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Senator Rand Paul Sues Obama Administration

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
It is a non-partisan issue. Progressives have been screaming about warentless government intrusion since well before Obama even took on the project and expanded it, and it is one of the most significant factors that made them aware they'd just voted for more of the same Big Brother crap they had under Bush.


Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I'm surprised Utah is doing that, but I applaud their efforts.
Here is how I see it, all of our freedoms have come under attack.

Progessives are afraid Row vs Wade will be challenged

Conservative are afraid the Second amendment will be challenged

Just about all of us have phones and don't deserve to be spied on.

I would have to think we all could agree with less intrusion in our lives.

Just think how strong the American people could be if we quit fighting among ourselves.

Screw the wedge issues, we need good paying jobs period.

To quote Bill Clinton, "It's about the economy stupid". Let's all agree spying on our phones is wrong and we need jobs and quit squabbling over things we disagree on and get something done.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Here is how I see it, all of our freedoms have come under attack.

Progessives are afraid Row vs Wade will be challenged

Conservative are afraid the Second amendment will be challenged

Just about all of us have phones and don't deserve to be spied on.

I would have to think we all could agree with less intrusion in our lives.

Just think how strong the American people could be if we quit fighting among ourselves.

Screw the wedge issues, we need good paying jobs period.

To quote Bill Clinton, "It's about the economy stupid". Let's all agree spying on our phones is wrong and we need jobs and quit squabbling over things we disagree on and get something done.

I'm in substantial agreement with you, Rick.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
If I have learned anything here at RF, I have found that there are good people on both sides of the political spectrum. If we ever combined forces on some common ground, that would be a great start.

If we used some common sense,(something not so common) we could reach a compromise.

Limit the amount of bullets magazines could hold in the future.

Limit abortion to the first trimester.

Limit who the NSA can track.

Start a path to citizenship including documentation of new arrivals and work permits.

Secure the borders and let folks in the front door instead of sneaking though the back.

Leave the minimum wage rate alone for new hires but give raises for long term employees.

Start making things in America again and limit imports. We need good paying jobs not minimum wage jobs.

Drill baby drill, legalise Pot, workfare not welfare. Line item veto, balance budget amendment......


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
If I have learned anything here at RF, I have found that there are good people on both sides of the political spectrum. If we ever combined forces on some common ground, that would be a great start.

If we used some common sense,(something not so common) we could reach a compromise.

Limit the amount of bullets magazines could hold in the future.

Limit abortion to the first trimester.

Limit who the NSA can track.

Start a path to citizenship including documentation of new arrivals and work permits.

Secure the borders and let folks in the front door instead of sneaking though the back.

Leave the minimum wage rate alone for new hires but give raises for long term employees.

Start making things in America again and limit imports. We need good paying jobs not minimum wage jobs.

Drill baby drill, legalise Pot, workfare not welfare. Line item veto, balance budget amendment......

You know, if you decide to run for Congress or the Oval Office, I'll be there to negotiate lap dances for a price.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I wish this was actually about the issues and he gave a damn rather than this being a political move to further his career.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
If I have learned anything here at RF, I have found that there are good people on both sides of the political spectrum. If we ever combined forces on some common ground, that would be a great start.

I agree

If we used some common sense,(something not so common) we could reach a compromise.

Limit the amount of bullets magazines could hold in the future.

There is "some" bipartisanship on this throughout the country. Not so much in Congress. I don't see magazine size as the real issue.

Limit abortion to the first trimester.

If we're striving for limited and less intrusive government then this is none of their business. There's nothing wrong with the current law. In fact..abortions are at a low in this country. The government needs to stay out of this as well as the fight dealing with contraception.

Limit who the NSA can track.

I agree.

Start a path to citizenship including documentation of new arrivals and work permits.

I agree. The Senate bill has this. We really need to cut out the "pork spending" in the bill.

Secure the borders and let folks in the front door instead of sneaking though the back.

I agree. This is in the Senate bill as well. In fact, under this administration they've deported more illegal immigrants than ever before.

Leave the minimum wage rate alone for new hires but give raises for long term employees.

I strongly disagree. $10.10 is about where we should be if kept up with inflation. Although....a living wage is looking much better.....(not going to happen though).

Check this calculator out...Living Wage Calculator - Introduction to the Living Wage Calculator

Start making things in America again and limit imports. We need good paying jobs not minimum wage jobs.

I agree. The President had a (Make it in America) (Veterans Job Corps Act), an overall Jobs Bill that dealt with infrastructure building/repair and more...


American Jobs Act | The White House

President Obama

Where was Congress on these....Well they pretty much either never took up the bills or the ones they did take up they filibustered or voted them down.

Drill baby drill,

We are. Keystone does nothing for the US long term. Short term it creates some shovel ready jobs. The project isn't going to take long. Long term you're only going to need a fraction of the people for support. We're producing more oil, natural gas and coil here in the US than ever before. Keystone, for instance, will bring tar sands oil out of Canada, into the US to be refined in the US and shipped overseas.

legalise Pot

It's happening...as well as marriage equality that the majority of America supports.

workfare not welfare.

Both are needed. Workfare more than welfare (See Jobs bill above). Put that in place along with the minimum wage hike and get more people off welfare. Wal-Mart workers work..yet many are still getting welfare.

Line item veto

What, letting the President have this power? I raised this question not too long ago here at RF. Since a President isn't a governor I doubt this would ever happen because of separation of powers.

balance budget amendment......

Again, the federal budget is nothing like the states (who actually rely in part on the federal government to balance their books with federal dollars). The federal government dishes out tens of billions to the states for various programs (not solely on the safety net). We give out billions in foreign aid, farm subsidies and corporate welfare.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Are you saying this is his real (& disingenuous) motive?

I find it strange that this is the first and only time he has attempted to sue a president for doing something illegal and I also find it a hard coincidence that it just so happens to be a political opponent that will gain him brownie points for his voter pool. Also he knows probably better than any of us that this court case will go absolutely no where and it is nothing more than a symbolic act rather than attempting to do something.

Its pretty easy to pick up. Do you honestly feel that his motivations are anything other than political?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I find it strange that this is the first and only time he has attempted to sue a president for doing something illegal and I also find it a hard coincidence that it just so happens to be a political opponent that will gain him brownie points for his voter pool. Also he knows probably better than any of us that this court case will go absolutely no where and it is nothing more than a symbolic act rather than attempting to do something.
Its pretty easy to pick up. Do you honestly feel that his motivations are anything other than political?
My money is on his being sincere, since the move is very consistent with a long
held political philosophy.
Will it help him politically? Does he thinks so? I don't know.

But this raises a complementary issue....do those ostensible civil libertarians
who don't sue Obama over the surveillance have disingenuous political motives?
Do they remain inactive because they don't want to rock the party's boat.

Time for a Kurt Vonnegut quote (partial).
(Mother Night is a great book...wickedly funny & tragic.)
“We are what we pretend to be.....”
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Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I think the stress is more than some members can bare that they might find themselves actually agreeing with a TEA party republican over Hillary Clinton, their candidate of choice.

I would like to take this time to point out Rand Paul does not walk lockstep with the republican party. Hillary has done this much better than Rand.

Seriously, will Progressives really vote for her? Have they not learned Obama was not the hope and change they wished for and Hillary will be much worse?

I would think Progressives would be much smarter than to vote any one party reguardless. If they do, they are no better than the folks they rail against.

Actually, I would like to vote Democratic again some day if they would run a decent principled candidate who would work with the other side.

We have become too polarised and is the reason we cannot get anything done any more.

If Hillary is elected, there will be an even bigger backlash and absolutely nothing will get done.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for more of the same only more extreme.


I think the stress is more than some members can bare that they might find themselves actually agreeing with a TEA party republican over Hillary Clinton, their candidate of choice.

I would like to take this time to point out Rand Paul does not walk lockstep with the republican party. Hillary has done this much better than Rand.

Seriously, will Progressives really vote for her? Have they not learned Obama was not the hope and change they wished for and Hillary will be much worse?

I would think Progressives would be much smarter than to vote any one party reguardless. If they do, they are no better than the folks they rail against.

Actually, I would like to vote Democratic again some day if they would run a decent principled candidate who would work with the other side.

We have become too polarised and is the reason we cannot get anything done any more.

If Hillary is elected, there will be an even bigger backlash and absolutely nothing will get done.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for more of the same only more extreme.

What's any of this got to do with Hillary Clinton?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
NO, you are confusing hime with his father Ron Paul who did run for President last election.

Ron Paul had a huge following of young people who were against the wars. Truthfully, Ron Paul was more of a Libritarian who ran as a Republican.

You listen to FOX too much tytlyf. Don't count the TEA Party out, Rand is da man!

Rand Paul is a uniter not a divider. Rand Paul does not tow the party line just like his father.

I guess you are too young to remember the jack boot thugs under Janet Reno and all the inocent people who were harmed.

Just say no to Hillary! If she is YOUR candidate, you will certainly loose!

I don't think our country is ready for 12 consecutive years of Democrats in the highest office.

Jesus, can't you all do any better than the likes of that stupid *****?

Does Rand share the same anti-gay, anti-women, and anti-science stance that most of his fellow republicans hold? Those are deal breakers for me.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Does Rand share the same anti-gay, anti-women, and anti-science stance that most of his fellow republicans hold? Those are deal breakers for me.
Dr. Paul is much more Libertarian than Republican. He does not vote lockstep with Republicans and thinks for himself.

No candidate is going to think exactly the way we would like, but if he was President, it would not be business as usual military complex theology of the past.

I'm not so sure anyone could say that about Hillary.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Dr. Paul is much more Libertarian than Republican. He does not vote lockstep with Republicans and thinks for himself.

No candidate is going to think exactly the way we would like, but if he was President, it would not be business as usual military complex theology of the past.

I'm not so sure anyone could say that about Hillary.

That didn't really answer the question.