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What is wrong with Islam?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I can't wait.
I really cannot imagine how an idea like this got traction in the first place without horribly abusing women in the process. You would think a god would understand how easily its words could be misconstrued causing a huge amount of grief for women.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Where is the OT worse on women? The NT is very good towards them and asks husbands to treat wives as themselves.
The NT also tells women to shut up, know their place, be submissive to their husbands, and that they will not be in positions of authority of above men, not in the Apostle Paul's church. Wifes are to obey their husband as the their husband obeys god. That puts a huge wide gap in the hierarchy between men and women. The OT is easily the worst of the three, because in it women, at best, are hardly better than property. You can say, I suppose, that at least Islam does recognize a beauty and strength in the feminine, that it's not totally shameful and embarrassing by its very existence (this coming especially from Christians), even if they too repress it like the other two, worse so with a requirement to cover up than just to dress modest and not adorn themselves with jewelry and makeup or fancy hair styles.
They all suck for the female gender.
Christians know they will go to heaven, so they do not actively seek to die in battle. Big difference.
That depends, and varies by denomination. With pre-destination Calvinist beliefs, for example, everyone is predestined for Heaven or Hell, but the best they do to know is to look for certain signs of favor in their lives (I also think this "bountiful harvest being a sign of being in god's favor" grew into current collecting/hoarding consumer culture that defines success by material acquisitions). Many denominations will fervently remind followers that only God knows, and that it's blasphemy to pretend knowledge of who is and is not going to Heaven or Hell, including themselves, and such arrogance was behind Satan's Rebellion.
1. No, not that I know of. Violence is severely looked down upon
The Baptists around here, they don't promote violence, but they promote the hell out of the idea of martyrdom. Those who suffer for god are glorious, and they lie down and accept violence done to them. This can even be just as bad as actively doing violence, because though they say Jesus tells them to obey their government's laws, they tell their children their glorified heroes defied and opposed the government and was punished for it.

And this "Brother Roloff" was under legal investigation because "his instructional manual that never changes" had him abusing and horribly mistreating girls in these "homes," and refusing to let social workers investigate on the grounds of "freedom of religion."

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se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
The NT also tells women to shut up, know their place, be submissive to their husbands, and that they will not be in positions of authority of above men, not in the Apostle Paul's church. Wifes are to obey their husband as the their husband obeys god. That puts a huge wide gap in the hierarchy between men and women. The OT is easily the worst of the three, because in it women, at best, are hardly better than property. You can say, I suppose, that at least Islam does recognize a beauty and strength in the feminine, that it's not totally shameful and embarrassing by its very existence (this coming especially from Christians), even if they too repress it like the other two, worse so with a requirement to cover up than just to dress modest and not adorn themselves with jewelry and makeup or fancy hair styles.
They all suck for the female gender.

I am a conservative and mostly agree with the idea of traditional family hierarchy and gender roles. So I don't really care. This is a matter of opinion. Being submissive to one's husband doesn't promote wife beating. Domestic abuse and traditional family roles are two different things entirely.

That depends, and varies by denomination. With pre-destination Calvinist beliefs, for example, everyone is predestined for Heaven or Hell, but the best they do to know is to look for certain signs of favor in their lives (I also think this "bountiful harvest being a sign of being in god's favor" grew into current collecting/hoarding consumer culture that defines success by material acquisitions). Many denominations will fervently remind followers that only God knows, and that it's blasphemy to pretend knowledge of who is and is not going to Heaven or Hell, including themselves, and such arrogance was behind Satan's Rebellion.

The whole point of Christianity is salvation. When I talk of Christianity I talk of the Catholic branches; I see Protestants as little better than heretics. Traditional Christianity teaches that in order to go to heaven one has to be a Christian and baptised. This guarantees salvation.

The Baptists around here, they don't promote violence, but they promote the hell out of the idea of martyrdom. Those who suffer for god are glorious, and they lie down and accept violence done to them. This can even be just as bad as actively doing violence, because though they say Jesus tells them to obey their government's laws, they tell their children their glorified heroes defied and opposed the government and was punished for it.

Sucks to be them.


A Free Man
Well, hopefully some male will bond with you and beat you when you are being too arrogant or thwart his superior knowledge as the leader of your household - just to show you how much he really cares.

I guess that is the definition of ‘Tough Love’ in the Islamic world.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
When the person is just concerned to criticize Islam and using false stories and lies as many do here
Many? Perhaps one in every three critics of Islaam, if that many.

and in the anti Islam sources which you and some others find it telling
the truth, not because it tells the truth but because you only blindly hate Islam.
Wrong. Make no mistake. We have done our homework and given Islaam its fair chance.

Sara Thinks

If you don't want to read Quran then don't do It, It's only a reminder. If you don't want to pray 5 times a day then don't do It, It's only a recommendation. If you don't want to read Islamic books then you don't have to do It, It's only a motivation. A motivation for you to remember The Creator.

What is wrong with Islam? Now days there is a lot of criticism about Islamic religion. Terrorist this and terrorist that. There is 0.007% chance that I am a terrorist. Life is a gamble.

I met a soldier at the gym. This is what he tolled me: "When I was in Iraq I looked at the thermometer and It was 150 degrees F, no wonder why those people are so aggressive."

Hot temperatures increase aggression by directly increasing feelings of hostility and indirectly increasing aggressive thoughts.

If you add hot weather with people coming to your nation for oil. What will the outcome be?
Nothing is wrong with Islam. Wrongness, mischief, hostility and corruption is among the people, their mind, action! The Religion Islam cannot be blamed or used to justify any sort of criminal activity done by people who claim to adhere to Islamic principles and morals.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Nothing is wrong with Islam. Wrongness, mischief, hostility and corruption is among the people, their mind, action! The Religion Islam cannot be blamed or used to justify any sort of criminal activity done by people who claim to adhere to Islamic principles and morals.

Which parts of the Quran do you ignore (or severely spin), in order to make such claims? For example do you ignore the wife beating verses? How about the "kill all the Jews" verses? If you don't ignore verses like these, then how do you spin them to make them peaceful?


Premium Member
See liberal Muslims are in a position where they are free to ignore Qur'anic verses that are abhorrent, and do so from a place of intellectual honesty. This comes from seeing the Qur'an as the record by fallible humans of the revelations received by Muhammad. An imperfect record, with other things injected into it. I like liberal Muslims.


Premium Member
Even I read in some researches that women consider this kind of beat as a sign that their husbands still love them
Beating them in their views is kind of consideration and women think still their husbands care about them

I'm surprised about this fact
Seems I need to ask women myself

Well this a pretty horrifying thing to say. Can you express this view normally in your society? Saying things like this openly would make you a social outcast pretty quickly in the area of the world I live in.


Premium Member
When something is possible it means it's not a necessary existent and I will prove later that two necessary existent can't be existed so we have just one necessary existent and everything except for first cause is possible existent .

This relates to Ibn Arabi's discourses on the reality of God and the non-reality of the world?