I'd say that it just seems that way to Christians, because they're not used to other people treating them the way many Christians treat other people. I don't agree with the private mall's decision, but I find it FAR sadder that there are 7 states in the nation that ban atheists from running for public office. That's not just distasteful, it's unconstitutional.

Hello. I hear you. And for the record, I did not mean to imply by the title of my post that the Bible was being banned (only the government can do that). Rather, that we seem to have reached the point in our divided and "sick" society where something like a Bible in advertisement can be considered so offensive that it is taken down. "No Bibles in Public"



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Hello. I found this to be outrageous. Yes, a private company has every right to make the decision. Nevertheless I think it a sad commentary on the state of our society.

A Sign of the Times? Pastor Greg Laurie Forced to Remove Billboards Featuring the Bible

I wonder if anyone here has encountered this kind of intolerance? Where does it come from?

Was it that they found the Bible offensive, or was it that they found Greg Laurie offensive?

Greg Laurie Refuses to Argue With Gay Activists Demanding His Disinvitation; Asks for Prayers Instead


Ματαιοδοξία ματαιοδοξιών! Όλα είναι ματαιοδοξία.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I really don't see why you can't show a Bible on a billboard when blink-182 can make a music video that plays with homophobia as much as possible. I happen to like the Bible!
Maybe you or @Regiomontanus can clarify, but how do any of you know that the Bible was the issue here?

As far as I can tell, if the factual claims of the story are all correct (and I have no idea if they are), all you really have is that this specific billboard was removed by the company because of complaints. I haven’t really seen anything other than supposition to say what about the billboard was the issue.