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Ignorance Doesn't Excuse Your Sin Sonny. Off to Hell You Go

Reggie Miller

Well-Known Member
I believe my wife is a case in point. She isn't real sure there is a God but she has given her life to Jesus anyway. In her ignorance she sins and pays for those sins but I believe having Jesus as Lord and Savior will get her into the Kingdom of God.

Romans 10:10
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Electus de Lumine

Magician of Light
In another thread one of the members said "A lot of sin is done out of ignorance."

Question: If what one does out of ignorance of its status as a sin, is it truly sinning? Wouldn't ignorance be a mitigating factor of sinning? Or does god go along with the legal principle of Ignorantia juris non excusa, ignorance of the law excuses not?

"Too bad you were unaware that foolish talking is a sin blabbermouth (Ephesians 5:4) Off to hell with you now."


Yahweh wants only eternal servitude and praise by giving up the free-will of your soul. His excuses for why you should do so where given when most of humanity was too weak willed to look past them.


Premium Member
I don't think that ignorance will be a sound defense. The Bible says that the Gospel will be preached to the ends of the earth. Before Jesus returns to take all believers to Heaven for eternity, everyone on this planet should have had the opportunity to hear the Gospel. And with television, radio, missionaries, and all of those wonderful electronic devices, (the internet), I think that whoever wants to know at this time, has no excuse not to know. So, tell those that you love, to find Jesus now before He comes back to find all of His believers. Oh, and I also saw in one of the posts the reference that punishment wouldn't be eternal, like maybe for awhile than out? sort of like the Catholics believe in purgatory? The Bible says that hell is eternal, like forever. You won't be getting out after awhile, you will turn and burn forever. Now doesn't that statement want you to get to know your savior, Jesus Christ as soon as you log out of here?

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
I don't think that ignorance will be a sound defense. The Bible says that the Gospel will be preached to the ends of the earth. Before Jesus returns to take all believers to Heaven for eternity, everyone on this planet should have had the opportunity to hear the Gospel. And with television, radio, missionaries, and all of those wonderful electronic devices, (the internet), I think that whoever wants to know at this time, has no excuse not to know. So, tell those that you love, to find Jesus now before He comes back to find all of His believers. Oh, and I also saw in one of the posts the reference that punishment wouldn't be eternal, like maybe for awhile than out? sort of like the Catholics believe in purgatory? The Bible says that hell is eternal, like forever. You won't be getting out after awhile, you will turn and burn forever. Now doesn't that statement want you to get to know your savior, Jesus Christ as soon as you log out of here?

So what about people who hear the 'Good News' but aren't convinced? What if it's explained to them badly? What if the arguments in favour of it just aren't that convincing? How would it be moral for God to torture people forever because his worshippers have **** arguments?


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I think - to some point ignorance should be punished.

Imagine yourself going to court, because you hurt somebody. If you tell the judge "Sorry, I didn't know" you would still get sentenced. Recently I read a book in which this was written:

"You didn't know?"
- "Yes, I didn't know.".
"False. You didn't want to know!."

I think it exactly shows what I advocate. Only because people are ignoring and not taking things seriously it won't hold God back to judge them - except they are mentally not old enough to understand.

However, the question remains open, whether God will judge billions of people, because of their ignorance and lack of interest toward religion. I hope only to a certain point, because God would (according to my opinion) never punish anyone for an eternity.

Good night,

If you are thinking, it might be of benefit to think of this: if the Christian God will punish a faithful Hindu or Muslim, Jain, Jew or Buddhist,for "ignorance" of the need to accept Jesus Christ -- from where does that ignorance come? Well, it comes from the fact that children born in each of those communities was brought up by their parents (who they are enjoined by both God and nature to trust and believe, as well as to honour), but also by all of the friends they knew, the teachers who schooled them -- in short, their entire world.

What does the Christian God do to offset or mitigate that massive (and apparently, to God, sinful) brainwashing with false beliefs? Well, nothing actually.

So who are you going to blame (don't care, for the moment, who God is going to blame, just you) for the fact that a person brought up in a faith community that God doesn't like doesn't know that God doesn't like it?

This is, for me, a major selling point for not bothering with any of the supposed religious beliefs on what God "wants."


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I don't think that ignorance will be a sound defense. The Bible says that the Gospel will be preached to the ends of the earth. Before Jesus returns to take all believers to Heaven for eternity, everyone on this planet should have had the opportunity to hear the Gospel. And with television, radio, missionaries, and all of those wonderful electronic devices, (the internet), I think that whoever wants to know at this time, has no excuse not to know. So, tell those that you love, to find Jesus now before He comes back to find all of His believers. Oh, and I also saw in one of the posts the reference that punishment wouldn't be eternal, like maybe for awhile than out? sort of like the Catholics believe in purgatory? The Bible says that hell is eternal, like forever. You won't be getting out after awhile, you will turn and burn forever. Now doesn't that statement want you to get to know your savior, Jesus Christ as soon as you log out of here?
Funny, really. "Gospel" means "good news," and Jesus Christ is supposed to be the Prince of Peace and God, "Love Itself." How does that lead to "burn forever" for not knowing? It's the most amazing wonder to me that so many Christians cannot see how simply impossible it is for all those things to be true at once.

Yet, oddly, they can't. Amazing.

Scott C.

Just one guy
In another thread one of the members said "A lot of sin is done out of ignorance."

Question: If what one does out of ignorance of its status as a sin, is it truly sinning? Wouldn't ignorance be a mitigating factor of sinning? Or does god go along with the legal principle of Ignorantia juris non excusa, ignorance of the law excuses not?

"Too bad you were unaware that foolish talking is a sin blabbermouth (Ephesians 5:4) Off to hell with you now."


One's understanding of right and wrong can get complicated. We have a God given conscious which tells us right from wrong. Our culture and upbringing teach us right from wrong, which may or may not align with what God actually says is right and wrong. Only God understands all of life's factors, including the deepest yearnings of the heart, and only God can make a just and merciful judgment. Yes, I believe God takes all factors into consideration, including true ignorance. Perhaps no two people are equally accountable before God for the same sin, given that no two people come from the same exact place. In our courts, we try to account for mental capacity and maturity, etc., but we are imperfect in the effort. God, however, is perfect and gets it all right, all of the time. In the next life I believe that all people, regardless of their state, will recognize that God is righteous and his judgments are just.

Electus de Lumine

Magician of Light
One's understanding of right and wrong can get complicated. We have a God given conscious which tells us right from wrong. Our culture and upbringing teach us right from wrong, which may or may not align with what God actually says is right and wrong. Only God understands all of life's factors, including the deepest yearnings of the heart, and only God can make a just and merciful judgment. Yes, I believe God takes all factors into consideration, including true ignorance. Perhaps no two people are equally accountable before God for the same sin, given that no two people come from the same exact place. In our courts, we try to account for mental capacity and maturity, etc., but we are imperfect in the effort. God, however, is perfect and gets it all right, all of the time. In the next life I believe that all people, regardless of their state, will recognize that God is righteous and his judgments are just.

My "God-given conscious" tells me that many of Yahweh's actions are wrong.

Not to mention that Yahweh did not give you a sense of right and wrong, Lucifer did when he convinced our ancestors to eat of the fruit of the true of the knowledge of good and evil.

Scott C.

Just one guy
My "God-given conscious" tells me that many of Yahweh's actions are wrong.

Not to mention that Yahweh did not give you a sense of right and wrong, Lucifer did when he convinced our ancestors to eat of the fruit of the true of the knowledge of good and evil.

Good example of how we all come from different places, backgrounds, and understandings of right and wrong. I read your post and think "that's messed up at several levels", but to you it makes perfect sense. I can't accurately judge what makes you tick, and you can't read me accurately. But God can and does know us all perfectly. He loves all of us, including those who have little or no faith or hope in him.

Electus de Lumine

Magician of Light
Good example of how we all come from different places, backgrounds, and understandings of right and wrong. I read your post and think "that's messed up at several levels", but to you it makes perfect sense. I can't accurately judge what makes you tick, and you can't read me accurately. But God can and does know us all perfectly. He loves all of us, including those who have little or no faith or hope in him.

What if I told you that if I came face to face with Yahweh in the afterlife I would tell him that he is the most evil being that has ever lived even if I thought hell existed.

Scott C.

Just one guy
What if I told you that if I came face to face with Yahweh in the afterlife I would tell him that he is the most evil being that has ever lived even if I thought hell existed.

I believe when we come into God's presence that his love will be so overwhelming that any misconceptions we have of him will be erased.

Scott C.

Just one guy
Is his actions in the bible misconceptions?

I believe in the bible stories. I believe God is good. If you believe that God is evil, then I think you misunderstand or misinterpret God's intentions and actions. I'm not sure I want to get into a debate on "why is God good." The thread is about how God judges us when we sin in ignorance.


Jesus in me
Nice for those with the knowledge of what constitutes a sin and what it takes to be forgiven, but there have been millions upon millions who have been ignorant of the "sin status" of certain acts, and what it takes to fix them, which, in part, is the point of my OP.

I believe there are absolutely none who have not heard the gospel at least once in their lifetimes.


Jesus in me
I don't think that ignorance will be a sound defense. The Bible says that the Gospel will be preached to the ends of the earth. Before Jesus returns to take all believers to Heaven for eternity, everyone on this planet should have had the opportunity to hear the Gospel. And with television, radio, missionaries, and all of those wonderful electronic devices, (the internet), I think that whoever wants to know at this time, has no excuse not to know. So, tell those that you love, to find Jesus now before He comes back to find all of His believers. Oh, and I also saw in one of the posts the reference that punishment wouldn't be eternal, like maybe for awhile than out? sort of like the Catholics believe in purgatory? The Bible says that hell is eternal, like forever. You won't be getting out after awhile, you will turn and burn forever. Now doesn't that statement want you to get to know your savior, Jesus Christ as soon as you log out of here?

I believe there is no Biblical evidence that the return of Jesus means that people will be taken to Heaven.

I believe the Bible says "eternal" like timeless but not forever.

I don't believe it does anything for me but then I am already saved but not because I was worried about Hell but because I was worried about this life.


Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth
What if I told you that if I came face to face with Yahweh in the afterlife I would tell him that he is the most evil being that has ever lived even if I thought hell existed.
I would compare this fantasy to a monkey screaming at the sun for being too hot.

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